Commit e388e780 authored by Valery Sizov's avatar Valery Sizov Committed by Douglas Barbosa Alexandre

Geo: Improvements to SSF guides

Changef migrations and models
parent 28ea4f63
......@@ -130,25 +130,23 @@ The Geo primary site needs to checksum every replicable so secondaries can verif
FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widget_states_failed_verification"
NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widget_states_needs_verification"
def up
with_lock_retries do
create_table :cool_widget_states, id: false do |t|
t.references :cool_widget, primary_key: true, null: false, foreign_key: { on_delete: :cascade }
t.integer :verification_state, default: 0, limit: 2, null: false
t.column :verification_started_at, :datetime_with_timezone
t.datetime_with_timezone :verification_retry_at
t.datetime_with_timezone :verified_at
t.integer :verification_retry_count, limit: 2
t.binary :verification_checksum, using: 'verification_checksum::bytea'
t.text :verification_failure, limit: 255
t.index :verification_state, name: VERIFICATION_STATE_INDEX_NAME
t.index :verified_at, where: "(verification_state = 0)", order: { verified_at: 'ASC NULLS FIRST' }, name: PENDING_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
t.index :verification_retry_at, where: "(verification_state = 3)", order: { verification_retry_at: 'ASC NULLS FIRST' }, name: FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
t.index :verification_state, where: "(verification_state = 0 OR verification_state = 3)", name: NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
create_table :cool_widget_states, id: false do |t|
t.datetime_with_timezone :verification_started_at
t.datetime_with_timezone :verification_retry_at
t.datetime_with_timezone :verified_at
t.references :cool_widget, primary_key: true, null: false, foreign_key: { on_delete: :cascade }
t.integer :verification_state, default: 0, limit: 2, null: false
t.integer :verification_retry_count, limit: 2
t.binary :verification_checksum, using: 'verification_checksum::bytea'
t.text :verification_failure, limit: 255
t.index :verification_state, name: VERIFICATION_STATE_INDEX_NAME
t.index :verified_at, where: "(verification_state = 0)", order: { verified_at: 'ASC NULLS FIRST' }, name: PENDING_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
t.index :verification_retry_at, where: "(verification_state = 3)", order: { verification_retry_at: 'ASC NULLS FIRST' }, name: FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
t.index :verification_state, where: "(verification_state = 0 OR verification_state = 3)", name: NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
......@@ -489,7 +487,7 @@ That's all of the required database changes.
module Geo
class CoolWidgetState < ApplicationRecord
include EachBatch
self.primary_key = :cool_widget_id
belongs_to :cool_widget, inverse_of: :cool_widget_state
......@@ -132,25 +132,23 @@ The Geo primary site needs to checksum every replicable so secondaries can verif
FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widget_states_failed_verification"
NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widget_states_needs_verification"
def up
with_lock_retries do
create_table :cool_widget_states, id: false do |t|
t.references :cool_widget, primary_key: true, null: false, foreign_key: { on_delete: :cascade }
t.integer :verification_state, default: 0, limit: 2, null: false
t.column :verification_started_at, :datetime_with_timezone
t.datetime_with_timezone :verification_retry_at
t.datetime_with_timezone :verified_at
t.integer :verification_retry_count, limit: 2
t.binary :verification_checksum, using: 'verification_checksum::bytea'
t.text :verification_failure, limit: 255
t.index :verification_state, name: VERIFICATION_STATE_INDEX_NAME
t.index :verified_at, where: "(verification_state = 0)", order: { verified_at: 'ASC NULLS FIRST' }, name: PENDING_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
t.index :verification_retry_at, where: "(verification_state = 3)", order: { verification_retry_at: 'ASC NULLS FIRST' }, name: FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
t.index :verification_state, where: "(verification_state = 0 OR verification_state = 3)", name: NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
create_table :cool_widget_states, id: false do |t|
t.datetime_with_timezone :verification_started_at
t.datetime_with_timezone :verification_retry_at
t.datetime_with_timezone :verified_at
t.references :cool_widget, primary_key: true, null: false, foreign_key: { on_delete: :cascade }
t.integer :verification_state, default: 0, limit: 2, null: false
t.integer :verification_retry_count, limit: 2
t.binary :verification_checksum, using: 'verification_checksum::bytea'
t.text :verification_failure, limit: 255
t.index :verification_state, name: VERIFICATION_STATE_INDEX_NAME
t.index :verified_at, where: "(verification_state = 0)", order: { verified_at: 'ASC NULLS FIRST' }, name: PENDING_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
t.index :verification_retry_at, where: "(verification_state = 3)", order: { verification_retry_at: 'ASC NULLS FIRST' }, name: FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
t.index :verification_state, where: "(verification_state = 0 OR verification_state = 3)", name: NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
......@@ -453,7 +451,7 @@ That's all of the required database changes.
module Geo
class CoolWidgetState < ApplicationRecord
include EachBatch
self.primary_key = :cool_widget_id
belongs_to :cool_widget, inverse_of: :cool_widget_state
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