1. 10 Jun, 2020 3 commits
    • nicolasdular's avatar
      Show storage limit alert for projects and groups · 631fdf97
      nicolasdular authored
      This adds an alert for projects and groups when the namespace
      storage limit reaches a certain threhsold.
      Depending on the threshold and alert_level we show different
      styles of the alert.
      We use cookies for to keep the alerts hidden for a user per
      namespace and alert level. This is the first iteration of the
      alert system for namespace storage limit and will be improved
      later since it does not align with our UX guidelines to keep
      alerts closed for a user.
      We need to use cookies because we have no other system in place
      so far to keep track of user + namespace + alert level.
    • Simon Knox's avatar
      Add initial Sprints GraphQL endpoint · 0b8e350c
      Simon Knox authored
      Adds a GraphQL type for Sprints as well as adding it to
      Issues/Projects/Groups and adding an Issue::SetSprint and
      Group::CreateSprint mutators.
    • Kushal Pandya's avatar
      Add test report status badge support · 21b64cbe
      Kushal Pandya authored
      Shows test report status badge on requirements list page
  2. 09 Jun, 2020 7 commits
  3. 08 Jun, 2020 12 commits
  4. 05 Jun, 2020 7 commits
  5. 04 Jun, 2020 8 commits
  6. 03 Jun, 2020 3 commits