Commit c1b03791 authored by James Edwards-Jones's avatar James Edwards-Jones

EE::ProtectedRefAccess used for Protected Tags

parent d114feb9
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module ProtectedBranchAccess
included do
include ProtectedRefAccess
include EE::ProtectedBranchAccess
include EE::ProtectedRefAccess
belongs_to :protected_branch
......@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ module ProtectedRef
# Returns access levels that grant the specified access type to the given user / group.
access_level_class = const_get("#{type}_access_level".camelize)
scope :"#{type}_access_by_user", -> (user) { access_level_class.joins(:protected_branch).where(protected_branch_id: self.ids).merge(access_level_class.by_user(user)) }
scope :"#{type}_access_by_group", -> (group) { access_level_class.joins(:protected_branch).where(protected_branch_id: self.ids).merge(access_level_class.by_group(group)) }
scope :"#{type}_access_by_user", -> (user) { access_level_class.joins(self.model_name.singular).where("#{self.model_name.singular}_id" => self.ids).merge(access_level_class.by_user(user)) }
scope :"#{type}_access_by_group", -> (group) { access_level_class.joins(self.model_name.singular).where("#{self.model_name.singular}_id" => self.ids).merge(access_level_class.by_group(group)) }
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module ProtectedTagAccess
included do
include ProtectedRefAccess
include EE::ProtectedRefAccess
belongs_to :protected_tag
# EE-specific code related to protected branch access levels.
# EE-specific code related to protected branch/tag access levels.
# Note: Don't directly include this concern into a model class.
# Instead, include `ProtectedBranchAccess`, which in turn includes
# this concern. A number of methods here depend on `ProtectedBranchAccess`
# being next up in the ancestor chain.
# Instead, include `ProtectedBranchAccess` or `ProtectedTagAccess`, which in
# turn include this concern. A number of methods here depend on
# `ProtectedRefAccess` being next up in the ancestor chain.
module EE
module ProtectedBranchAccess
module ProtectedRefAccess
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :group
validates :group_id, uniqueness: { scope: :protected_branch, allow_nil: true }
validates :user_id, uniqueness: { scope: :protected_branch, allow_nil: true }
validates :access_level, uniqueness: { scope: :protected_branch, if: :role?,
protected_type = self.parent.model_name.singular
validates :group_id, uniqueness: { scope: protected_type, allow_nil: true }
validates :user_id, uniqueness: { scope: protected_type, allow_nil: true }
validates :access_level, uniqueness: { scope: protected_type, if: :role?,
conditions: -> { where(user_id: nil, group_id: nil) } }
scope :by_user, -> (user) { where(user: user ) }
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