DAST_USERNAME_FIELD:session[user]# the name of username field at the sign-in HTML form
DAST_USERNAME_FIELD:session[user]# the name of username field at the sign-in HTML form
DAST_PASSWORD_FIELD:session[password]# the name of password field at the sign-in HTML form
DAST_PASSWORD_FIELD:session[password]# the name of password field at the sign-in HTML form
DAST_AUTH_EXCLUDE_URLS:http://example.com/sign-out,http://example.com/sign-out-2# optional, URLs to skip during the authenticated scan; comma-separated, no spaces in between
DAST_AUTH_EXCLUDE_URLS:http://example.com/sign-out,http://example.com/sign-out-2# optional, URLs to skip during the authenticated scan; comma-separated, no spaces in between