Commit a4ba24d9 authored by Jacob Vosmaer's avatar Jacob Vosmaer

Merge branch 'changelog-7.1.0' into 'master'

Changelog and version bump for 7.1.0

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-workhorse!318
parents a555c948 59453392
......@@ -2,6 +2,20 @@
Formerly known as 'gitlab-git-http-server'.
v 7.1.0
- Add structured logFormat for text based logging !275
- Run make fmt on master !306
- Allow to configure `BUILD_DIR` and `TARGET_DIR` !308
- Resolve "Rework test suite to allow dead code to be removed" !307
- Update Prometheus vendoring !305
- General vendoring cleanup !310
- Remove Go 1.8 support !314
- Remove unused 'body' argument !315
- Refactor badgateway to use standardlib interfaces !316
- Pass Correlation-Ids down to backend systems !311
- Don't fail if /home/git/repositories already exists in Gitaly container !317
v 7.0.0
- Use the new Gitaly auth scheme (v2) !298
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