Commit bddb5335 authored by Luke Duncalfe's avatar Luke Duncalfe

Document the extensions wiki pages must have

parent 577be4eb
......@@ -185,6 +185,14 @@ them like you would do with every other Git repository.
On the right sidebar, click on **Clone repository** and follow the on-screen
Files that you add to your wiki locally must have one of the following
supported extensions, depending on the markup language you wish to use,
otherwise they will not display when pushed to GitLab:
- Markdown extensions: `.mdown`, `.mkd`, `.mkdn`, `.md`, `.markdown`.
- AsciiDoc extensions: `.adoc`, `.ad`, `.asciidoc`.
- Other markup extensions: `.textile`, `.rdoc`, `.org`, `.creole`, `.wiki`, `.mediawiki`, `.rst`.
## Customizing sidebar
On the project's Wiki page, there is a right side navigation that renders the full Wiki pages list by default, with hierarchy.
Markdown is supported
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