| <aid="mutationgroupsharedrunnerssettingupdateclientmutationid"></a>`clientMutationId` | [`String`](#string) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
| <aid="mutationgroupsharedrunnerssettingupdatefullpath"></a>`fullPath` | [`ID!`](#id) | Full path of the group that will be updated. |
| <aid="mutationgroupsharedrunnerssettingupdatesharedrunnerssetting"></a>`sharedRunnersSetting` | [`SharedRunnersSetting!`](#sharedrunnerssetting) | Shared runners availability for the namespace and its descendants. |
| <aid="mutationgroupupdateclientmutationid"></a>`clientMutationId` | [`String`](#string) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
| <aid="mutationgroupupdatefullpath"></a>`fullPath` | [`ID!`](#id) | Full path of the group that will be updated. |
| <aid="mutationgroupupdatesharedrunnerssetting"></a>`sharedRunnersSetting` | [`SharedRunnersSetting!`](#sharedrunnerssetting) | Shared runners availability for the namespace and its descendants. |
#### Fields
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="mutationgroupsharedrunnerssettingupdateclientmutationid"></a>`clientMutationId` | [`String`](#string) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
| <aid="mutationgroupsharedrunnerssettingupdateerrors"></a>`errors` | [`[String!]!`](#string) | Errors encountered during execution of the mutation. |
| <aid="mutationgroupupdateclientmutationid"></a>`clientMutationId` | [`String`](#string) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
| <aid="mutationgroupupdateerrors"></a>`errors` | [`[String!]!`](#string) | Errors encountered during execution of the mutation. |
| <aid="mutationgroupupdategroup"></a>`group` | [`Group`](#group) | The group after update. |