Commit c1e52059 authored by Thomas Chandelle's avatar Thomas Chandelle

Automatically add new task item with non-breaking spaces

Use `\s` to match the `[[:space:]]` used in ruby
for rendering the task list
parent d18df2cd
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ const LINK_TAG_PATTERN = '[{text}](url)';
// a bullet point character (*+-) and an optional checkbox ([ ] [x])
// OR a number with a . after it and an optional checkbox ([ ] [x])
// followed by one or more whitespace characters
const LIST_LINE_HEAD_PATTERN = /^(?<indent>\s*)(?<leader>((?<isUl>[*+-])|(?<isOl>\d+\.))( \[([xX ])\])?\s)(?<content>.)?/;
const LIST_LINE_HEAD_PATTERN = /^(?<indent>\s*)(?<leader>((?<isUl>[*+-])|(?<isOl>\d+\.))( \[([xX\s])\])?\s)(?<content>.)?/;
// detect a horizontal rule that might be mistaken for a list item (not full pattern for an <hr>)
const HR_PATTERN = /^((\s{0,3}-+\s*-+\s*-+\s*[\s-]*)|(\s{0,3}\*+\s*\*+\s*\*+\s*[\s*]*))$/;
......@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ describe('init markdown', () => {
${'- [ ] item'} | ${'- [ ] item\n- [ ] '}
${'- [x] item'} | ${'- [x] item\n- [ ] '}
${'- [X] item'} | ${'- [X] item\n- [ ] '}
${'- [ ] nbsp (U+00A0)'} | ${'- [ ] nbsp (U+00A0)\n- [ ] '}
${'- item\n - second'} | ${'- item\n - second\n - '}
${'- - -'} | ${'- - -'}
${'- --'} | ${'- --'}
Markdown is supported
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