Commit e7acc881 authored by Lin Jen-Shin's avatar Lin Jen-Shin


parent ef7deb18
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class KubernetesService < DeploymentService
{ key: 'KUBE_URL', value: api_url, public: true },
{ key: 'KUBE_TOKEN', value: token, public: false },
{ key: 'KUBE_NAMESPACE', value: actual_namespace, public: true },
{ key: 'KUBECONFIG_FILE', value: config, public: false, file: true }
{ key: 'KUBECONFIG', value: config, public: false, file: true }
if ca_pem.present?
title: Provide KUBECONFIG_FILE from KubernetesService for runners
title: Provide KUBECONFIG from KubernetesService for runners
merge_request: 12223
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ GitLab CI build environment:
- `KUBE_CA_PEM_FILE` - only present if a custom CA bundle was specified. Path
to a file containing PEM data.
- `KUBE_CA_PEM` (deprecated)- only if a custom CA bundle was specified. Raw PEM data.
- `KUBECONFIG_FILE` - Path to a file containing kubeconfig for this deployment. CA bundle would be embedded if specified.
- `KUBECONFIG` - Path to a file containing kubeconfig for this deployment. CA bundle would be embedded if specified.
## Web terminals
......@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ describe KubernetesService, models: true, caching: true do
{ key: 'KUBE_URL', value: '', public: true },
{ key: 'KUBE_TOKEN', value: 'token', public: false },
{ key: 'KUBE_NAMESPACE', value: namespace, public: true },
{ key: 'KUBECONFIG_FILE', value: kubeconfig, public: false, file: true },
{ key: 'KUBECONFIG', value: kubeconfig, public: false, file: true },
{ key: 'KUBE_CA_PEM', value: 'CA PEM DATA', public: true },
{ key: 'KUBE_CA_PEM_FILE', value: 'CA PEM DATA', public: true, file: true }
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