=link_toreset_access_group_ldap_path(@group),class: 'btn btn-grouped',data: {confirm: "Force GitLab to do LDAP permission checks for all group members? All members besides yourself will be reduced to 'Guest' access until their next interaction with GitLab."},method: :putdo
Clear LDAP permission cache
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
The members of this group are sync with LDAP.
The members of this group are managed using LDAP and cannot be added, changed or removed here.
Because LDAP permissions in GitLab get updated one user at a time and because GitLab caches LDAP check results, changes on your LDAP server or in this group's LDAP sync settings may take up to #{Gitlab.config.ldap['sync_time']}s to show in the list below.