Commit dc6c2412 authored by Amy Qualls's avatar Amy Qualls

Merge branch 'docs-git-basics-jonstonchan' into 'master'

Docs: Git basics - JonstonChan's contribution

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!50493
parents 210488cd 29ae248f
......@@ -167,14 +167,13 @@ original repository if you'd like.
### Download vs clone
To create a copy of a remote repository files on your computer, you can either
**download** or **clone** it. If you download it, you cannot sync it with the
To create a copy of a remote repository's files on your computer, you can either
**download** or **clone**. If you download, you cannot sync it with the
remote repository on GitLab.
On the other hand, by cloning a repository, you'll download a copy of its
files to your local computer, but preserve the Git connection with the remote
repository, so that you can work on the its files on your computer and then
upload the changes to GitLab.
Cloning a repository is the same as downloading, except it preserves the Git connection
with the remote repository. This allows you to modify the files locally and
upload the changes to the remote repository on GitLab.
### Pull and push
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