Commit bb942b98 authored by Tom Quirk's avatar Tom Quirk

Fix import warning in design view test

parent 623d484d
// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`Design management design index page flash container is in correct position in DOM 1`] = `
exports[`Design management design index page flash GlAlert is rendered in correct position with correct content 1`] = `
class="design-detail fixed-top w-100 position-bottom-0 d-flex justify-content-center flex-column flex-lg-row"
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import DesignIndex from 'ee/design_management/pages/design/index.vue';
import DesignDiscussion from 'ee/design_management/components/design_notes/design_discussion.vue';
import DesignReplyForm from 'ee/design_management/components/design_notes/design_reply_form.vue';
import createImageDiffNoteMutation from 'ee/design_management/graphql/mutations/createImageDiffNote.mutation.graphql';
import * as utils from 'ee/design_management/utils/design_management_utils';
import design from '../../mock_data/design';
jest.mock('mousetrap', () => ({
......@@ -191,14 +190,8 @@ describe('Design management design index page', () => {
errorMessage: 'woops',
it('container is in correct position in DOM', () => {
it('GlAlert is rendered in correct position with correct content', () => {
// wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => {
// // tests that `design-detail` class exists on Component container,
// // and that the '.flash-container' element exists and is placed correctly
// expect(wrapper.element).toMatchSnapshot();
// });
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