1. 08 Mar, 2019 3 commits
    • samdbeckham's avatar
      Adds source branch support to auto MRs · 9d7836ba
      samdbeckham authored
      - Updates merge_request_url to merge_request_path after a backend change
      - Adds target_branch to merge request creation request
      - Adds sourceBranch to the security reports so we know what to target
    • samdbeckham's avatar
      Applies suggestions from @kushalpandya review · 082d19bf
      samdbeckham authored
      - Adds i18n to the new components
      - Adds a load of code quality improvements
      - Fixes the feedback on the MR page
    • samdbeckham's avatar
      Adds the UI for creating an MR from a vuln · fc1b361e
      samdbeckham authored
      Applies to all instances of the vulnerability lists.
      The MR and pipelines pages and both the project and group security
      - Adds actions and mutations for creating an MR to the GSD store
      - Adds actions and mutations for creating an MR to the reports store
      - Adds a `<split-button>` component
      - Adds an `<event-item>` component
      - Adds support for the new remediations syntax
      - Fixes up all the failing tests
      - Adds new tests for the new components and functionality
  2. 07 Mar, 2019 37 commits