Commit e2aa3325 authored by Felipe Artur's avatar Felipe Artur

Improve batch size

parent 362d56e6
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# == IssuableStates concern
# Defines statuses shared by issuables which are persisted on state column
# Defines states shared by issuables which are persisted on state_id column
# using the state machine.
# Used by EE::Epic, Issue and MergeRequest
......@@ -14,10 +14,6 @@ module IssuableStates
# Check MergeRequest::AVAILABLE_STATES
AVAILABLE_STATES = { opened: 1, closed: 2 }.freeze
included do
before_save :set_state_id
class_methods do
def states
@states ||=
......@@ -26,7 +22,11 @@ module IssuableStates
# The state:string column is being migrated to state_id:integer column
# This is a temporary hook to populate state_id column with new values
# and can be removed after the complete migration is done.
# and can be removed after the state column is removed.
included do
before_save :set_state_id
def set_state_id
return if state.nil? || state.empty?
......@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ class MergeRequest < ActiveRecord::Base
self.reactive_cache_lifetime = 10.minutes
SORTING_PREFERENCE_FIELD = :merge_requests_sort
AVAILABLE_STATES = AVAILABLE_STATES.merge(merged: 3, locked: 4).freeze
ignore_column :locked_at,
......@@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ class AddStateIdToIssuables < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
DOWNTIME = false
MIGRATION = 'SyncIssuablesStateId'.freeze
# TODO - find out how many issues and merge requests in production
# to adapt the batch size and delay interval
# Keep in mind that the migration will be scheduled for issues and merge requests.
# 2019-02-12 issuable numbers
# issues count: 13587305
# merge requests count: 18925274
# Using this 50000 as batch size should take around 13 hours
# to migrate both issues and merge requests
BATCH_SIZE = 50000
DELAY_INTERVAL = 5.minutes.to_i
class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
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