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  1. 09 Dec, 2019 1 commit
    • Eugenia Grieff's avatar
      Add GraphQL endpoint for group issues timelogs · c895dc26
      Eugenia Grieff authored
      This will return data containing time tracked
      for the group issues by group members and within
      a time frame (limited to 60 days)
      To get the collection of timelogs for a certain
      group we include in Group a new concern
      HasTimelogsReport that will use Timelog scopes
      to filter results.
      We use a TimelogPresenter to display additional
      fields in TimelogType
      Group timelogs is a premium feature so we added
      group_timelogs feature to license
      TimelogType is authorized with read_group_timelogs
      permission that checks for a minimun access level of
      reporter and group_timelogs feature being available
      Refactor changes to improve code quality
      - Include subgroups in Issue and Timelog scopes
      - Field timelogs in GroupType is never null
      - Add error to object validation in TimelogResolver
      - Use fields UserType and IssueType  in TimelogType
      - Improve rule in GroupPolicy
      - Remove redundant TimelogPresenter
      - Add missing specs for new scopes
      - Extend specs for GroupType and  TimelogType
      - Add new matcher fon non null graphql fields
      Update GraphQL schema
      Add index for spent_at in timelogs table
      Fix Timelog scope to use group descendants