Commit ffcf8c28 authored by Alper Akgun's avatar Alper Akgun

Add translation scopes to trial form

parent b8376928
......@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@
- if remove_known_trial_form_fields_variant == :welcoming
- salutation = current_user.first_name.present? ? " #{current_user.first_name}" : ''
- company = current_user.organization.present? ? current_user.organization : _('your company')
= _("Hi%{salutation}, your GitLab Ultimate trial lasts for 30 days, but you can keep your free GitLab account forever. We just need some additional information about %{company} to activate your trial.") % { salutation: salutation, company: company }
- company = current_user.organization.present? ? current_user.organization : s_('Trial|your company')
= s_("Trial|Hi%{salutation}, your GitLab Ultimate trial lasts for 30 days, but you can keep your free GitLab account forever. We just need some additional information about %{company} to activate your trial.") % { salutation: salutation, company: company }
- else
= _('Your GitLab Ultimate trial lasts for 30 days, but you can keep your free GitLab account forever. We just need some additional information to activate your trial.')
= s_('Trial|Your GitLab Ultimate trial lasts for 30 days, but you can keep your free GitLab account forever. We just need some additional information to activate your trial.')
= render 'errors'
......@@ -21,36 +21,36 @@
= hidden_field_tag :first_name, current_user.first_name
- else
= label_tag :first_name, _('First name'), for: :first_name, class: 'col-form-label'
= label_tag :first_name, s_('Trial|First name'), for: :first_name, class: 'col-form-label'
- readonly = remove_known_trial_form_fields_variant == :noneditable && current_user.first_name.present?
= text_field_tag :first_name, params[:first_name] || current_user.first_name, class: 'form-control gl-form-input', required: true, data: { qa_selector: 'first_name' }, readonly: readonly
- if remove_known_trial_form_fields_variant == :welcoming && current_user.last_name.present?
= hidden_field_tag :last_name, current_user.last_name
- else
= label_tag :last_name, _('Last name'), for: :last_name, class: 'col-form-label'
= label_tag :last_name, s_('Trial|Last name'), for: :last_name, class: 'col-form-label'
- readonly = remove_known_trial_form_fields_variant == :noneditable && current_user.last_name.present?
= text_field_tag :last_name, params[:last_name] || current_user.last_name, class: 'form-control gl-form-input', required: true, data: { qa_selector: 'last_name' }, readonly: readonly
- if remove_known_trial_form_fields_variant == :welcoming && current_user.organization.present?
= hidden_field_tag :company_name, current_user.organization
- else
= label_tag :company_name, _('Company name'), for: :company_name, class: 'col-form-label'
= label_tag :company_name, s_('Trial|Company name'), for: :company_name, class: 'col-form-label'
- readonly = remove_known_trial_form_fields_variant == :noneditable && current_user.organization.present?
= text_field_tag :company_name, params[:company_name] || current_user.organization, class: 'form-control gl-form-input', required: true, data: { qa_selector: 'company_name' }, readonly: readonly
= label_tag :company_size, _('Number of employees'), for: :company_size, class: 'col-form-label'
= label_tag :company_size, s_('Trial|Number of employees'), for: :company_size, class: 'col-form-label'
= select_tag :company_size, company_size_options_for_select(params[:company_size]), class: 'select2', required: true, data: { qa_selector: 'number_of_employees' }
= label_tag :phone_number, _('Telephone number'), for: :phone_number, class: 'col-form-label'
= telephone_field_tag :phone_number, params[:phone_number], pattern: '^(\+)*[0-9-\s]+$', class: 'form-control gl-form-input', required: true, data: { qa_selector: 'telephone_number' }
= label_tag :phone_number, s_('Trial|Telephone number'), for: :phone_number, class: 'col-form-label'
= telephone_field_tag :phone_number, params[:phone_number], pattern: '^(\+)*[0-9-\s]+$', class: 'form-control gl-form-input', required: true, data: { qa_selector: 'telephone_number' } _('Allowed characters: +, 0-9, -, and spaces.')
= label_tag :number_of_users, _('How many users will be evaluating the trial?'), for: :number_of_users, class: 'col-form-label'
= label_tag :number_of_users, s_('Trial|How many users will be evaluating the trial?'), for: :number_of_users, class: 'col-form-label'
= number_field_tag :number_of_users, params[:number_of_users], class: 'form-control gl-form-input', required: true, min: 1, data: { qa_selector: 'number_of_users' }
= label_tag :country, _('Country'), class: 'col-form-label'
= select_tag :country, options_for_select([[_('Please select a country'), '']]), class: 'select2 gl-transparent-pixel', required: true, id: 'country_select', data: { countries_end_point: countries_path, selected_option: params[:country], qa_selector: 'country' }
= submit_tag _('Continue'), class: 'btn gl-button btn-confirm btn-block', data: { qa_selector: 'continue' }
= label_tag :country, s_('Trial|Country'), class: 'col-form-label'
= select_tag :country, options_for_select([[s_('Trial|Please select a country'), '']]), class: 'select2 gl-transparent-pixel', required: true, id: 'country_select', data: { countries_end_point: countries_path, selected_option: params[:country], qa_selector: 'country' }
= submit_tag s_('Trial|Continue'), class: 'btn gl-button btn-confirm btn-block', data: { qa_selector: 'continue' }
= render 'skip_trial'
......@@ -8209,9 +8209,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Company"
msgstr ""
msgid "Company name"
msgstr ""
msgid "Compare"
msgstr ""
......@@ -9289,9 +9286,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Couldn't assign policy to project"
msgstr ""
msgid "Country"
msgstr ""
msgid "Coverage"
msgstr ""
......@@ -16337,9 +16331,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Hi %{username}!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hi%{salutation}, your GitLab Ultimate trial lasts for 30 days, but you can keep your free GitLab account forever. We just need some additional information about %{company} to activate your trial."
msgstr ""
msgid "Hide"
msgstr ""
......@@ -16476,9 +16467,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "How many seconds an IP will be counted towards the limit"
msgstr ""
msgid "How many users will be evaluating the trial?"
msgstr ""
msgid "I accept the %{terms_link}"
msgstr ""
......@@ -22885,9 +22873,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Number of commits per MR"
msgstr ""
msgid "Number of employees"
msgstr ""
msgid "Number of events"
msgstr ""
......@@ -32416,9 +32401,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "TeamcityIntegration|Trigger TeamCity CI after every push to the repository, except branch delete"
msgstr ""
msgid "Telephone number"
msgstr ""
msgid "Tell us your experiences with the new Markdown editor %{linkStart}in this feedback issue%{linkEnd}."
msgstr ""
......@@ -34978,6 +34960,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Trial|Company name"
msgstr ""
msgid "Trial|Continue"
msgstr ""
msgid "Trial|Continue using the basic features of GitLab for free."
msgstr ""
......@@ -34987,15 +34972,30 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Trial|Dismiss"
msgstr ""
msgid "Trial|First name"
msgstr ""
msgid "Trial|GitLab Ultimate trial (optional)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Trial|Hi%{salutation}, your GitLab Ultimate trial lasts for 30 days, but you can keep your free GitLab account forever. We just need some additional information about %{company} to activate your trial."
msgstr ""
msgid "Trial|How many employees will use Gitlab?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Trial|How many users will be evaluating the trial?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Trial|Last name"
msgstr ""
msgid "Trial|Number of employees"
msgstr ""
msgid "Trial|Please select a country"
msgstr ""
msgid "Trial|Successful trial activation image"
msgstr ""
......@@ -35008,6 +35008,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Trial|We will activate your trial on your group after you complete this step. After 30 days, you can:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Trial|Your GitLab Ultimate trial lasts for 30 days, but you can keep your free GitLab account forever. We just need some additional information to activate your trial."
msgstr ""
msgid "Trial|your company"
msgstr ""
msgid "Trigger"
msgstr ""
......@@ -38200,9 +38206,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Your GPG keys (%{count})"
msgstr ""
msgid "Your GitLab Ultimate trial lasts for 30 days, but you can keep your free GitLab account forever. We just need some additional information to activate your trial."
msgstr ""
msgid "Your GitLab account has been locked due to an excessive amount of unsuccessful sign in attempts. Your account will automatically unlock in %{duration} or you may click the link below to unlock now."
msgstr ""
......@@ -40147,8 +40150,5 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "yaml invalid"
msgstr ""
msgid "your company"
msgstr ""
msgid "your settings"
msgstr ""
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