Commit a5967330 authored by Michael Tremer's avatar Michael Tremer

network: Optimise _subnet function

This function used to create a network list which always
had exactly two elements. Since splitting a network in half
always returns two parts, we can simply return them as a

This improves returning the network tree by about 17%.
Signed-off-by: default avatarMichael Tremer <>
parent a1024390
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ int loc_network_gt(struct loc_network* self, struct loc_network* other);
int loc_network_overlaps(struct loc_network* self, struct loc_network* other);
int loc_network_is_subnet(struct loc_network* self, struct loc_network* other);
int loc_network_is_subnet_of(struct loc_network* self, struct loc_network* other);
struct loc_network_list* loc_network_subnets(struct loc_network* network);
int loc_network_subnets(struct loc_network* network, struct loc_network** subnet1, struct loc_network** subnet2);
struct loc_network_list* loc_network_exclude(
struct loc_network* self, struct loc_network* other);
struct loc_network_list* loc_network_exclude_list(
......@@ -507,66 +507,91 @@ LOC_EXPORT int loc_network_is_subnet_of(struct loc_network* self, struct loc_net
return loc_network_is_subnet(other, self);
LOC_EXPORT struct loc_network_list* loc_network_subnets(struct loc_network* network) {
struct loc_network_list* list;
LOC_EXPORT int loc_network_subnets(struct loc_network* network,
struct loc_network** subnet1, struct loc_network** subnet2) {
int r;
*subnet1 = NULL;
*subnet2 = NULL;
// New prefix length
unsigned int prefix = network->prefix + 1;
// Check if the new prefix is valid
if (valid_prefix(&network->first_address, prefix))
return NULL;
// Create a new list with the result
int r = loc_network_list_new(network->ctx, &list);
if (r) {
ERROR(network->ctx, "Could not create network list: %d\n", r);
return NULL;
struct loc_network* subnet1 = NULL;
struct loc_network* subnet2 = NULL;
return -1;
// Create the first half of the network
r = loc_network_new(network->ctx, &subnet1, &network->first_address, prefix);
r = loc_network_new(network->ctx, subnet1, &network->first_address, prefix);
if (r)
goto ERROR;
return r;
// The next subnet starts after the first one
struct in6_addr first_address = address_increment(&subnet1->last_address);
struct in6_addr first_address = address_increment(&(*subnet1)->last_address);
// Create the second half of the network
r = loc_network_new(network->ctx, &subnet2, &first_address, prefix);
if (r)
goto ERROR;
// Push the both onto the stack (in reverse order)
r = loc_network_list_push(list, subnet2);
r = loc_network_new(network->ctx, subnet2, &first_address, prefix);
if (r)
goto ERROR;
r = loc_network_list_push(list, subnet1);
if (r)
goto ERROR;
return r;
// Copy country code
const char* country_code = loc_network_get_country_code(network);
if (country_code) {
loc_network_set_country_code(subnet1, country_code);
loc_network_set_country_code(subnet2, country_code);
loc_network_set_country_code(*subnet1, country_code);
loc_network_set_country_code(*subnet2, country_code);
// Copy ASN
uint32_t asn = loc_network_get_asn(network);
if (asn) {
loc_network_set_asn(subnet1, asn);
loc_network_set_asn(subnet2, asn);
loc_network_set_asn(*subnet1, asn);
loc_network_set_asn(*subnet2, asn);
return 0;
return list;
static int __loc_network_exclude(struct loc_network* network,
struct loc_network* other, struct loc_network_list* list) {
struct loc_network* subnet1 = NULL;
struct loc_network* subnet2 = NULL;
int r = loc_network_subnets(network, &subnet1, &subnet2);
if (r)
goto ERROR;
if (loc_network_eq(other, subnet1)) {
r = loc_network_list_push(list, subnet2);
if (r)
goto ERROR;
} else if (loc_network_eq(other, subnet2)) {
r = loc_network_list_push(list, subnet1);
if (r)
goto ERROR;
} else if (loc_network_is_subnet_of(other, subnet1)) {
r = loc_network_list_push(list, subnet2);
if (r)
goto ERROR;
r = __loc_network_exclude(subnet1, other, list);
if (r)
goto ERROR;
} else if (loc_network_is_subnet_of(other, subnet2)) {
r = loc_network_list_push(list, subnet1);
if (r)
goto ERROR;
r = __loc_network_exclude(subnet2, other, list);
if (r)
goto ERROR;
} else {
ERROR(network->ctx, "We should never get here\n");
r = 1;
goto ERROR;
if (subnet1)
......@@ -575,10 +600,7 @@ ERROR:
if (subnet2)
if (list)
return NULL;
return r;
LOC_EXPORT struct loc_network_list* loc_network_exclude(
......@@ -623,67 +645,15 @@ LOC_EXPORT struct loc_network_list* loc_network_exclude(
return NULL;
struct loc_network_list* subnets = loc_network_subnets(self);
struct loc_network* subnet1 = NULL;
struct loc_network* subnet2 = NULL;
while (subnets) {
// Fetch both subnets
subnet1 = loc_network_list_get(subnets, 0);
subnet2 = loc_network_list_get(subnets, 1);
// Free list
subnets = NULL;
if (loc_network_eq(other, subnet1)) {
r = loc_network_list_push(list, subnet2);
if (r)
goto ERROR;
} else if (loc_network_eq(other, subnet2)) {
r = loc_network_list_push(list, subnet1);
if (r)
goto ERROR;
} else if (loc_network_is_subnet_of(other, subnet1)) {
r = loc_network_list_push(list, subnet2);
if (r)
goto ERROR;
subnets = loc_network_subnets(subnet1);
} else if (loc_network_is_subnet_of(other, subnet2)) {
r = loc_network_list_push(list, subnet1);
if (r)
goto ERROR;
subnets = loc_network_subnets(subnet2);
} else {
ERROR(self->ctx, "We should never get here\n");
goto ERROR;
r = __loc_network_exclude(self, other, list);
if (r) {
return NULL;
// Return the result
return list;
if (subnet1)
if (subnet2)
if (list)
return NULL;
LOC_EXPORT struct loc_network_list* loc_network_exclude_list(
......@@ -138,47 +138,48 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Check subnet function
err = loc_network_is_subnet_of(network1, network2);
if (err != 0) {
err = loc_network_is_subnet(network1, network2);
if (!err) {
fprintf(stderr, "Subnet check 1 failed: %d\n", err);
err = loc_network_is_subnet_of(network2, network1);
if (err != 1) {
err = loc_network_is_subnet(network2, network1);
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "Subnet check 2 failed: %d\n", err);
// Make list of subnets
struct loc_network_list* subnets = loc_network_subnets(network1);
if (!subnets) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not find subnets of network\n");
// Make subnets
struct loc_network* subnet1 = NULL;
struct loc_network* subnet2 = NULL;
err = loc_network_subnets(network1, &subnet1, &subnet2);
if (err || !subnet1 || !subnet2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not find subnets of network: %d\n", err);
while (!loc_network_list_empty(subnets)) {
struct loc_network* subnet = loc_network_list_pop(subnets);
if (!subnet) {
fprintf(stderr, "Received an empty subnet\n");
char* s = loc_network_str(subnet1);
printf("Received subnet1 = %s\n", s);
char* s = loc_network_str(subnet);
printf("Received subnet %s\n", s);
s = loc_network_str(subnet2);
printf("Received subnet2 = %s\n", s);
if (!loc_network_is_subnet_of(subnet, network1)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Not a subnet\n");
if (!loc_network_is_subnet(network1, subnet1)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Subnet1 is not a subnet\n");
if (!loc_network_is_subnet(network1, subnet2)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Subnet2 is not a subnet\n");
struct loc_network_list* excluded = loc_network_exclude(network1, network2);
if (!excluded) {
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