Commit 3643b0bd authored by Michael Tremer's avatar Michael Tremer

man: Add pages for top level functions

Signed-off-by: default avatarMichael Tremer <>
parent 01e5f0ff
......@@ -420,11 +420,18 @@ src_test_signature_LDADD = \
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MANPAGES_TXT = $(patsubst %.8,%.txt,$(MANPAGES))
MANPAGES_HTML = $(patsubst %.txt,%.html,$(MANPAGES_TXT))
MANPAGES_XML = $(patsubst %.txt,%.xml,$(MANPAGES_TXT))
man/libloc.3 \
man/location.8 \
man/loc_get_log_priority.3 \
man/loc_new.3 \
man/loc_set_log_fn.3 \
MANPAGES_TXT_3 = $(patsubst %.3,%.txt,$(MANPAGES))
MANPAGES_TXT_8 = $(patsubst %.8,%.txt,$(MANPAGES))
MANPAGES_HTML = $(patsubst %.txt,%.html,$(MANPAGES_TXT))
MANPAGES_XML = $(patsubst %.txt,%.xml,$(MANPAGES_TXT))
.PHONY: man
......@@ -467,6 +474,9 @@ man/%.xml: man/%.txt man/asciidoc.conf
-f $(abs_srcdir)/man/asciidoc.conf \
-d manpage -b docbook -o $@ $<
man/%.3: man/%.xml
man/%.8: man/%.xml
= libloc(3)
== Name
libloc - A tool to query the IPFire Location database
== Synopsis
#include <libloc/libloc.h>
`pkg-config --cflags --libs libloc`
== Description
`libloc` is a lightweight library which can be used to query the IPFire
Location database.
* link:loc_new[3]
* link:loc_get_log_priority[3]
* link:loc_set_log_priority[3]
* link:loc_get_log_fn[3]
for more information about the functions available.
== Copying
Copyright (C) 2022 {author}. +
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
== See Also
== Bug Reports
Please report all bugs to the bugtracker at;
refer to for details.
== Authors
Michael Tremer
= loc_get_log_priority(3)
== Name
loc_get_log_priority - Fetches the log level of a libloc context
== Synopsis
#include <libloc/libloc.h>
int loc_get_log_priority(struct loc_ctx{empty}* ctx);
== Description
Returns the log priority of the given context.
The returned integer is a valid syslog log level as defined in syslog(3).
The default value is LOG_ERR.
== See Also
== Authors
Michael Tremer
= loc_new(3)
== Name
loc_new - Create a new libloc context
== Synopsis
#include <libloc/libloc.h>
struct loc_ctx;
int loc_new(struct loc_ctx{empty}*{empty}* ctx);
struct loc_ctx{empty}* loc_ref(struct loc_ctx{empty}* ctx);
struct loc_ctx{empty}* loc_unref(struct loc_ctx{empty}* ctx);
== Description
Every operation in libloc requires to set up a context first.
This is done by calling loc_new(3).
Every time another part of your code is holding a reference to the context,
you will need to call loc_ref() to increase the reference counter.
If you no longer need the context, you will need to call loc_unref().
== See Also
== Authors
Michael Tremer
= loc_set_log_fn(3)
== Name
loc_set_log_fn - Sets the log callback function
== Synopsis
#include <libloc/libloc.h>
void loc_set_log_fn(struct loc_ctx{empty}* ctx,
void ({empty}*log_fn)(struct loc_ctx{empty}* ctx, int priority,
const char{empty}* file, int line, const char{empty}* fn, const char{empty}* format,
va_list args)
== Description
libloc can use the calling application's logging system by setting this callback.
It will be called once for each log message according to the configured log level.
== See Also
== Authors
Michael Tremer
= loc_set_log_priority(3)
== Name
loc_set_log_priority - Sets the log level of a libloc context
== Synopsis
#include <libloc/libloc.h>
void loc_set_log_priority(struct loc_ctx{empty}* ctx, int priority)
== Description
Sets the log priority of the given context. See loc_get_log_priority(3) for more details.
== See Also
== Authors
Michael Tremer
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