Commit b43edb61 authored by Michael Tremer's avatar Michael Tremer

network: Store the first and last address of each network

This avoids recomputing the last address multiple times.
Signed-off-by: default avatarMichael Tremer <>
parent ce4f5752
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ struct loc_network {
int refcount;
struct in6_addr first_address;
struct in6_addr last_address;
unsigned int prefix;
char country_code[3];
......@@ -75,24 +76,22 @@ static struct in6_addr prefix_to_bitmask(unsigned int prefix) {
return bitmask;
static struct in6_addr make_first_address(const struct in6_addr* address, unsigned int prefix) {
static struct in6_addr make_first_address(const struct in6_addr* address, const struct in6_addr* bitmask) {
struct in6_addr a;
struct in6_addr bitmask = prefix_to_bitmask(prefix);
// Perform bitwise AND
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
a.s6_addr32[i] = address->s6_addr32[i] & bitmask.s6_addr32[i];
a.s6_addr32[i] = address->s6_addr32[i] & bitmask->s6_addr32[i];
return a;
static struct in6_addr make_last_address(const struct in6_addr* address, unsigned int prefix) {
static struct in6_addr make_last_address(const struct in6_addr* address, const struct in6_addr* bitmask) {
struct in6_addr a;
struct in6_addr bitmask = prefix_to_bitmask(prefix);
// Perform bitwise OR
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
a.s6_addr32[i] = address->s6_addr32[i] | ~bitmask.s6_addr32[i];
a.s6_addr32[i] = address->s6_addr32[i] | ~bitmask->s6_addr32[i];
return a;
......@@ -136,10 +135,16 @@ LOC_EXPORT int loc_network_new(struct loc_ctx* ctx, struct loc_network** network
n->ctx = loc_ref(ctx);
n->refcount = 1;
// Store the first address in the network
n->first_address = make_first_address(address, prefix);
// Store the prefix
n->prefix = prefix;
// Convert the prefix into a bitmask
struct in6_addr bitmask = prefix_to_bitmask(n->prefix);
// Store the first and last address in the network
n->first_address = make_first_address(address, &bitmask);
n->last_address = make_last_address(&n->first_address, &bitmask);
DEBUG(n->ctx, "Network allocated at %p\n", n);
*network = n;
return 0;
......@@ -278,11 +283,8 @@ LOC_EXPORT int loc_network_match_address(struct loc_network* network, const stru
if (in6_addr_cmp(&network->first_address, address) > 0)
return 1;
// Determine the last address in this network
struct in6_addr last_address = make_last_address(&network->first_address, network->prefix);
// Address must be smaller than the last address
if (in6_addr_cmp(address, &last_address) > 0)
if (in6_addr_cmp(&network->last_address, address) < 0)
return 1;
// The address is inside this network
......@@ -352,13 +354,9 @@ LOC_EXPORT int loc_network_is_subnet_of(struct loc_network* self, struct loc_net
if (in6_addr_cmp(&self->first_address, &other->first_address) < 0)
return 0;
// Get the end addresses
struct in6_addr last_address_self = make_last_address(&self->first_address, self->prefix);
struct in6_addr last_address_other = make_last_address(&other->first_address, other->prefix);
// If the end address of the other network is greater than this network,
// it cannot be a subnet.
if (in6_addr_cmp(&last_address_self, &last_address_other) > 0)
if (in6_addr_cmp(&self->last_address, &other->last_address) > 0)
return 0;
return 1;
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