Commit c6cdd1f8 authored by Derek Knox's avatar Derek Knox Committed by Enrique Alcántara

Group toolbar code icons

Organize inline-code and code-block icons
in the toolbar for subtle IA improvement
parent 82e21e6a
......@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ const TOOLBAR_ITEM_CONFIGS = [
{ isDivider: true },
{ icon: 'quote', command: 'Blockquote', tooltip: __('Insert a quote') },
{ icon: 'link', event: 'openPopupAddLink', tooltip: __('Add a link') },
{ icon: 'doc-code', command: 'CodeBlock', tooltip: __('Insert a code block') },
{ isDivider: true },
{ icon: 'list-bulleted', command: 'UL', tooltip: __('Add a bullet list') },
{ icon: 'list-numbered', command: 'OL', tooltip: __('Add a numbered list') },
......@@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ const TOOLBAR_ITEM_CONFIGS = [
{ icon: 'doc-image', event: CUSTOM_EVENTS.openAddImageModal, tooltip: __('Insert an image') },
{ isDivider: true },
{ icon: 'code', command: 'Code', tooltip: __('Insert inline code') },
{ icon: 'doc-code', command: 'CodeBlock', tooltip: __('Insert a code block') },
export const EDITOR_OPTIONS = {
title: Update Static Site Editor toolbar to group inline-code and code-block buttons together
merge_request: 34006
type: changed
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