Commit b22da792 authored by Sean McGivern's avatar Sean McGivern

Explain when to use a v in version number

parent f618d479
......@@ -137,11 +137,18 @@ Starting with GitLab 8.12, GitLab supports Git LFS authentication through ssh.
GitLab Shell is versioned by git tags, and the version used by the Rails
application is stored in
For each version, there is a raw version and a tag version:
- The **raw version** is the version number. For instance, `15.2.8`.
- The **tag version** is the raw version prefixed with `v`. For instance, `v15.2.8`.
To release a new version of GitLab Shell and have that version available to the
Rails application:
1. Update the [`CHANGELOG`](CHANGELOG) and [`VERSION`](VERSION) files.
2. Add a new git tag.
3. Update `GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION` in the Rails application. (Note: this can be
done as a separate MR to that, or in and MR that will make use of the latest
GitLab Shell changes.)
1. Update the [`CHANGELOG`](CHANGELOG) with the **tag version** and the
[`VERSION`](VERSION) file with the **raw version**.
2. Add a new git tag with the **tag version**.
3. Update `GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION` in the Rails application to the **raw
version**. (Note: this can be done as a separate MR to that, or in and MR
that will make use of the latest GitLab Shell changes.)
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