Commit e69d40a4 authored by Sarah GP's avatar Sarah GP

Remove outdated shim notes

parent f8ed6ad8
......@@ -491,7 +491,8 @@ img.emoji {
🚨 Do not use these classes — they are deprecated and being removed. 🚨
See for more details.
Instead, if you need a spacing class, add it below using the following values.
Instead, if you need a spacing class, please use one from Gitlab UI — — which uses the following scale.
$gl-spacing-scale-0: 0;
$gl-spacing-scale-1: 2px;
$gl-spacing-scale-2: 4px;
......@@ -506,14 +507,6 @@ img.emoji {
$gl-spacing-scale-11: 64px;
$gl-spacing-scale-12: 80px;
$gl-spacing-scale-13: 96px;
E.g., a padding top of 96px can be added using:
.gl-shim-pt-13 {
padding-top: 96px;
Please use -shim- so it can be differentiated from the old scale classes.
These will be replaced when the Gitlab UI utilities are included.
@each $index, $padding in $spacing-scale {
#{'.gl-p-#{$index}-deprecated-no-really-do-not-use-me'} { padding: $padding; }
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