| `notes` | NoteConnection! | All notes on this noteable. |
| `notes` | NoteConnection! | All notes on this noteable. |
| `primaryIdentifier` | VulnerabilityIdentifier | Primary identifier of the vulnerability. |
| `primaryIdentifier` | VulnerabilityIdentifier | Primary identifier of the vulnerability. |
| `project` | Project | The project on which the vulnerability was found. |
| `project` | Project | The project on which the vulnerability was found. |
| `reportType` | VulnerabilityReportType | Type of the security report that found the vulnerability (SAST, DEPENDENCY_SCANNING, CONTAINER_SCANNING, DAST, SECRET_DETECTION, COVERAGE_FUZZING, API_FUZZING) |
| `reportType` | VulnerabilityReportType | Type of the security report that found the vulnerability (SAST, DEPENDENCY_SCANNING, CONTAINER_SCANNING, DAST, SECRET_DETECTION, COVERAGE_FUZZING, API_FUZZING). `Scan Type` in the UI. |
| `resolvedAt` | Time | Timestamp of when the vulnerability state was changed to resolved. |
| `resolvedAt` | Time | Timestamp of when the vulnerability state was changed to resolved. |
| `resolvedBy` | User | The user that resolved the vulnerability. |
| `resolvedBy` | User | The user that resolved the vulnerability. |
| `resolvedOnDefaultBranch` | Boolean! | Indicates whether the vulnerability is fixed on the default branch or not. |
| `resolvedOnDefaultBranch` | Boolean! | Indicates whether the vulnerability is fixed on the default branch or not. |
description: "Type of the security report that found the vulnerability (#{::Enums::Vulnerability.report_types.keys.join(', ').upcase})"
description: "Type of the security report that found the vulnerability (#{::Enums::Vulnerability.report_types.keys.join(', ').upcase}). `Scan Type` in the UI."