Commit d9cd4d65 authored by Alex Kalderimis's avatar Alex Kalderimis

Enforce :read_commit_status on CiJob

This applies the :read_commit_status policy to the `CiJob` GraphQL
entities, which are `CommitStatus` objects.

This policy guards against information exposure, and we can apply this
now that `CiJob.needs` has the correct type.

A test is added to ensure we read all fields of `CiBuildNeed` during
tests, to prevent regressions.
parent 173bc9f9
......@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
module Types
module Ci
# rubocop: disable Graphql/AuthorizeTypes
class JobType < BaseObject
graphql_name 'CiJob'
authorize :read_commit_status
field :pipeline, Types::Ci::PipelineType, null: true,
description: 'Pipeline the job belongs to'
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe Types::Ci::JobType do
specify { expect(described_class.graphql_name).to eq('CiJob') }
specify { expect(described_class).to require_graphql_authorizations(:read_commit_status) }
it 'exposes the expected fields' do
expected_fields = %i[
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