| [Kroki](../../../administration/integration/kroki.md#gitlab) | Allow rendering of diagrams in AsciiDoc and Markdown documents using [kroki.io](https://kroki.io). |
| [Kroki](../../../administration/integration/kroki.md#gitlab) | Allow rendering of diagrams in AsciiDoc and Markdown documents using [kroki.io](https://kroki.io). |
| [PlantUML](../../../administration/integration/plantuml.md#gitlab) | Allow rendering of PlantUML diagrams in AsciiDoc documents. |
| [PlantUML](../../../administration/integration/plantuml.md#gitlab) | Allow rendering of PlantUML diagrams in AsciiDoc and Markdown documents. |
| [Slack application](../../../user/project/integrations/gitlab_slack_application.md#configuration)**(FREE ONLY)** | Slack integration allows you to interact with GitLab via slash commands in a chat window. This option is only available on GitLab.com, though it may be [available for self-managed instances in the future](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/28164). |
| [Slack application](../../../user/project/integrations/gitlab_slack_application.md#configuration)**(FREE ONLY)** | Slack integration allows you to interact with GitLab via slash commands in a chat window. This option is only available on GitLab.com, though it may be [available for self-managed instances in the future](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/28164). |
| [Third party offers](third_party_offers.md) | Control the display of third party offers. |
| [Third party offers](third_party_offers.md) | Control the display of third party offers. |
| [Snowplow](../../../development/product_analytics/snowplow.md) | Configure the Snowplow integration. |
| [Snowplow](../../../development/product_analytics/snowplow.md) | Configure the Snowplow integration. |