Commit cab2cc12 authored by Fabio Pitino's avatar Fabio Pitino

Merge branch '293722-Rename-DevOps-Report' into 'master'

Re-name "DevOps Report" as "DevOps Reports"

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!81530
parents a8e64e16 d9d5576d
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
= _('Gitaly Servers')
= nav_link(controller: admin_analytics_nav_links) do
= link_to admin_dev_ops_report_path, data: { qa_selector: 'admin_analytics_link' }, class: 'has-sub-items' do
= link_to admin_dev_ops_reports_path, data: { qa_selector: 'admin_analytics_link' }, class: 'has-sub-items' do
= sprite_icon('chart')
......@@ -61,12 +61,12 @@
%ul.sidebar-sub-level-items{ data: { qa_selector: 'admin_sidebar_analytics_submenu_content' } }
= nav_link(controller: admin_analytics_nav_links, html_options: { class: "fly-out-top-item" }) do
= link_to admin_dev_ops_report_path do
= link_to admin_dev_ops_reports_path do
= _('Analytics')
= nav_link(controller: :dev_ops_report) do
= link_to admin_dev_ops_report_path, title: _('DevOps Reports') do
= link_to admin_dev_ops_reports_path, title: _('DevOps Reports') do
= _('DevOps Reports')
= nav_link(controller: :usage_trends) do
data_category: optional
description: Unique visitors to /admin/dev_ops_report by month
description: Unique visitors to /admin/dev_ops_reports by month
product_section: dev
product_stage: manage
product_group: group::optimize
......@@ -105,7 +105,8 @@ namespace :admin do
resources :projects, only: [:index]
resources :usage_trends, only: :index
resource :dev_ops_report, controller: 'dev_ops_report', only: :show
resource :dev_ops_reports, controller: 'dev_ops_report', only: :show
get 'dev_ops_report', to: redirect('admin/dev_ops_reports')
resources :cohorts, only: :index
scope(path: 'projects/*namespace_id',
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ make better product decisions.
There are several other benefits to enabling Service Ping:
- As a benefit of having Service Ping active, GitLab lets you analyze the users' activities over time of your GitLab installation.
- As a benefit of having Service Ping active, GitLab provides you with [DevOps Score](../../user/admin_area/analytics/, which gives you an overview of your entire instance's adoption of Concurrent DevOps from planning to monitoring.
- As a benefit of having Service Ping active, GitLab provides you with [DevOps Score](../../user/admin_area/analytics/, which gives you an overview of your entire instance's adoption of Concurrent DevOps from planning to monitoring.
- You get better, more proactive support (assuming that our TAMs and support organization used the data to deliver more value).
- You get insight and advice into how to get the most value out of your investment in GitLab. Wouldn't you want to know that a number of features or values are not being adopted in your organization?
- You get a report that illustrates how you compare against other similar organizations (anonymized), with specific advice and recommendations on how to improve your DevOps processes.
stage: Manage
group: Optimize
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
redirect_to: ''
remove_date: '2022-06-16'
# DevOps Reports **(FREE SELF)**
This document was moved to [another location](
DevOps Reports give you an overview of your entire instance's adoption of
[Concurrent DevOps](
from planning to monitoring.
To see DevOps Reports:
1. On the top bar, select **Menu > Admin**.
1. On the left sidebar, select **Analytics > DevOps Reports**.
## DevOps Score
> [Renamed]( from Conversational Development Index in GitLab 12.6.
To see the DevOps score, you must activate your GitLab instance's [Service Ping](../settings/ DevOps Score is a comparative tool, so your score data must be centrally processed by GitLab Inc. first.
You can use the DevOps score to compare your DevOps status to other organizations.
The DevOps Score tab displays usage of major GitLab features on your instance over
the last 30 days, averaged over the number of billable users in that time period.
You can also see the Leader usage score, calculated from top-performing instances based on
[Service Ping data](../settings/ that GitLab has collected.
Your score is compared to the lead score of each feature and then expressed
as a percentage at the bottom of said feature. Your overall **DevOps Score** is an average of your
feature scores.
Service Ping data is aggregated on GitLab servers for analysis. Your usage
information is **not sent** to any other GitLab instances.
If you have just started using GitLab, it might take a few weeks for data to be collected before this
feature is available.
## DevOps Adoption **(ULTIMATE SELF)**
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.7 as a [Beta feature](../../../policy/
> - The Overview tab [introduced]( in GitLab 14.1.
> - DAST and SAST metrics [added]( in GitLab 14.1.
> - Fuzz Testing metrics [added]( in GitLab 14.2.
> - Dependency Scanning metrics [added]( in GitLab 14.2.
> - Multi-select [added]( in GitLab 14.2.
> - Overview table [added]( in GitLab 14.3.
DevOps Adoption shows feature adoption for development, security, and operations.
| Category | Feature |
| --- | --- |
| Development | Approvals<br>Code owners<br>Issues<br>Merge requests |
| Security | DAST<br>Dependency Scanning<br>Fuzz Testing<br>SAST |
| Operations | Deployments<br>Pipelines<br>Runners |
You can use Group DevOps Adoption to:
- Identify specific subgroups that are lagging in their adoption of GitLab features, so you can guide them on
their DevOps journey.
- Find subgroups that have adopted certain features, and provide guidance to other subgroups on
how to use those features.
- Verify if you are getting the return on investment that you expected from GitLab.
## Add or remove a group
To add or remove a subgroup from the DevOps Adoption report:
1. Select **Add or remove groups**.
1. Select the subgroup you want to add or remove and select **Save changes**.
![DevOps Adoption](img/admin_devops_adoption_v14_2.png)
<!-- This redirect file can be deleted after <2022-06-16>. -->
<!-- Before deletion, see: -->
stage: Manage
group: Optimize
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# DevOps Reports **(FREE SELF)**
DevOps Reports give you an overview of your entire instance's adoption of
[Concurrent DevOps](
from planning to monitoring.
To see DevOps Reports:
1. On the top bar, select **Menu > Admin**.
1. On the left sidebar, select **Analytics > DevOps Reports**.
## DevOps Score
> [Renamed]( from Conversational Development Index in GitLab 12.6.
To see the DevOps score, you must activate your GitLab instance's [Service Ping](../settings/ DevOps Score is a comparative tool, so your score data must be centrally processed by GitLab Inc. first.
You can use the DevOps score to compare your DevOps status to other organizations.
The DevOps Score tab displays usage of major GitLab features on your instance over
the last 30 days, averaged over the number of billable users in that time period.
You can also see the Leader usage score, calculated from top-performing instances based on
[Service Ping data](../settings/ that GitLab has collected.
Your score is compared to the lead score of each feature and then expressed
as a percentage at the bottom of said feature. Your overall **DevOps Score** is an average of your
feature scores.
Service Ping data is aggregated on GitLab servers for analysis. Your usage
information is **not sent** to any other GitLab instances.
If you have just started using GitLab, it might take a few weeks for data to be collected before this
feature is available.
## DevOps Adoption **(ULTIMATE SELF)**
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.7 as a [Beta feature](../../../policy/
> - The Overview tab [introduced]( in GitLab 14.1.
> - DAST and SAST metrics [added]( in GitLab 14.1.
> - Fuzz Testing metrics [added]( in GitLab 14.2.
> - Dependency Scanning metrics [added]( in GitLab 14.2.
> - Multi-select [added]( in GitLab 14.2.
> - Overview table [added]( in GitLab 14.3.
DevOps Adoption shows feature adoption for development, security, and operations.
| Category | Feature |
| --- | --- |
| Development | Approvals<br>Code owners<br>Issues<br>Merge requests |
| Security | DAST<br>Dependency Scanning<br>Fuzz Testing<br>SAST |
| Operations | Deployments<br>Pipelines<br>Runners |
You can use Group DevOps Adoption to:
- Identify specific subgroups that are lagging in their adoption of GitLab features, so you can guide them on
their DevOps journey.
- Find subgroups that have adopted certain features, and provide guidance to other subgroups on
how to use those features.
- Verify if you are getting the return on investment that you expected from GitLab.
## Add or remove a group
To add or remove a subgroup from the DevOps Adoption report:
1. Select **Add or remove groups**.
1. Select the subgroup you want to add or remove and select **Save changes**.
![DevOps Adoption](img/admin_devops_adoption_v14_2.png)
......@@ -15,5 +15,5 @@ Administrators have access to instance-wide analytics:
There are several kinds of statistics:
- [DevOps Reports]( Provides an overview of your entire instance's feature usage.
- [DevOps Reports]( Provides an overview of your entire instance's feature usage.
- [Usage Trends]( Shows how much data your instance contains, and how that is changing.
data_category: optional
description: Unique visitors to /admin/dev_ops_report by week
description: Unique visitors to /admin/dev_ops_reports by week
product_section: dev
product_stage: manage
product_group: group::optimize
......@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ RSpec.describe 'DevOps Reports page', :js do
it 'shows the tabbed layout' do
visit admin_dev_ops_report_path
visit admin_dev_ops_reports_path
expect(page).to have_selector tabs_selector
it 'shows the correct tabs' do
visit admin_dev_ops_report_path
visit admin_dev_ops_reports_path
within tabs_selector do
expect(page.all(:css, tab_item_selector).length).to be(6)
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'DevOps Reports page', :js do
it 'defaults to the Overview tab' do
visit admin_dev_ops_report_path
visit admin_dev_ops_reports_path
within tabs_selector do
expect(page).to have_selector active_tab_selector, text: 'Overview'
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'DevOps Reports page', :js do
shared_examples 'displays tab content' do |tab|
it "displays the #{tab} tab content when selected" do
visit admin_dev_ops_report_path
visit admin_dev_ops_reports_path
click_link tab
......@@ -72,22 +72,22 @@ RSpec.describe 'DevOps Reports page', :js do
it 'does not add the tab param when the Overview tab is selected' do
visit admin_dev_ops_report_path
visit admin_dev_ops_reports_path
within tabs_selector do
click_link 'Overview'
expect(page).to have_current_path(admin_dev_ops_report_path)
expect(page).to have_current_path(admin_dev_ops_reports_path)
shared_examples 'appends the tab param to the url' do |tab, text|
it "adds the ?tab=#{tab} param when the #{text} tab is selected" do
visit admin_dev_ops_report_path
visit admin_dev_ops_reports_path
click_link text
expect(page).to have_current_path(admin_dev_ops_report_path(tab: tab))
expect(page).to have_current_path(admin_dev_ops_reports_path(tab: tab))
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'DevOps Reports page', :js do
it 'shows the devops core tab when the tab param is set' do
visit admin_dev_ops_report_path(tab: 'devops-score')
visit admin_dev_ops_reports_path(tab: 'devops-score')
within tabs_selector do
expect(page).to have_selector active_tab_selector, text: 'DevOps Score'
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'DevOps Reports page', :js do
context 'the devops score tab' do
it 'has dismissable intro callout' do
visit admin_dev_ops_report_path(tab: 'devops-score')
visit admin_dev_ops_reports_path(tab: 'devops-score')
expect(page).to have_content 'Introducing Your DevOps Reports'
......@@ -122,13 +122,13 @@ RSpec.describe 'DevOps Reports page', :js do
it 'shows empty state' do
visit admin_dev_ops_report_path(tab: 'devops-score')
visit admin_dev_ops_reports_path(tab: 'devops-score')
expect(page).to have_text('Service ping is off')
it 'hides the intro callout' do
visit admin_dev_ops_report_path(tab: 'devops-score')
visit admin_dev_ops_reports_path(tab: 'devops-score')
expect(page).not_to have_content 'Introducing Your DevOps Reports'
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'DevOps Reports page', :js do
it 'shows empty state' do
stub_application_setting(usage_ping_enabled: true)
visit admin_dev_ops_report_path(tab: 'devops-score')
visit admin_dev_ops_reports_path(tab: 'devops-score')
expect(page).to have_content('Data is still calculating')
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'DevOps Reports page', :js do
stub_application_setting(usage_ping_enabled: true)
visit admin_dev_ops_report_path(tab: 'devops-score')
visit admin_dev_ops_reports_path(tab: 'devops-score')
expect(page).to have_selector('[data-testid="devops-score-app"]')
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'DevOps Reports page', :js do
it 'does not show the tabbed layout' do
visit admin_dev_ops_report_path
visit admin_dev_ops_reports_path
expect(page).not_to have_selector tabs_selector
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'DevOps Report page', :js do
it 'has dismissable intro callout' do
visit admin_dev_ops_report_path
visit admin_dev_ops_reports_path
expect(page).to have_content 'Introducing Your DevOps Report'
......@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ RSpec.describe 'DevOps Report page', :js do
it 'shows empty state' do
visit admin_dev_ops_report_path
visit admin_dev_ops_reports_path
expect(page).to have_text('Service ping is off')
it 'hides the intro callout' do
visit admin_dev_ops_report_path
visit admin_dev_ops_reports_path
expect(page).not_to have_content 'Introducing Your DevOps Report'
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'DevOps Report page', :js do
it 'shows empty state' do
stub_application_setting(usage_ping_enabled: true)
visit admin_dev_ops_report_path
visit admin_dev_ops_reports_path
expect(page).to have_content('Data is still calculating')
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'DevOps Report page', :js do
stub_application_setting(usage_ping_enabled: true)
visit admin_dev_ops_report_path
visit admin_dev_ops_reports_path
expect(page).to have_selector('[data-testid="devops-score-app"]')
......@@ -134,10 +134,17 @@ RSpec.describe Admin::HealthCheckController, "routing" do
# admin_dev_ops_report GET /admin/dev_ops_report(.:format) admin/dev_ops_report#show
# admin_dev_ops_reports GET /admin/dev_ops_reports(.:format) admin/dev_ops_report#show
RSpec.describe Admin::DevOpsReportController, "routing" do
it "to #show" do
expect(get("/admin/dev_ops_report")).to route_to('admin/dev_ops_report#show')
expect(get("/admin/dev_ops_reports")).to route_to('admin/dev_ops_report#show')
describe 'admin devops reports' do
include RSpec::Rails::RequestExampleGroup
it 'redirects from /admin/dev_ops_report to /admin/dev_ops_reports' do
expect(get("/admin/dev_ops_report")).to redirect_to(admin_dev_ops_reports_path)
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