@@ -922,7 +922,7 @@ import mixin from 'ee_else_ce/path/mixin';
- Computed Properties/methods and getters only used in the child import still need a counterpart in CE
- For store modules, we will need a CE counterpart too.
@@ -933,47 +933,27 @@ import mixin from 'ee_else_ce/path/mixin';
- Since we are using the async loading to check which component to load, we'd still use the component's name, check [this example](#child-component-only-used-in-ee).
***EE extra HTML**
- For the templates that have extra HTML in EE we will use the `ifEE` mixin with the `v-if` directive.
- You can either use the `template` tag as a wrapper or directly in the element, if there is only one element to be rendered in EE:
<p>non wrapper</p>
<p>that are rendered</p>
<p>in EE only</p>
<li>One wrapped</li>
<li>that is rendered</li>
<li>in EE only</li>
- For the templates that have extra HTML in EE we should move it into a new component and use the `ee_else_ce` dynamic import
### Non Vue Files
For regular JS files, the approach is similar.
1. We will keep using the [`ee_else_ce`](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/ee_features.html#javascript-code-in-assetsjavascripts) helper, this means that EE only code should be inside the `ee/` folder.
1. An EE file should be created with the EE only code, and it should extend the CE counterpart.
1. For code inside functions that can't be extended, we will use an `if` statement with the `ifEE` helper
1. For code inside functions that can't be extended, the code should be moved into a new file and we should use `ee_else_ce` helper: