Commit de4cfbba authored by Andrew Fontaine's avatar Andrew Fontaine

Generate Deeply Nested Frontend Fixtures

The original default pattern, `frontend/fixtures/*.rb`, only searches in
the `fixtures` directory for rspec files. `**/*.rb` is needed to find
rspec files in nested directories, such as those in the
`ee/spec/frontend/fixtures/analytics` folder.
parent f192d901
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ unless Rails.env.production?
directories = %w[spec]
directories << 'ee/spec' if
directory_glob = "{#{directories.join(',')}}"
args.with_defaults(pattern: "#{directory_glob}/frontend/fixtures/*.rb")
args.with_defaults(pattern: "#{directory_glob}/frontend/fixtures/**/*.rb")
ENV['NO_KNAPSACK'] = 'true'
t.pattern = args[:pattern]
t.rspec_opts = '--format documentation'
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