An error occurred fetching the project authors.
  1. 04 Mar, 2020 1 commit
  2. 03 Mar, 2020 1 commit
  3. 28 Feb, 2020 1 commit
    • Vijay Hawoldar's avatar
      Conditionally cache Snippet content · 4eecfba1
      Vijay Hawoldar authored
      Not all Snippets contain Markdown content and so
      the `content` field should not always be cached.
      This change will attempt to determine if the content
      is Markdown based on the Snippet filename and only cache
      if it is
  4. 25 Feb, 2020 2 commits
  5. 24 Feb, 2020 1 commit
    • Francisco Javier López's avatar
      Render repository blob when it exists · ead199f4
      Francisco Javier López authored
      If the feature flag is enabled, the snippet has
      a repository attached and it's not empty, then we'll use
      the blob stored in the repository. If not, we show the snippet
      stored in the database.
      This behavior will change once we perform the migration.
  6. 19 Feb, 2020 1 commit
  7. 13 Feb, 2020 1 commit
  8. 12 Feb, 2020 1 commit
    • Francisco Javier López's avatar
      Add snippet repository model · e9d6dcc1
      Francisco Javier López authored
      We need to create the repository model
      for snippets. It will be the same for both
      project and personal ones.
      This commit also refactors some code in
      order to reuse it in projects and snippets
  9. 29 Jan, 2020 1 commit
  10. 23 Jan, 2020 1 commit
    • Alex Pooley's avatar
      Align project and personal snippet abilities · 766d8733
      Alex Pooley authored
      Mostly a search and replace for *_project_snippet and *_personal_snippet
      abilities across app and spec files. Replaced with just *_snippet and
      falling back on the type of subject to determine which policies to
      There are some less trivial changes included which relate to inferring
      an abilities name from the subject class. Because ProjectSnippet is a
      child of Snippet there is some special handling around the place. There
      is perhaps potential to clean this up a bit as there is the same logic
      spread out in various locations.
      Various changes required after review
      - Renamed before_action names
      - Fixed snippet note mailer with spec
      - Removed incorrect/unecessary policy parameter
      - Fix personal snippet note policy spec
  11. 19 Jan, 2020 1 commit
  12. 16 Jan, 2020 1 commit
  13. 10 Dec, 2019 1 commit
  14. 29 Nov, 2019 1 commit
    • Francisco Javier López's avatar
      Add limit to snippet content size · c02587ed
      Francisco Javier López authored
      This commit add a setting to snippets in order
      to set a max limit to the content.
      It can only be set through the Rails console
      or the API.
      The limit will affect to new snippets and existing
      ones when the content is updated.
      The default limit is 50MB.
  15. 19 Nov, 2019 1 commit
  16. 21 Oct, 2019 1 commit
  17. 18 Oct, 2019 1 commit
    • Markus Koller's avatar
      Show only personal snippets on explore page · f4ea1753
      Markus Koller authored
      The "Explore snippets" page loads very slowly with a large number of
      snippets, due to the complexity of the authorization checks for project
      Since project snippets are of limited interest on the explore page, we
      can restrict the query to personal snippets which are visible to the
      current user.
      We're also replacing the index on `snippets.project_id` with a combined
      index on `(project_id, visibility_level)` to further speed up these
  18. 16 Oct, 2019 1 commit
    • Stan Hu's avatar
      Fix inability to set snippet visibility via API · c2b724b5
      Stan Hu authored
      Consider the scenario:
      1. The snippet visibility level is set to internal
      2. A user attempts to create a private snippet
      Previously this would always fail because `default_value_for` would
      overwrite the private visibility setting, no matter what
      visibility_level was. This was happening because `default_value_for` was
      confused by the default value of 0 specified by the database schema.
      `default_value_for` attempts to assign the default value in the block by
      checking whether the attribute has changed. The problem is that since
      the default value by the database was 0, and the user requested 0, this
      appeared as though no changes were made. As a result,
      `default_value_for` would always overwrite the user's preference.
      To fix this, we remove the use of `default_value_for` and only set the
      visibility level to the default application setting when no preference
      has been given at creation time.
      This is similar to the fix in
  19. 24 Sep, 2019 1 commit
  20. 17 Sep, 2019 1 commit
  21. 10 Sep, 2019 1 commit
  22. 30 Jul, 2019 1 commit
    • Yorick Peterse's avatar
      Inject EE modules in a CE compatible fashion · 1112fec4
      Yorick Peterse authored
      All instances of injecting an EE specific module have been changed to
      use the new methods for this: prepend_if_ee, extend_if_ee, and
      include_if_ee. This allows these lines to be included in CE, even when
      the modules to inject do not exist. This in turn allows us to backport
      these lines to CE and keep them there, instead of having to strip them
  23. 28 Jun, 2019 2 commits
  24. 28 Mar, 2019 2 commits
  25. 24 Jan, 2019 2 commits
  26. 20 Dec, 2018 2 commits
  27. 12 Dec, 2018 1 commit
    • Yorick Peterse's avatar
      Move remaining EE specific lines out of CE code · 3c289543
      Yorick Peterse authored
      These lines were not handled by previous work to move EE code out of CE
      code, in most cases because our scripts did not cover all cases. This
      commit moves a variety of EE specific Ruby changes, with the exception
      of `prepend` calls, out of CE code.
  28. 05 Nov, 2018 2 commits
    • Yorick Peterse's avatar
      Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance · c37c5120
      Yorick Peterse authored
      This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in
      order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It
      was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that
      shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really
      poorly performing database query.
      As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of
      trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many
      existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods
      specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code
      here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the
      resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce
      a _much_ more efficient query.
      To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as
      an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones.
      To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code:
          user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse')
, author: user).execute
      On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to
      run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time,
      the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185
      GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt
      simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers
      The new query's plan can be found at,
      and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The
      total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB.
    • Yorick Peterse's avatar
      Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance · d171ff60
      Yorick Peterse authored
      This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in
      order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It
      was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that
      shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really
      poorly performing database query.
      As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of
      trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many
      existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods
      specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code
      here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the
      resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce
      a _much_ more efficient query.
      To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as
      an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones.
      To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code:
          user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse')
, author: user).execute
      On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to
      run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time,
      the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185
      GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt
      simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers
      The new query's plan can be found at,
      and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The
      total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB.
  29. 29 Oct, 2018 1 commit
    • Jan Provaznik's avatar
      Redact unsubscribe links in issuable texts · 207a4ae9
      Jan Provaznik authored
      It's possible that user pastes accidentally also unsubscribe link
      which is included in footer of notification emails. This unsubscribe
      link contains personal token which attacker then use to act as the
      original user (e.g. for sending comments under his/her identity).
  30. 23 Oct, 2018 1 commit
    • Jan Provaznik's avatar
      Redact unsubscribe links in issuable texts · c1c14964
      Jan Provaznik authored
      It's possible that user pastes accidentally also unsubscribe link
      which is included in footer of notification emails. This unsubscribe
      link contains personal token which attacker then use to act as the
      original user (e.g. for sending comments under his/her identity).
  31. 17 Sep, 2018 2 commits
    • Yorick Peterse's avatar
      Added FromUnion to easily select from a UNION · d86e25db
      Yorick Peterse authored
      This commit adds the module `FromUnion`, which provides the class method
      `from_union`. This simplifies the process of selecting data from the
      result of a UNION, and reduces the likelihood of making mistakes. As a
      result, instead of this:
          union =[foo, bar])
          Foo.from("(#{union.to_sql}) #{Foo.table_name}")
      We can now write this instead:
          Foo.from_union([foo, bar])
      This commit also includes some changes to make this new setup work
      properly. For example, a bug in Rails 4
      ( would break the use of
      `from("sub-query-here").includes(:relation)` in certain cases. There was
      also a CI query which appeared to repeat a lot of conditions from an
      outer query on an inner query, which isn't necessary.
      Finally, we include a RuboCop cop to ensure developers use this new
      module, instead of using Gitlab::SQL::Union directly.
    • Yorick Peterse's avatar
      Added FromUnion to easily select from a UNION · 8a72f5c4
      Yorick Peterse authored
      This commit adds the module `FromUnion`, which provides the class method
      `from_union`. This simplifies the process of selecting data from the
      result of a UNION, and reduces the likelihood of making mistakes. As a
      result, instead of this:
          union =[foo, bar])
          Foo.from("(#{union.to_sql}) #{Foo.table_name}")
      We can now write this instead:
          Foo.from_union([foo, bar])
      This commit also includes some changes to make this new setup work
      properly. For example, a bug in Rails 4
      ( would break the use of
      `from("sub-query-here").includes(:relation)` in certain cases. There was
      also a CI query which appeared to repeat a lot of conditions from an
      outer query on an inner query, which isn't necessary.
      Finally, we include a RuboCop cop to ensure developers use this new
      module, instead of using Gitlab::SQL::Union directly.
  32. 01 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  33. 30 Jul, 2018 1 commit
    • Bob Van Landuyt's avatar
      Show the status of a user in interactions · f1d3ea63
      Bob Van Landuyt authored
      The status is shown for
      - The author of a commit when viewing a commit
      - Notes on a commit (regular/diff)
      - The user that triggered a pipeline when viewing a pipeline
      - The author of a merge request when viewing a merge request
      - The author of notes on a merge request (regular/diff)
      - The author of an issue when viewing an issue
      - The author of notes on an issue
      - The author of a snippet when viewing a snippet
      - The author of notes on a snippet
      - A user's profile page
      - The list of members of a group/user