Commit e720e8b8 authored by Winnie Hellmann's avatar Winnie Hellmann

Translate date ranges on contributors page

parent 1109a5ce
/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, wrap-iife, no-var, one-var, camelcase, one-var-declaration-per-line, quotes, no-param-reassign, quote-props, comma-dangle, prefer-template, max-len, no-return-assign, no-shadow */
import _ from 'underscore';
import d3 from 'd3';
import { ContributorsGraph, ContributorsAuthorGraph, ContributorsMasterGraph } from './stat_graph_contributors_graph';
import ContributorsStatGraphUtil from './stat_graph_contributors_util';
import { n__ } from '../locale';
import { n__, s__, createDateTimeFormat, sprintf } from '../locale';
export default (function() {
function ContributorsStatGraph() {}
function ContributorsStatGraph() {
this.dateFormat = createDateTimeFormat({ year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' });
ContributorsStatGraph.prototype.init = function(log) {
var author_commits, total_commits;
......@@ -95,11 +96,15 @@ export default (function() {
ContributorsStatGraph.prototype.change_date_header = function() {
var print, print_date_format, x_domain;
x_domain = ContributorsGraph.prototype.x_domain;
print_date_format = d3.time.format("%B %e %Y");
print = print_date_format(x_domain[0]) + " - " + print_date_format(x_domain[1]);
return $("#date_header").text(print);
const x_domain = ContributorsGraph.prototype.x_domain;
const formattedDateRange = sprintf(
s__('ContributorsPage|%{startDate} – %{endDate}'),
startDate: this.dateFormat.format(new Date(x_domain[0])),
endDate: this.dateFormat.format(new Date(x_domain[1])),
return $('#date_header').text(formattedDateRange);
ContributorsStatGraph.prototype.redraw_author_commit_info = function(author) {
import ContributorsStatGraph from '~/graphs/stat_graph_contributors';
import { ContributorsGraph } from '~/graphs/stat_graph_contributors_graph';
import { setLanguage } from '../helpers/locale_helper';
describe('ContributorsStatGraph', () => {
describe('change_date_header', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
afterAll(() => {
it('uses the locale to display date ranges', () => {
ContributorsGraph.init_x_domain([{ date: '2013-01-31' }, { date: '2012-01-31' }]);
setFixtures('<div id="date_header"></div>');
const graph = new ContributorsStatGraph();
expect(document.getElementById('date_header').innerText).toBe('31. Januar 2012 – 31. Januar 2013');
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