Commit f9659894 authored by samdbeckham's avatar samdbeckham

Adds gl-button classes to commit button

parent c0f74cfd
.form-actions .form-actions
= button_tag 'Commit changes', id: 'commit-changes', class: 'btn commit-btn js-commit-button btn-success qa-commit-button' = button_tag 'Commit changes', id: 'commit-changes', class: 'gl-button btn btn-success js-commit-button qa-commit-button'
= link_to 'Cancel', cancel_path, = link_to 'Cancel', cancel_path,
class: 'btn btn-cancel', data: {confirm: leave_edit_message} class: 'gl-button btn btn-default btn-cancel', data: {confirm: leave_edit_message}
= render 'shared/projects/edit_information' = render 'shared/projects/edit_information'
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