Commit c6d1799b authored by Ian Baum's avatar Ian Baum Committed by Richard Clamp

Add notes about architecture to PG HA document

parent 1f95183f
......@@ -620,6 +620,24 @@ the previous section:
the `gitlab` database user
1. [Reconfigure GitLab] for the changes to take effect
## Architecture
![PG HA Architecture](pg_ha_architecture.png)
Database nodes run two services besides PostgreSQL
1. Repmgrd -- monitors the cluster and handles failover in case of an issue with the master
The failover consists of
* Selecting a new master for the cluster
* Promoting the new node to master
* Instructing remaining servers to follow the new master node
On failure, the old master node is automatically evicted from the cluster, and should be rejoined manually once recovered.
1. Consul -- Monitors the status of each node in the database cluster, and tracks its health in a service definiton on the consul cluster.
Alongside pgbouncer, there is a consul agent that watches the status of the PostgreSQL service. If that status changes, consul runs a script which updates the configuration and reloads pgbouncer
## Troubleshooting
### Consul and PostgreSQL changes not taking effect.
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