@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ There are two places defined variables can be used. On the:
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ There are two places defined variables can be used. On the:
| `cache:key` | yes | Runner | The variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner's [internal variable expansion mechanism](#gitlab-runner-internal-variable-expansion-mechanism) |
| `cache:key` | yes | Runner | The variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner's [internal variable expansion mechanism](#gitlab-runner-internal-variable-expansion-mechanism) |
| `artifacts:name` | yes | Runner | The variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner's shell environment |
| `artifacts:name` | yes | Runner | The variable expansion is made by GitLab Runner's shell environment |
| `script`, `before_script`, `after_script` | yes | Script execution shell | The variable expansion is made by the [execution shell environment](#execution-shell-environment) |
| `script`, `before_script`, `after_script` | yes | Script execution shell | The variable expansion is made by the [execution shell environment](#execution-shell-environment) |
| `only:variables:[]`, `except:variables:[]` | no | n/a | The variable must be in the form of `$variable`. Not supported are the following:<br/><br/>- Variables that are based on the environment's name (`CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME`, `CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG`).<br/>- Any other variables related to environment (currently only `CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL`).<br/>- [Persisted variables](#persisted-variables). |
| `only:variables:[]`, `except:variables:[]`, `rules:if` | no | n/a | The variable must be in the form of `$variable`. Not supported are the following:<br/><br/>- Variables that are based on the environment's name (`CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME`, `CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG`).<br/>- Any other variables related to environment (currently only `CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL`).<br/>- [Persisted variables](#persisted-variables). |