Commit f36b0c99 authored by Drew Blessing's avatar Drew Blessing

Fix Jenkins build URL with multi-project

parent 086bf47e
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
# active :boolean default(FALSE), not null
# properties :text
require 'uri'
class JenkinsService < CiService
prop_accessor :project_url
......@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ class JenkinsService < CiService
{ type: 'checkbox', name: 'multiproject_enabled', title: "Multi-project setup enabled?",
help: "Multi-project mode is configured in Jenkins Gitlab Hook plugin." },
{ type: 'checkbox', name: 'pass_unstable', title: 'Should unstable builds be treated as passing?',
help: 'Unstable builds will be treated as passing.'}
help: 'Unstable builds will be treated as passing.' }
......@@ -66,12 +67,20 @@ class JenkinsService < CiService
def build_page(sha, ref = nil)
if multiproject_enabled? && ref.present?
URI.encode("#{base_project_url}/#{}_#{ref.gsub('/', '_')}/scm/bySHA1/#{sha}").to_s
# When multi-project is enabled we need to have a different URL. Rather than
# relying on the user to provide the proper URL depending on multi-project
# we just parse the URL and make sure it's how we want it.
def base_project_url
url = URI.parse(project_url)
URI.join(url, '/job').to_s
def commit_status(sha, ref = nil)
parsed_url = URI.parse(build_page(sha, ref))
......@@ -39,6 +39,35 @@ Now navigate to GitLab services page and activate Jenkins
Done! Now when you push to GitLab - it will create a build for Jenkins.
And also you will be able to see merge request build status with a link to the Jenkins build.
### Multi-project Configuration
The GitLab Hook plugin in Jenkins supports the automatic creation of a project
for each feature branch. After configuration GitLab will trigger feature branch
builds and a corresponding project will be created in Jenkins.
Configure the GitLab Hook plugin in Jenkins. Go to 'Manage Jenkins' and then
'Configure System'. Find the 'GitLab Web Hook' section and configure as shown below.
![Jenkins Multi-project Configuration](jenkins_multiproject_configuration.png)
In the Jenkins service in GitLab, check the 'Multi-project setup enabled?'.
![Jenkins Multi-project Enabled](jenkins_multiproject_enabled.png)
### Mark unstable build as passing
When using some plugins in Jenkins, an unstable build status will result when
tests are not passing. In these cases the unstable status in Jenkins should
register as a failure in GitLab on the merge request page. In other cases you
may not want an unstable status to display as a build failure in GitLab. Control
this behavior using the 'Should unstable builds be treated as passing?' setting
in the Jenkins service in GitLab.
When checked, unstable builds will display as green or passing in GitLab. By
default unstable builds display in GitLab as red or failed.
![Jenkins Unstable Passing](jenkins_unstable_passing.png)
## Development
An explanation of how this works in case anyone want to improve it or develop this service for another CI tool.
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ eos
@service =
allow(@service).to receive_messages(
service_hook: true,
project_url: '',
project_url: '',
multiproject_enabled: '0',
pass_unstable: '0',
token: 'verySecret'
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ eos
statuses = { 'blue.png' => 'success', 'yellow.png' => 'failed', 'red.png' => 'failed', 'aborted.png' => 'failed', 'blue-anime.gif' => 'running', 'grey.png' => 'pending' }
statuses.each do |icon, state|
it "should have a status of #{state} when the icon #{icon} exists." do
stub_request(:get, "").to_return(status: 200, body: status_body_for_icon(icon), headers: {})
stub_request(:get, "").to_return(status: 200, body: status_body_for_icon(icon), headers: {})
expect(@service.commit_status("2ab7834c", 'master')).to eq(state)
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ eos
@service =
allow(@service).to receive_messages(
service_hook: true,
project_url: '',
project_url: '',
multiproject_enabled: '0',
pass_unstable: '1',
token: 'verySecret'
......@@ -69,28 +69,30 @@ eos
it "should have a status of success when the icon yellow exists." do
stub_request(:get, "").to_return(status: 200, body: status_body_for_icon('yellow.png'), headers: {})
stub_request(:get, "").to_return(status: 200, body: status_body_for_icon('yellow.png'), headers: {})
expect(@service.commit_status("2ab7834c", 'master')).to eq('success')
describe 'multiproject enabled' do
let!(:project) { create(:project) }
before do
@service =
allow(@service).to receive_messages(
service_hook: true,
project_url: '',
project_url: '',
multiproject_enabled: '1',
token: 'verySecret'
token: 'verySecret',
project: project
describe :build_page do
it { expect(@service.build_page("2ab7834c", 'master')).to eq("") }
it { expect(@service.build_page("2ab7834c", 'master')).to eq("{}_master/scm/bySHA1/2ab7834c") }
describe :build_page_with_branch do
it { expect(@service.build_page("2ab7834c", 'test_branch')).to eq("") }
it { expect(@service.build_page("2ab7834c", 'test_branch')).to eq("{}_test_branch/scm/bySHA1/2ab7834c") }
......@@ -99,18 +101,18 @@ eos
@service =
allow(@service).to receive_messages(
service_hook: true,
project_url: '',
project_url: '',
multiproject_enabled: '0',
token: 'verySecret'
describe :build_page do
it { expect(@service.build_page("2ab7834c", 'master')).to eq("") }
it { expect(@service.build_page("2ab7834c", 'master')).to eq("") }
describe :build_page_with_branch do
it { expect(@service.build_page("2ab7834c", 'test_branch')).to eq("") }
it { expect(@service.build_page("2ab7834c", 'test_branch')).to eq("") }
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