Commit ef367d43 authored by Thomas Randolph's avatar Thomas Randolph

Add base-case tests and more JSDoc description / examples (review)

parent 5e63282d
......@@ -23,6 +23,20 @@ function decodeUrlParameter(val) {
* If you need to use search parameters or URL fragments, they should be
* added AFTER calling this function, not before.
* Usecase: An image filename is stored verbatim, and you need to load it in
* the browser.
* Example: /some_path/file #1.jpg ==> /some_path/file%20%231.jpg
* Example: /some-path/file! Final!.jpg ==> /some-path/file%21%20Final%21.jpg
* Essentially, if a character *could* present a problem in a URL, it's escaped
* to the hexadecimal representation instead. This means it's a bit more
* aggressive than encodeURIComponent: that built-in function doesn't
* encode some characters that *could* be problematic, so this function
* adds them (#, !, ~, *, ', (, and )).
* Additionally, encodeURIComponent *does* encode `/`, but we want safer
* URLs, not non-functional URLs, so this function DEcodes slashes ('%2F').
* @param {String} potentiallyUnsafePath
* @returns {String}
......@@ -902,5 +902,15 @@ describe('URL utility', () => {
character | input
${'/, .'} | ${'/url/hello.png'}
${'\\d'} | ${'/url/hello123.png'}
${'-'} | ${'/url/hello-123.png'}
${'_'} | ${'/url/hello_123.png'}
`('makes no changes to unproblematic characters ($character)', ({ input }) => {
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