Commit cc72b37c authored by Alvin Gounder's avatar Alvin Gounder Committed by Craig Norris

Update doc to get list of tags via rails console

parent 68ee227a
......@@ -865,6 +865,18 @@ these steps:
echo -n "" > list_o_tags.out; for i in {1..N}; do curl --header 'PRIVATE-TOKEN: <PAT>' "<Project_id>/registry/repositories/<container_repo_id>/tags?per_page=100&page=${i}" | jq '.[].name' | sed 's:^.\(.*\).$:\1:' >> list_o_tags.out; done
If you have Rails console access, you can enter the following commands to retrieve a list of tags limited by date:
output = "/tmp/list_o_tags.out","w" )
Project.find(<Project_id>).container_repositories.find(<container_repo_id>).tags.each do |tag|
output << + "\n" if tag.created_at < 1.month.ago
This set of commands creates a `/tmp/list_o_tags.out` file listing all tags with a `created_at` date of older than one month.
1. Remove from the `list_o_tags.out` file any tags that you want to keep. Here are some example
`sed` commands for this. Note that these commands are simply examples. You may change them to
best suit your needs:
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