Commit f017bdae authored by Miguel Rincon's avatar Miguel Rincon

Merge branch '285473-wrapper-mounted-tab' into 'master'

Wrapper for gl-tab to lazily load contents once

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!49704
parents 52587ff8 0bfbcbbe
import { GlTab } from '@gitlab/ui';
* Wrapper of <gl-tab> to optionally lazily render this tab's content
* when its shown **without dismounting after its hidden**.
* Usage:
* API is the same as <gl-tab>, for example:
* <gl-tabs>
* <editor-tab title="Tab 1" :lazy="true">
* lazily mounted content (gets mounted if this is first tab)
* </editor-tab>
* <editor-tab title="Tab 2" :lazy="true">
* lazily mounted content
* </editor-tab>
* <editor-tab title="Tab 3">
* eagerly mounted content
* </editor-tab>
* </gl-tabs>
* Once the tab is selected it is permanently set as "not-lazy"
* so it's contents are not dismounted.
* lazy is "false" by default, as in <gl-tab>.
export default {
components: {
// Use a small renderless component to know when the tab content mounts because:
// - gl-tab always gets mounted, even if lazy is `true`. See:
// - we cannot listen to events on <slot />
MountSpy: {
render: () => null,
inheritAttrs: false,
props: {
lazy: {
type: Boolean,
required: false,
default: false,
data() {
return {
isLazy: this.lazy,
methods: {
onContentMounted() {
// When a child is first mounted make the entire tab
// permanently mounted by setting 'lazy' to false.
this.isLazy = false;
<gl-tab :lazy="isLazy" v-bind="$attrs" v-on="$listeners">
<slot v-for="slot in Object.keys($slots)" :slot="slot" :name="slot"></slot>
<mount-spy @hook:mounted="onContentMounted" />
<script> <script>
import { GlAlert, GlLoadingIcon, GlTab, GlTabs } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { GlAlert, GlLoadingIcon, GlTabs } from '@gitlab/ui';
import { __, s__, sprintf } from '~/locale'; import { __, s__, sprintf } from '~/locale';
import { mergeUrlParams, redirectTo } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import { mergeUrlParams, redirectTo } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility';
import glFeatureFlagsMixin from '~/vue_shared/mixins/gl_feature_flags_mixin'; import glFeatureFlagsMixin from '~/vue_shared/mixins/gl_feature_flags_mixin';
...@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import glFeatureFlagsMixin from '~/vue_shared/mixins/gl_feature_flags_mixin'; ...@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import glFeatureFlagsMixin from '~/vue_shared/mixins/gl_feature_flags_mixin';
import PipelineGraph from '~/pipelines/components/pipeline_graph/pipeline_graph.vue'; import PipelineGraph from '~/pipelines/components/pipeline_graph/pipeline_graph.vue';
import CiLint from './components/lint/ci_lint.vue'; import CiLint from './components/lint/ci_lint.vue';
import CommitForm from './components/commit/commit_form.vue'; import CommitForm from './components/commit/commit_form.vue';
import EditorTab from './components/ui/editor_tab.vue';
import TextEditor from './components/text_editor.vue'; import TextEditor from './components/text_editor.vue';
import commitCiFileMutation from './graphql/mutations/commit_ci_file.mutation.graphql'; import commitCiFileMutation from './graphql/mutations/commit_ci_file.mutation.graphql';
...@@ -28,9 +29,9 @@ export default { ...@@ -28,9 +29,9 @@ export default {
components: { components: {
CommitForm, CommitForm,
CiLint, CiLint,
GlAlert, GlAlert,
GlLoadingIcon, GlLoadingIcon,
GlTabs, GlTabs,
PipelineGraph, PipelineGraph,
TextEditor, TextEditor,
...@@ -66,8 +67,6 @@ export default { ...@@ -66,8 +67,6 @@ export default {
content: '', content: '',
contentModel: '', contentModel: '',
lastCommitSha: this.commitSha, lastCommitSha: this.commitSha,
currentTabIndex: 0,
editorIsReady: false,
isSaving: false, isSaving: false,
// Success and failure state // Success and failure state
...@@ -128,9 +127,6 @@ export default { ...@@ -128,9 +127,6 @@ export default {
isCiConfigDataLoading() { isCiConfigDataLoading() {
return this.$apollo.queries.ciConfigData.loading; return this.$apollo.queries.ciConfigData.loading;
}, },
isVisualizeTabActive() {
return this.currentTabIndex === 1;
defaultCommitMessage() { defaultCommitMessage() {
return sprintf(this.$options.i18n.defaultCommitMessage, { sourcePath: this.ciConfigPath }); return sprintf(this.$options.i18n.defaultCommitMessage, { sourcePath: this.ciConfigPath });
}, },
...@@ -305,33 +301,30 @@ export default { ...@@ -305,33 +301,30 @@ export default {
<div class="gl-mt-4"> <div class="gl-mt-4">
<gl-loading-icon v-if="isBlobContentLoading" size="lg" class="gl-m-3" /> <gl-loading-icon v-if="isBlobContentLoading" size="lg" class="gl-m-3" />
<div v-else class="file-editor gl-mb-3"> <div v-else class="file-editor gl-mb-3">
<gl-tabs v-model="currentTabIndex"> <gl-tabs>
<!-- editor should be mounted when its tab is visible, so the container has a size --> <editor-tab :lazy="true" :title="$options.i18n.tabEdit">
<gl-tab :title="$options.i18n.tabEdit" :lazy="!editorIsReady">
<!-- editor should be mounted only once, when the tab is displayed -->
<text-editor <text-editor
v-model="contentModel" v-model="contentModel"
:ci-config-path="ciConfigPath" :ci-config-path="ciConfigPath"
:commit-sha="lastCommitSha" :commit-sha="lastCommitSha"
:project-path="projectPath" :project-path="projectPath"
@editor-ready="editorIsReady = true"
/> />
</gl-tab> </editor-tab>
v-if="glFeatures.ciConfigVisualizationTab" v-if="glFeatures.ciConfigVisualizationTab"
:title="$options.i18n.tabGraph" :title="$options.i18n.tabGraph"
:lazy="!isVisualizeTabActive" :title-link-attributes="{ 'data-testid': 'visualization-tab-btn' }"
data-testid="visualization-tab" data-testid="visualization-tab"
> >
<gl-loading-icon v-if="isCiConfigDataLoading" size="lg" class="gl-m-3" /> <gl-loading-icon v-if="isCiConfigDataLoading" size="lg" class="gl-m-3" />
<pipeline-graph v-else :pipeline-data="ciConfigData" /> <pipeline-graph v-else :pipeline-data="ciConfigData" />
</gl-tab> </editor-tab>
<gl-tab :title="$options.i18n.tabLint"> <editor-tab :title="$options.i18n.tabLint">
<gl-loading-icon v-if="isCiConfigDataLoading" size="lg" class="gl-m-3" /> <gl-loading-icon v-if="isCiConfigDataLoading" size="lg" class="gl-m-3" />
<ci-lint v-else :ci-config="ciConfigData" /> <ci-lint v-else :ci-config="ciConfigData" />
</gl-tab> </editor-tab>
</gl-tabs> </gl-tabs>
</div> </div>
<commit-form <commit-form
import { nextTick } from 'vue';
import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils';
import { GlTabs } from '@gitlab/ui';
import EditorTab from '~/pipeline_editor/components/ui/editor_tab.vue';
const mockContent1 = 'MOCK CONTENT 1';
const mockContent2 = 'MOCK CONTENT 2';
describe('~/pipeline_editor/components/ui/editor_tab.vue', () => {
let wrapper;
let mockChildMounted = jest.fn();
const MockChild = {
props: ['content'],
template: '<div>{{content}}</div>',
mounted() {
const MockTabbedContent = {
components: {
template: `
<editor-tab :title-link-attributes="{ 'data-testid': 'tab1-btn' }" :lazy="true">
<mock-child content="${mockContent1}"/>
<editor-tab :title-link-attributes="{ 'data-testid': 'tab2-btn' }" :lazy="true">
<mock-child content="${mockContent2}"/>
const createWrapper = () => {
wrapper = mount(MockTabbedContent);
beforeEach(() => {
mockChildMounted = jest.fn();
it('tabs are mounted lazily', async () => {
it('first tab is only mounted after nextTick', async () => {
await nextTick();
describe('user interaction', () => {
const clickTab = async (testid) => {
await nextTick();
beforeEach(() => {
it('mounts a tab once after selecting it', async () => {
await clickTab('tab2-btn');
expect(mockChildMounted).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, mockContent1);
expect(mockChildMounted).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, mockContent2);
it('mounts each tab once after selecting each', async () => {
await clickTab('tab2-btn');
await clickTab('tab1-btn');
await clickTab('tab2-btn');
expect(mockChildMounted).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, mockContent1);
expect(mockChildMounted).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, mockContent2);
import { nextTick } from 'vue'; import { nextTick } from 'vue';
import { mount, shallowMount, createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { mount, shallowMount, createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils';
import { import { GlAlert, GlButton, GlFormInput, GlFormTextarea, GlLoadingIcon, GlTabs } from '@gitlab/ui';
} from '@gitlab/ui';
import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises';
import VueApollo from 'vue-apollo'; import VueApollo from 'vue-apollo';
import createMockApollo from 'jest/helpers/mock_apollo_helper'; import createMockApollo from 'jest/helpers/mock_apollo_helper';
...@@ -28,6 +20,7 @@ import { ...@@ -28,6 +20,7 @@ import {
import CommitForm from '~/pipeline_editor/components/commit/commit_form.vue'; import CommitForm from '~/pipeline_editor/components/commit/commit_form.vue';
import getCiConfigData from '~/pipeline_editor/graphql/queries/ci_config.graphql'; import getCiConfigData from '~/pipeline_editor/graphql/queries/ci_config.graphql';
import EditorTab from '~/pipeline_editor/components/ui/editor_tab.vue';
import PipelineGraph from '~/pipelines/components/pipeline_graph/pipeline_graph.vue'; import PipelineGraph from '~/pipelines/components/pipeline_graph/pipeline_graph.vue';
import PipelineEditorApp from '~/pipeline_editor/pipeline_editor_app.vue'; import PipelineEditorApp from '~/pipeline_editor/pipeline_editor_app.vue';
import TextEditor from '~/pipeline_editor/components/text_editor.vue'; import TextEditor from '~/pipeline_editor/components/text_editor.vue';
...@@ -139,7 +132,7 @@ describe('~/pipeline_editor/pipeline_editor_app.vue', () => { ...@@ -139,7 +132,7 @@ describe('~/pipeline_editor/pipeline_editor_app.vue', () => {
const findLoadingIcon = () => wrapper.find(GlLoadingIcon); const findLoadingIcon = () => wrapper.find(GlLoadingIcon);
const findAlert = () => wrapper.find(GlAlert); const findAlert = () => wrapper.find(GlAlert);
const findTabAt = (i) => wrapper.findAll(GlTab).at(i); const findTabAt = i => wrapper.findAll(EditorTab).at(i);
const findVisualizationTab = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="visualization-tab"]'); const findVisualizationTab = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="visualization-tab"]');
const findTextEditor = () => wrapper.find(TextEditor); const findTextEditor = () => wrapper.find(TextEditor);
const findEditorLite = () => wrapper.find(MockEditorLite); const findEditorLite = () => wrapper.find(MockEditorLite);
...@@ -172,22 +165,14 @@ describe('~/pipeline_editor/pipeline_editor_app.vue', () => { ...@@ -172,22 +165,14 @@ describe('~/pipeline_editor/pipeline_editor_app.vue', () => {
describe('tabs', () => { describe('tabs', () => {
describe('editor tab', () => { describe('editor tab', () => {
beforeEach(() => { it('displays editor only after the tab is mounted', async () => {
createComponent(); createComponent({ mountFn: mount });
it('displays the tab and its content', async () => {
it('displays tab lazily, until editor is ready', async () => {
findTextEditor().vm.$emit('editor-ready'); expect(findTabAt(0).find(TextEditor).exists()).toBe(false);
await nextTick(); await nextTick();
expect(findTabAt(0).attributes('lazy')).toBe(undefined); expect(findTabAt(0).find(TextEditor).exists()).toBe(true);
}); });
}); });
...@@ -207,6 +192,21 @@ describe('~/pipeline_editor/pipeline_editor_app.vue', () => { ...@@ -207,6 +192,21 @@ describe('~/pipeline_editor/pipeline_editor_app.vue', () => {
expect(findLoadingIcon().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findLoadingIcon().exists()).toBe(true);
expect(findPipelineGraph().exists()).toBe(false); expect(findPipelineGraph().exists()).toBe(false);
}); });
it('displays the graph only after the tab is mounted and selected', async () => {
createComponent({ mountFn: mount });
await nextTick();
// Select visualization tab
await nextTick();
}); });
describe('with feature flag off', () => { describe('with feature flag off', () => {
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