@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Customize and configure your self-managed GitLab installation. Here are some qui
The following tables are intended to guide you to choose the right combination of capabilties based on your requirements. It is common to want the most
The following tables are intended to guide you to choose the right combination of capabilities based on your requirements. It is common to want the most
available, quickly recoverable, highly performant and fully data resilient solution. However, there are tradeoffs.
The tables lists features on the left and provides their capabilities to the right along with known trade-offs.
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ configuration option in `gitlab.yml`. These metrics are served from the
| `geo_uploads_verified` | Gauge | 14.6 | Number of uploads verified on secondary | `url` |
| `geo_uploads_verification_failed` | Gauge | 14.6 | Number of uploads verifications failed on secondary | `url` |
| `gitlab_sli:rails_request_apdex:total` | Counter | 14.4 | The number of request-apdex measurements, [more information the development documentation](../../../development/application_slis/rails_request_apdex.md) | `endpoint_id`, `feature_category`, `request_urgency` |
| `gitlab_sli:rails_request_apdex:success_total` | Counter | 14.4 | The number of succesful requests that met the target duration for their urgency. Devide by `gitlab_sli:rails_requests_apdex:total` to get a success ratio | `endpoint_id`, `feature_category`, `request_urgency` |
| `gitlab_sli:rails_request_apdex:success_total` | Counter | 14.4 | The number of successful requests that met the target duration for their urgency. Divide by `gitlab_sli:rails_requests_apdex:total` to get a success ratio | `endpoint_id`, `feature_category`, `request_urgency` |
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ If EKS node autoscaling is employed, it is likely that your average loading will
**Deploy Now**
Deploy Now links leverage the AWS Quick Start automation and only prepopulate the number of instances and instance types for the Quick Start based on the Bill of Meterials below. You must provide appropriate input for all other parameters by following the guidance in the [Quick Start documentation's Deployment steps](https://aws-quickstart.github.io/quickstart-eks-gitlab/#_deployment_steps) section.
Deploy Now links leverage the AWS Quick Start automation and only prepopulate the number of instances and instance types for the Quick Start based on the Bill of Materials below. You must provide appropriate input for all other parameters by following the guidance in the [Quick Start documentation's Deployment steps](https://aws-quickstart.github.io/quickstart-eks-gitlab/#_deployment_steps) section.
-**[Deploy Now: AWS Quick Start for 2 AZs](https://us-east-2.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home?region=us-east-2#/stacks/quickcreate?templateUrl=https://aws-quickstart.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/quickstart-eks-gitlab/templates/gitlab-entry-new-vpc.template.yaml&stackName=Gitlab-EKS-5K-Users-2AZs¶m_NumberOfAZs=2¶m_NodeInstanceType=c5.2xlarge¶m_NumberOfNodes=5¶m_MaxNumberOfNodes=5¶m_DBInstanceClass=db.r6g.2xlarge¶m_CacheNodes=2¶m_CacheNodeType=cache.m6g.xlarge¶m_GitalyInstanceType=m5.2xlarge¶m_NumberOfGitalyReplicas=2¶m_PraefectInstanceType=c5.large¶m_NumberOfPraefectReplicas=2)**
-**[Deploy Now: AWS Quick Start for 3 AZs](https://us-east-2.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home?region=us-east-2#/stacks/quickcreate?templateUrl=https://aws-quickstart.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/quickstart-eks-gitlab/templates/gitlab-entry-new-vpc.template.yaml&stackName=Gitlab-EKS-5K-Users-3AZs¶m_NumberOfAZs=3¶m_NodeInstanceType=c5.2xlarge¶m_NumberOfNodes=5¶m_MaxNumberOfNodes=5¶m_DBInstanceClass=db.r6g.2xlarge¶m_CacheNodes=3¶m_CacheNodeType=cache.m6g.xlarge¶m_GitalyInstanceType=m5.2xlarge¶m_NumberOfGitalyReplicas=3¶m_PraefectInstanceType=c5.large¶m_NumberOfPraefectReplicas=3)**
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ If EKS node autoscaling is employed, it is likely that your average loading will
**Deploy Now**
Deploy Now links leverage the AWS Quick Start automation and only prepopulate the number of instances and instance types for the Quick Start based on the Bill of Meterials below. You must provide appropriate input for all other parameters by following the guidance in the [Quick Start documentation's Deployment steps](https://aws-quickstart.github.io/quickstart-eks-gitlab/#_deployment_steps) section.
Deploy Now links leverage the AWS Quick Start automation and only prepopulate the number of instances and instance types for the Quick Start based on the Bill of Materials below. You must provide appropriate input for all other parameters by following the guidance in the [Quick Start documentation's Deployment steps](https://aws-quickstart.github.io/quickstart-eks-gitlab/#_deployment_steps) section.
-**[Deploy Now: AWS Quick Start for 3 AZs](https://us-east-2.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home?region=us-east-2#/stacks/quickcreate?templateUrl=https://aws-quickstart.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/quickstart-eks-gitlab/templates/gitlab-entry-new-vpc.template.yaml&stackName=Gitlab-EKS-10K-Users-3AZs¶m_NumberOfAZs=3¶m_NodeInstanceType=c5.4xlarge¶m_NumberOfNodes=9¶m_MaxNumberOfNodes=9¶m_DBInstanceClass=db.r6g.2xlarge¶m_CacheNodes=3¶m_CacheNodeType=cache.m6g.2xlarge¶m_GitalyInstanceType=m5.4xlarge¶m_NumberOfGitalyReplicas=3¶m_PraefectInstanceType=c5.large¶m_NumberOfPraefectReplicas=3)**
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ If EKS node autoscaling is employed, it is likely that your average loading will
**Deploy Now**
Deploy Now links leverage the AWS Quick Start automation and only prepopulate the number of instances and instance types for the Quick Start based on the Bill of Meterials below. You must provide appropriate input for all other parameters by following the guidance in the [Quick Start documentation's Deployment steps](https://aws-quickstart.github.io/quickstart-eks-gitlab/#_deployment_steps) section.
Deploy Now links leverage the AWS Quick Start automation and only prepopulate the number of instances and instance types for the Quick Start based on the Bill of Materials below. You must provide appropriate input for all other parameters by following the guidance in the [Quick Start documentation's Deployment steps](https://aws-quickstart.github.io/quickstart-eks-gitlab/#_deployment_steps) section.