| <a id="clusteragentid"></a>`id` | [`ID!`](#id) | ID of the cluster agent. |
| <a id="clusteragentid"></a>`id` | [`ID!`](#id) | ID of the cluster agent. |
| <a id="clusteragentname"></a>`name` | [`String`](#string) | Name of the cluster agent. |
| <a id="clusteragentname"></a>`name` | [`String`](#string) | Name of the cluster agent. |
| <a id="clusteragentproject"></a>`project` | [`Project`](#project) | Project this cluster agent is associated with. |
| <a id="clusteragentproject"></a>`project` | [`Project`](#project) | Project this cluster agent is associated with. |
| <a id="clusteragenttokens"></a>`tokens` | [`ClusterAgentTokenConnection`](#clusteragenttokenconnection) | Tokens associated with the cluster agent. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <a id="clusteragentupdatedat"></a>`updatedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp the cluster agent was updated. |
| <a id="clusteragentupdatedat"></a>`updatedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp the cluster agent was updated. |
| <a id="clusteragentwebpath"></a>`webPath` | [`String`](#string) | Web path of the cluster agent. |
| <a id="clusteragentwebpath"></a>`webPath` | [`String`](#string) | Web path of the cluster agent. |