Commit d47f9d23 authored by GitLab Bot's avatar GitLab Bot

Add latest changes from gitlab-org/gitlab@master

parent c158fa8d
......@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ class GroupMembersFinder < UnionFinder
relations << descendant_members
return GroupMember.none if relations.empty?
members = find_union(relations, GroupMember)
filter_members(members, params)
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
class Epic < ApplicationRecord
include IgnorableColumns
ignore_column :milestone_id, remove_after: '2019-12-15', remove_with: '12.7'
ignore_column :milestone_id, remove_after: '2020-02-01', remove_with: '12.8'
def self.link_reference_pattern
......@@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ class Project < ApplicationRecord
def has_active_hooks?(hooks_scope = :push_hooks)
hooks.hooks_for(hooks_scope).any? || SystemHook.hooks_for(hooks_scope).any? || Gitlab::Plugin.any?
hooks.hooks_for(hooks_scope).any? || SystemHook.hooks_for(hooks_scope).any? || Gitlab::FileHook.any?
def has_active_services?(hooks_scope = :push_hooks)
......@@ -14,8 +14,12 @@ class Snippet < ApplicationRecord
include Editable
include Gitlab::SQL::Pattern
include FromUnion
include IgnorableColumns
extend ::Gitlab::Utils::Override
ignore_column :storage_version, remove_with: '12.9', remove_after: '2020-03-22'
cache_markdown_field :title, pipeline: :single_line
cache_markdown_field :description
cache_markdown_field :content
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class SystemHooksService
hook.async_execute(data, 'system_hooks')
......@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@
= render 'shared/web_hooks/index', hooks: @hooks, hook_class: @hook.class
= render 'shared/plugins/index'
= render 'shared/file_hooks/index'
- plugins = Gitlab::Plugin.files
- file_hooks = Gitlab::FileHook.files
= _('File Hooks')
#{link_to 'Plugins', help_page_path('administration/plugins')} are similar to
system hooks but are executed as files instead of sending data to a URL.
= _('File hooks are similar to system hooks but are executed as files instead of sending data to a URL.')
= link_to _('For more information, see the File Hooks documentation.'), help_page_path('administration/file_hooks')
- if plugins.any?
- if file_hooks.any?
Plugins (#{plugins.count})
= _('File Hooks (%{count})') % { count: file_hooks.count }
- plugins.each do |file|
- file_hooks.each do |file|
= File.basename(file)
- else
.nothing-here-block No plugins found.
.nothing-here-block= _('No file hooks found.')
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
- pages
- pages_domain_verification
- pages_domain_ssl_renewal
- plugin
- file_hook
- post_receive
- process_commit
- project_cache
# frozen_string_literal: true
class PluginWorker
class FileHookWorker
include ApplicationWorker
sidekiq_options retry: false
feature_category :integrations
def perform(file_name, data)
success, message = Gitlab::Plugin.execute(file_name, data)
success, message = Gitlab::FileHook.execute(file_name, data)
unless success
Gitlab::PluginLogger.error("Plugin Error => #{file_name}: #{message}")
Gitlab::FileHookLogger.error("File Hook Error => #{file_name}: #{message}")
title: 'Resolve Design View: Left/Right keyboard arrows through Designs'
merge_request: 22870
type: added
title: Add returning relation from GroupMembersFinder if called on root group with
only inherited param
merge_request: 23161
type: fixed
title: Allow Unicode 11 emojis in project names
merge_request: 22776
author: Harm Berntsen
type: changed
title: Added Conan installation instructions to Conan package details page
merge_request: 22390
type: added
title: Rename GitLab Plugins feature to GitLab File Hooks
merge_request: 22979
type: changed
title: Remove storage_version column from snippets
merge_request: 23004
type: changed
title: Remove milestone_id from epics
merge_request: 20539
author: Lee Tickett
type: other
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
- [pages_domain_ssl_renewal, 1]
- [object_storage_upload, 1]
- [object_storage, 1]
- [plugin, 1]
- [file_hook, 1]
- [pipeline_background, 1]
- [repository_update_remote_mirror, 1]
- [repository_remove_remote, 1]
# frozen_string_literal: true
class RemoveMilestoneIdFromEpics < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
DOWNTIME = false
def up
remove_column :epics, :milestone_id
def down
add_column :epics, :milestone_id, :integer
# frozen_string_literal: true
class RemoveStorageVersionColumnFromSnippets < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
DOWNTIME = false
def up
return unless column_exists?(:snippets, :storage_version)
remove_column :snippets, :storage_version
def down
add_column_with_default( # rubocop:disable Migration/AddColumnWithDefault
default: 2,
allow_null: false
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
# It's strongly recommended that you check this file into your version control system.
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2020_01_14_180546) do
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2020_01_14_113341) do
# These are extensions that must be enabled in order to support this database
enable_extension "pg_trgm"
......@@ -1538,7 +1538,6 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2020_01_14_180546) do
create_table "epics", id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t|
t.integer "milestone_id"
t.integer "group_id", null: false
t.integer "author_id", null: false
t.integer "assignee_id"
......@@ -1577,7 +1576,6 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2020_01_14_180546) do
t.index ["end_date"], name: "index_epics_on_end_date"
t.index ["group_id"], name: "index_epics_on_group_id"
t.index ["iid"], name: "index_epics_on_iid"
t.index ["milestone_id"], name: "index_milestone"
t.index ["parent_id"], name: "index_epics_on_parent_id"
t.index ["start_date"], name: "index_epics_on_start_date"
t.index ["start_date_sourcing_epic_id"], name: "index_epics_on_start_date_sourcing_epic_id", where: "(start_date_sourcing_epic_id IS NOT NULL)"
......@@ -3838,6 +3836,7 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2020_01_14_180546) do
t.string "encrypted_secret_token_iv", limit: 255
t.boolean "secret", default: false, null: false
t.string "repository_storage", limit: 255, default: "default", null: false
t.integer "storage_version", default: 2, null: false
t.index ["author_id"], name: "index_snippets_on_author_id"
t.index ["content"], name: "index_snippets_on_content_trigram", opclass: :gin_trgm_ops, using: :gin
t.index ["created_at"], name: "index_snippets_on_created_at"
......@@ -4590,7 +4589,6 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2020_01_14_180546) do
add_foreign_key "epics", "epics", column: "start_date_sourcing_epic_id", name: "fk_9d480c64b2", on_delete: :nullify
add_foreign_key "epics", "milestones", column: "due_date_sourcing_milestone_id", name: "fk_3c1fd1cccc", on_delete: :nullify
add_foreign_key "epics", "milestones", column: "start_date_sourcing_milestone_id", name: "fk_1fbed67632", on_delete: :nullify
add_foreign_key "epics", "milestones", on_delete: :nullify
add_foreign_key "epics", "namespaces", column: "group_id", name: "fk_f081aa4489", on_delete: :cascade
add_foreign_key "epics", "users", column: "assignee_id", name: "fk_dccd3f98fc", on_delete: :nullify
add_foreign_key "epics", "users", column: "author_id", name: "fk_3654b61b03", on_delete: :cascade
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ recorded:
- Started/stopped user impersonation
It is possible to filter particular actions by choosing an audit data type from
the filter drop-down. You can further filter by specific group, project or user
the filter dropdown box. You can further filter by specific group, project or user
(for authentication events).
![audit log](img/audit_log.png)
# File hooks
> Introduced in GitLab 10.6.
> Until 12.8 the feature name was Plugins.
With custom file hooks, GitLab administrators can introduce custom integrations
without modifying GitLab's source code.
NOTE: **Note:**
Instead of writing and supporting your own file hook you can make changes
directly to the GitLab source code and contribute back upstream. This way we can
ensure functionality is preserved across versions and covered by tests.
NOTE: **Note:**
File hooks must be configured on the filesystem of the GitLab server. Only GitLab
server administrators will be able to complete these tasks. Explore
[system hooks] or [webhooks] as an option if you do not have filesystem access.
A file hook will run on each event so it's up to you to filter events or projects
within a file hook code. You can have as many file hooks as you want. Each file hook will
be triggered by GitLab asynchronously in case of an event. For a list of events
see the [system hooks] documentation.
## Setup
The file hooks must be placed directly into the `plugins` directory, subdirectories
will be ignored. There is an
[`example` directory inside `plugins`](
where you can find some basic examples.
Follow the steps below to set up a custom hook:
1. On the GitLab server, navigate to the plugin directory.
For an installation from source the path is usually
`/home/git/gitlab/plugins/`. For Omnibus installs the path is
usually `/opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/plugins`.
For [highly available] configurations, your hook file should exist on each
application server.
1. Inside the `plugins` directory, create a file with a name of your choice,
without spaces or special characters.
1. Make the hook file executable and make sure it's owned by the Git user.
1. Write the code to make the file hook function as expected. That can be
in any language, and ensure the 'shebang' at the top properly reflects the
language type. For example, if the script is in Ruby the shebang will
probably be `#!/usr/bin/env ruby`.
1. The data to the file hook will be provided as JSON on STDIN. It will be exactly
same as for [system hooks]
That's it! Assuming the file hook code is properly implemented, the hook will fire
as appropriate. The file hooks file list is updated for each event, there is no
need to restart GitLab to apply a new file hook.
If a file hook executes with non-zero exit code or GitLab fails to execute it, a
message will be logged to:
- `gitlab-rails/plugin.log` in an Omnibus installation.
- `log/plugin.log` in a source installation.
## Creating file hooks
Below is an example that will only response on the event `project_create` and
will inform the admins from the GitLab instance that a new project has been created.
# By using the embedded ruby version we eliminate the possibility that our chosen language
# would be unavailable from
require 'json'
require 'mail'
# The incoming variables are in JSON format so we need to parse it first.
ARGS = JSON.parse(
# We only want to trigger this file hook on the event project_create
return unless ARGS['event_name'] == 'project_create'
# We will inform our admins of our gitlab instance that a new project is created
Mail.deliver do
from ''
to ''
subject "new project " + ARGS['name']
body ARGS['owner_name'] + 'created project ' + ARGS['name']
## Validation
Writing your own file hook can be tricky and it's easier if you can check it
without altering the system. A rake task is provided so that you can use it
in a staging environment to test your file hook before using it in production.
The rake task will use a sample data and execute each of file hook. The output
should be enough to determine if the system sees your file hook and if it was
executed without errors.
# Omnibus installations
sudo gitlab-rake file_hooks:validate
# Installations from source
cd /home/git/gitlab
bundle exec rake file_hooks:validate RAILS_ENV=production
Example of output:
Validating file hooks from /plugins directory
* /home/git/gitlab/plugins/save_to_file.clj succeed (zero exit code)
* /home/git/gitlab/plugins/save_to_file.rb failure (non-zero exit code)
[system hooks]: ../system_hooks/
[webhooks]: ../user/project/integrations/
[highly available]: ./high_availability/
......@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ To add a Prometheus dashboard for a single server GitLab setup:
1. Create a new data source in Grafana.
1. Name your data source i.e GitLab.
1. Select `Prometheus` in the type drop down.
1. Select `Prometheus` in the type dropdown box.
1. Add your Prometheus listen address as the URL and set access to `Browser`.
1. Set the HTTP method to `GET`.
1. Save & Test your configuration to verify that it works.
# GitLab Plugin system
redirect_to: ''
> Introduced in GitLab 10.6.
With custom plugins, GitLab administrators can introduce custom integrations
without modifying GitLab's source code.
NOTE: **Note:**
Instead of writing and supporting your own plugin you can make changes
directly to the GitLab source code and contribute back upstream. This way we can
ensure functionality is preserved across versions and covered by tests.
NOTE: **Note:**
Plugins must be configured on the filesystem of the GitLab server. Only GitLab
server administrators will be able to complete these tasks. Explore
[system hooks] or [webhooks] as an option if you do not have filesystem access.
A plugin will run on each event so it's up to you to filter events or projects
within a plugin code. You can have as many plugins as you want. Each plugin will
be triggered by GitLab asynchronously in case of an event. For a list of events
see the [system hooks] documentation.
## Setup
The plugins must be placed directly into the `plugins` directory, subdirectories
will be ignored. There is an
[`example` directory inside `plugins`](
where you can find some basic examples.
Follow the steps below to set up a custom hook:
1. On the GitLab server, navigate to the plugin directory.
For an installation from source the path is usually
`/home/git/gitlab/plugins/`. For Omnibus installs the path is
usually `/opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/plugins`.
For [highly available] configurations, your hook file should exist on each
application server.
1. Inside the `plugins` directory, create a file with a name of your choice,
without spaces or special characters.
1. Make the hook file executable and make sure it's owned by the Git user.
1. Write the code to make the plugin function as expected. That can be
in any language, and ensure the 'shebang' at the top properly reflects the
language type. For example, if the script is in Ruby the shebang will
probably be `#!/usr/bin/env ruby`.
1. The data to the plugin will be provided as JSON on STDIN. It will be exactly
same as for [system hooks]
That's it! Assuming the plugin code is properly implemented, the hook will fire
as appropriate. The plugins file list is updated for each event, there is no
need to restart GitLab to apply a new plugin.
If a plugin executes with non-zero exit code or GitLab fails to execute it, a
message will be logged to:
- `gitlab-rails/plugin.log` in an Omnibus installation.
- `log/plugin.log` in a source installation.
## Creating plugins
Below is an example that will only response on the event `project_create` and
will inform the admins from the GitLab instance that a new project has been created.
# By using the embedded ruby version we eliminate the possibility that our chosen language
# would be unavailable from
require 'json'
require 'mail'
# The incoming variables are in JSON format so we need to parse it first.
ARGS = JSON.parse(
# We only want to trigger this plugin on the event project_create
return unless ARGS['event_name'] == 'project_create'
# We will inform our admins of our gitlab instance that a new project is created
Mail.deliver do
from ''
to ''
subject "new project " + ARGS['name']
body ARGS['owner_name'] + 'created project ' + ARGS['name']
## Validation
Writing your own plugin can be tricky and it's easier if you can check it
without altering the system. A rake task is provided so that you can use it
in a staging environment to test your plugin before using it in production.
The rake task will use a sample data and execute each of plugin. The output
should be enough to determine if the system sees your plugin and if it was
executed without errors.
# Omnibus installations
sudo gitlab-rake plugins:validate
# Installations from source
cd /home/git/gitlab
bundle exec rake plugins:validate RAILS_ENV=production
Example of output:
Validating plugins from /plugins directory
* /home/git/gitlab/plugins/save_to_file.clj succeed (zero exit code)
* /home/git/gitlab/plugins/save_to_file.rb failure (non-zero exit code)
[system hooks]: ../system_hooks/
[webhooks]: ../user/project/integrations/
[highly available]: ./high_availability/
This document was moved to [File Hooks](, after the Plugins feature was renamed to File Hooks.
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ To enable or disable GitLab CI/CD Pipelines in your project:
- **Private**: Only project members can access pipelines.
- **Internal** or **Public**: Pipelines can be set to either **Only Project Members**
or **Everyone With Access** via the drop-down box.
or **Everyone With Access** via the dropdown box.
Press **Save changes** for the settings to take effect.
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ Once the database is created, connect to your new RDS instance to verify access
and to install a required extension.
You can find the host or endpoint by selecting the instance you just created and
after the details drop down you'll find it labeled as 'Endpoint'. Do not to
after the details dropdown menu you'll find it labeled as 'Endpoint'. Do not to
include the colon and port number:
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ connections:
![Azure - Add inbound security rules - HTTP](img/azure-add-inbound-sec-rule-http.png)
1. Enter **"HTTP"** in the `Name` field
1. Select **HTTP** from the options in the `Service` drop-down
1. Select **HTTP** from the options in the `Service` dropdown list
1. Make sure the `Action` is set to **Allow**
1. Click **"OK"**
......@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ accept [SSH] connections:
![Azure - Add inbound security rules - SSH](img/azure-add-inbound-sec-rule-ssh.png)
1. Enter **"SSH"** in the `Name` field
1. Select **SSH** from the options in the `Service` drop-down
1. Select **SSH** from the options in the `Service` dropdown list
1. Make sure the `Action` is set to **Allow**
1. Click **"OK"**
......@@ -269,6 +269,15 @@ it highlighted:
"remediations": [
"fixes": [
"cve": "debian:9:apt:CVE-2019-3462"
"summary": "Upgrade apt from 1.4.8 to 1.4.9",
"diff": "YXB0LWdldCB1cGRhdGUgJiYgYXB0LWdldCB1cGdyYWRlIC15IGFwdA=="
......@@ -305,7 +314,11 @@ the report JSON unless stated otherwise. Presence of optional fields depends on
| `vulnerabilities[].links` | An array of references to external documentation pieces or articles that describe the vulnerability further. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].links[].name` | Name of the vulnerability details link. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].links[].url` | URL of the vulnerability details document. Optional. |
| `remediations` | Not supported yet. |
| `remediations` | An array of objects containing information on cured vulnerabilities along with patch diffs to apply. Empty if no remediations provided by an underlying analyzer. |
| `remediations[].fixes` | An array of strings that represent references to vulnerabilities fixed by this particular remediation. |
| `remediations[].fixes[].cve` | A string value that describes a fixed vulnerability occurrence in the same format as `vulnerabilities[].cve`. |
| `remediations[].summary` | Overview of how the vulnerabilities have been fixed. |
| `remediations[].diff` | base64-encoded remediation code diff, compatible with [`git apply`]( |
## Troubleshooting
......@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ Designs cannot be added if the issue has been moved, or its
## Viewing designs
Images on the Design Management page can be enlarged by clicking on them.
You can navigate through designs by clicking on the navigation buttons on the
top-right corner or with <kbd>Left</kbd>/<kbd>Right</kbd> keyboard buttons.
The number of comments on a design — if any — is listed to the right
of the design filename. Clicking on this number enlarges the design
......@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ module Gitlab
include SelfMonitoring::Helpers
steps :validate_self_monitoring_project_exists,
def initialize
......@@ -30,29 +29,16 @@ module Gitlab
def destroy_project_owner(result)
def destroy_project(result)
return success(result) unless project_created?
if self_monitoring_project.owner.destroy
if self_monitoring_project.destroy
error(_('Error deleting project. Check logs for error details.'))
def delete_project_id(result)
update_result = application_settings.update(
instance_administration_project_id: nil
if update_result
log_error("Could not delete self monitoring project ID, errors: %{errors}" % { errors: application_settings.errors.full_messages })
error(_('Could not delete project ID'))
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Gitlab
module Plugin
module FileHook
def self.any?
plugin_glob.any? { |entry| File.file?(entry) }
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module Gitlab
def self.execute_all_async(data)
args = { |file| [file, data] }
def self.execute(file, data)
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Gitlab
class PluginLogger < Gitlab::Logger
class FileHookLogger < Gitlab::Logger
def self.file_name_noext
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module Gitlab
extend self
def project_name_regex
@project_name_regex ||= /\A[\p{Alnum}\u{00A9}-\u{1f9c0}_][\p{Alnum}\p{Pd}\u{00A9}-\u{1f9c0}_\. ]*\z/.freeze
@project_name_regex ||= /\A[\p{Alnum}\u{00A9}-\u{1f9ff}_][\p{Alnum}\p{Pd}\u{00A9}-\u{1f9ff}_\. ]*\z/.freeze
def project_name_regex_message
namespace :plugins do
namespace :file_hooks do
desc 'Validate existing plugins'
task validate: :environment do
puts 'Validating plugins from /plugins directory'
puts 'Validating file hooks from /plugins directory'
Gitlab::Plugin.files.each do |file|
success, message = Gitlab::Plugin.execute(file, Gitlab::DataBuilder::Push::SAMPLE_DATA)
Gitlab::FileHook.files.each do |file|
success, message = Gitlab::FileHook.execute(file, Gitlab::DataBuilder::Push::SAMPLE_DATA)
if success
puts "* #{file} succeed (zero exit code)."
......@@ -5187,9 +5187,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Could not delete chat nickname %{chat_name}."
msgstr ""
msgid "Could not delete project ID"
msgstr ""
msgid "Could not fetch projects"
msgstr ""
......@@ -7992,6 +7989,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fetching licenses failed. You are not permitted to perform this action."
msgstr ""
msgid "File Hooks"
msgstr ""
msgid "File Hooks (%{count})"
msgstr ""
msgid "File added"
msgstr ""
......@@ -8001,6 +8004,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File deleted"
msgstr ""
msgid "File hooks are similar to system hooks but are executed as files instead of sending data to a URL."
msgstr ""
msgid "File mode changed from %{a_mode} to %{b_mode}"
msgstr ""
......@@ -8166,6 +8172,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "For more information, please review %{link_start_tag}Jaeger's configuration doc%{link_end_tag}"
msgstr ""
msgid "For more information, see the File Hooks documentation."
msgstr ""
msgid "For more information, see the documentation on %{deactivating_usage_ping_link_start}deactivating the usage ping%{deactivating_usage_ping_link_end}."
msgstr ""
......@@ -12203,6 +12212,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "No file chosen"
msgstr ""
msgid "No file hooks found."
msgstr ""
msgid "No file selected"
msgstr ""
......@@ -12775,6 +12787,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Package was removed"
msgstr ""
msgid "PackageRegistry|Add Conan Remote"
msgstr ""
msgid "PackageRegistry|Conan Command"
msgstr ""
msgid "PackageRegistry|Copy Conan Command"
msgstr ""
msgid "PackageRegistry|Copy Conan Setup Command"
msgstr ""
msgid "PackageRegistry|Copy Maven XML"
msgstr ""
......@@ -12805,6 +12829,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "PackageRegistry|Delete package"
msgstr ""
msgid "PackageRegistry|For more information on the Conan registry, %{linkStart}see the documentation%{linkEnd}."
msgstr ""
msgid "PackageRegistry|For more information on the Maven registry, %{linkStart}see the documentation%{linkEnd}."
msgstr ""
......@@ -18642,6 +18669,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "There was an error while fetching cycle analytics duration data."
msgstr ""
msgid "There was an error while fetching cycle analytics duration median data."
msgstr ""
msgid "There was an error while fetching cycle analytics summary data."
msgstr ""
......@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ describe 'Admin::Hooks' do
it 'renders plugins list as well' do
allow(Gitlab::Plugin).to receive(:files).and_return(['foo.rb', 'bar.clj'])
allow(Gitlab::FileHook).to receive(:files).and_return(['foo.rb', 'bar.clj'])
visit admin_hooks_path
expect(page).to have_content('Plugins')
expect(page).to have_content('File Hooks')
expect(page).to have_content('foo.rb')
expect(page).to have_content('bar.clj')
......@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ describe 'Projects > Settings > User renames a project' do
context 'with emojis' do
it 'shows error for invalid project name' do
change_name(project, '🚀 foo bar ☁️')
expect(page).to have_field 'Project name', with: '🚀 foo bar ☁️'
change_name(project, '🧮 foo bar ☁️')
expect(page).to have_field 'Project name', with: '🧮 foo bar ☁️'
expect(page).not_to have_content "Name can contain only letters, digits, emojis '_', '.', dash and space. It must start with letter, digit, emoji or '_'."
......@@ -57,6 +57,14 @@ describe GroupMembersFinder, '#execute' do
expect(result.to_a).to match_array([member1])
it 'does not return nil if `inherited only` relation is requested on root group' do
result = [:inherited])
expect(result).not_to be_nil
it 'returns members for descendant groups if requested' do
member1 = group.add_maintainer(user2)
member2 = group.add_maintainer(user1)
......@@ -71,25 +79,41 @@ describe GroupMembersFinder, '#execute' do
it 'returns searched members if requested' do
member = group.add_maintainer(user1)
result = [:direct, :descendants], params: { search: })
result = { search: })
expect(result.to_a).to match_array([member])
it 'returns nothing if search only in inherited relation' do
result = [:inherited], params: { search: })
expect(result.to_a).to match_array([])
it 'returns searched member only from nested_group if search only in inherited relation' do
nested_group.add_maintainer(create(:user, name:
member = group.add_maintainer(user1)
result = [:inherited], params: { search: })
expect(result.to_a).to contain_exactly(member)
it 'returns members with two-factor auth if requested by owner' do
member = group.add_maintainer(user5)
result =, user2).execute(include_relations: [:direct, :descendants], params: { two_factor: 'enabled' })
result =, user2).execute(params: { two_factor: 'enabled' })
expect(result.to_a).to contain_exactly(member)
......@@ -97,14 +121,11 @@ describe GroupMembersFinder, '#execute' do
it 'returns members without two-factor auth if requested by owner' do
member1 = group.add_owner(user2)
member2 = group.add_maintainer(user1)
member3 = nested_group.add_maintainer(user3)
member4 = nested_group.add_maintainer(user4)
member_with_2fa = group.add_maintainer(user5)
result =, user2).execute(include_relations: [:direct, :descendants], params: { two_factor: 'disabled' })
result =, user2).execute(params: { two_factor: 'disabled' })
expect(result.to_a).not_to include(member_with_2fa)
expect(result.to_a).to match_array([member1, member2, member3, member4])
expect(result.to_a).to match_array([member1, member2])
......@@ -4,12 +4,8 @@ require 'spec_helper'
describe Gitlab::DatabaseImporters::SelfMonitoring::Project::DeleteService do
describe '#execute' do
let!(:application_setting) { create(:application_setting) }
let(:result) { subject.execute }
let(:application_setting) { Gitlab::CurrentSettings.current_application_settings }
before do
allow(ApplicationSetting).to receive(:current_without_cache) { application_setting }
context 'when project does not exist' do
it 'returns error' do
......@@ -21,24 +17,16 @@ describe Gitlab::DatabaseImporters::SelfMonitoring::Project::DeleteService do
context 'with project destroyed but ID still present in application settings' do
before do
application_setting.instance_administration_project_id = 1
it 'deletes project ID from application settings' do
expect(application_setting.instance_administration_project_id).to be_nil
context 'when self monitoring project exists' do
let(:group) { create(:group) }
let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: group) }
before do
application_setting.instance_administration_project = project
let(:application_setting) do
it 'destroys project' do
......@@ -50,7 +38,13 @@ describe Gitlab::DatabaseImporters::SelfMonitoring::Project::DeleteService do
it 'deletes project ID from application settings' do
expect(application_setting.instance_administration_project_id).to be_nil
expect(application_setting.reload.instance_administration_project_id).to be_nil
it 'does not delete group' do
expect(application_setting.instance_administrators_group).to eq(group)
......@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Gitlab::Plugin do
let(:plugin) { Rails.root.join('plugins', 'test.rb') }
let(:tmp_file) {'plugin-dump') }
describe Gitlab::FileHook do
let(:file_hook) { Rails.root.join('plugins', 'test.rb') }
let(:tmp_file) {'file_hook-dump') }
let(:plugin_source) do
let(:file_hook_source) do
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
x =
......@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ describe Gitlab::Plugin do
context 'with plugins present' do
context 'with file_hooks present' do
before do
File.write(plugin, plugin_source)
File.write(file_hook, file_hook_source)
after do
describe '.any?' do
......@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ describe Gitlab::Plugin do
describe '.files?' do
it 'returns a list of plugins' do
expect(described_class.files).to match_array([plugin.to_s])
it 'returns a list of file_hooks' do
expect(described_class.files).to match_array([file_hook.to_s])
context 'without any plugins' do
context 'without any file_hooks' do
describe '.any?' do
it 'returns false' do
expect(described_class.any?).to be false
......@@ -52,21 +52,21 @@ describe Gitlab::Plugin do
describe '.execute' do
let(:data) { Gitlab::DataBuilder::Push::SAMPLE_DATA }
let(:result) { described_class.execute(plugin.to_s, data) }
let(:result) { described_class.execute(file_hook.to_s, data) }
let(:success) { result.first }
let(:message) { result.last }
before do
File.write(plugin, plugin_source)
File.write(file_hook, file_hook_source)
after do
context 'successful execution' do
before do
File.chmod(0o777, plugin)
File.chmod(0o777, file_hook)
after do
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ describe Gitlab::Plugin do
it { expect(success).to be true }
it { expect(message).to be_empty }
it 'ensures plugin received data via stdin' do
it 'ensures file_hook received data via stdin' do
expect( eq(data.to_json)
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ describe Gitlab::Plugin do
context 'non-zero exit' do
let(:plugin_source) do
let(:file_hook_source) do
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
exit 1
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ describe Gitlab::Plugin do
before do
File.chmod(0o777, plugin)
File.chmod(0o777, file_hook)
it { expect(success).to be false }
......@@ -4745,7 +4745,7 @@ describe Project do
it 'returns true when a plugin exists' do
expect(Gitlab::Plugin).to receive(:any?).twice.and_return(true)
expect(Gitlab::FileHook).to receive(:any?).twice.and_return(true)
expect(project.has_active_hooks?(:merge_request_events)).to be_truthy
expect(project.has_active_hooks?).to be_truthy
......@@ -2,25 +2,25 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe PluginWorker do
describe FileHookWorker do
include RepoHelpers
let(:filename) { 'my_plugin.rb' }
let(:filename) { 'my_file_hook.rb' }
let(:data) { { 'event_name' => 'project_create' } }
subject { }
describe '#perform' do
it 'executes Gitlab::Plugin with expected values' do
allow(Gitlab::Plugin).to receive(:execute).with(filename, data).and_return([true, ''])
it 'executes Gitlab::FileHook with expected values' do
allow(Gitlab::FileHook).to receive(:execute).with(filename, data).and_return([true, ''])
expect(subject.perform(filename, data)).to be_truthy
it 'logs message in case of plugin execution failure' do
allow(Gitlab::Plugin).to receive(:execute).with(filename, data).and_return([false, 'permission denied'])
it 'logs message in case of file_hook execution failure' do
allow(Gitlab::FileHook).to receive(:execute).with(filename, data).and_return([false, 'permission denied'])
expect(Gitlab::PluginLogger).to receive(:error)
expect(Gitlab::FileHookLogger).to receive(:error)
expect(subject.perform(filename, data)).to be_truthy
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