Commit d06dd53b authored by Heinrich Lee Yu's avatar Heinrich Lee Yu

Fix error when rendering project pipeline status

`project.last_pipeline` always queries the DB for the last pipeline so
the `project.last_pipeline.present?` check does not ensure that
`project.last_pipeline` exists in the next call.

We fix this by saving the last pipeline to a local variable so that
`#present?` and `#detailed_status` are called on the same object.
parent 190f86b5
......@@ -12,9 +12,10 @@
- css_class += " no-description" if project.description.blank? && !show_last_commit_as_description
- cache_key = project_list_cache_key(project, pipeline_status: pipeline_status)
- updated_tooltip = time_ago_with_tooltip(project.last_activity_date)
- show_pipeline_status_icon = pipeline_status && can?(current_user, :read_cross_project) && project.pipeline_status.has_status? && can?(current_user, :read_build, project) && project.last_pipeline.present?
- show_pipeline_status_icon = pipeline_status && can?(current_user, :read_cross_project) && project.pipeline_status.has_status? && can?(current_user, :read_build, project)
- last_pipeline = project.last_pipeline if show_pipeline_status_icon
- css_controls_class = compact_mode ? [] : ["flex-lg-row", "justify-content-lg-between"]
- css_controls_class << "with-pipeline-status" if show_pipeline_status_icon
- css_controls_class << "with-pipeline-status" if show_pipeline_status_icon && last_pipeline.present?
- avatar_container_class = project.creator && use_creator_avatar ? '' : 'rect-avatar'
%li.project-row.d-flex{ class: css_class }
......@@ -68,10 +69,10 @@
.controls.d-flex.flex-sm-column.align-items-center.align-items-sm-end.flex-wrap.flex-shrink-0.text-secondary{ class: css_controls_class.join(" ") }
- if show_pipeline_status_icon
- if show_pipeline_status_icon && last_pipeline.present?
- pipeline_path = pipelines_project_commit_path(project.pipeline_status.project, project.pipeline_status.sha, ref: project.pipeline_status.ref)
= render 'ci/status/icon', status: project.last_pipeline.detailed_status(current_user), tooltip_placement: 'top', path: pipeline_path
= render 'ci/status/icon', status: last_pipeline.detailed_status(current_user), tooltip_placement: 'top', path: pipeline_path
= render_if_exists 'shared/projects/archived', project: project
- if stars
title: Fix rendering of projects when the last pipeline changes during rendering
merge_request: 54651
type: fixed
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