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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
# kbuild file for firmware/

# Create $(fwabs) from $(CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR) -- if it doesn't have a
# leading /, it's relative to $(srctree).
fwdir := $(subst ",,$(CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR))
fwabs := $(addprefix $(srctree)/,$(filter-out /%,$(fwdir)))$(filter /%,$(fwdir))

fw-external-y := $(subst ",,$(CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE))

12 13 14 15 16 17
# There are three cases to care about:
# 1. Building kernel with CONFIG_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL=y -- $(fw-shipped-y) should
#    include the firmware files to include, according to .config
# 2. 'make modules_install', which will install firmware for modules, and 
#    _also_ for the in-kernel drivers when CONFIG_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL=n
# 3. 'make firmware_install', which installs all firmware, unconditionally.

19 20 21 22
# For the former two cases we want $(fw-shipped-y) and $(fw-shipped-m) to be
# accurate. In the latter case it doesn't matter -- it'll use $(fw-shipped-all).
# But be aware that the config file might not be included at all.

fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K) += dsp56k/bootstrap.bin
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR) += atmsar11.fw
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_COMPUTONE) += intelliport2.bin
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET) += ttusb-budget/dspbootcode.bin
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_SMCTR) += tr_smctr.bin
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_SND_KORG1212) += korg/k1212.dsp
29 30
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3) += ess/maestro3_assp_kernel.fw \
31 32 33 34
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_SND_SB16_CSP) += sb16/mulaw_main.csp sb16/alaw_main.csp \
				     sb16/ima_adpcm_init.csp \
				     sb16/ima_adpcm_playback.csp \
35 36
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI) += yamaha/ds1_ctrl.fw yamaha/ds1_dsp.fw \
37 38 39
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_TIGON3) += tigon/tg3.bin tigon/tg3_tso.bin \
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_DABUSB) += dabusb/firmware.fw dabusb/bitstream.bin
40 41
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_EMI26) += emi26/loader.fw emi26/firmware.fw \
42 43
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_EMI62) += emi62/loader.fw emi62/bitstream.fw \
				  emi62/spdif.fw emi62/midi.fw
44 45 46
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_KAWETH) += kaweth/new_code.bin kaweth/trigger_code.bin \
				   kaweth/new_code_fix.bin \
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR) += keyspan/mpr.fw
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X) += keyspan/usa18x.fw
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19) += keyspan/usa19.fw
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI) += keyspan/usa19qi.fw
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW) += keyspan/usa19qw.fw
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W) += keyspan/usa19w.fw
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28) += keyspan/usa28.fw
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA) += keyspan/usa28xa.fw
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB) += keyspan/usa28xb.fw
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X) += keyspan/usa28x.fw
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W) += keyspan/usa49w.fw
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC) += keyspan/usa49wlc.fw
fw-shipped- := keyspan/mpr.fw keyspan/usa18x.fw keyspan/usa19.fw	\
	keyspan/usa19qi.fw keyspan/usa19qw.fw keyspan/usa19w.fw		\
	keyspan/usa28.fw keyspan/usa28xa.fw keyspan/usa28xb.fw		\
	keyspan/usa28x.fw keyspan/usa49w.fw keyspan/usa49wlc.fw
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI) += ti_3410.fw ti_5052.fw
67 68
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT) += edgeport/boot.fw edgeport/boot2.fw \
					    edgeport/down.fw edgeport/down2.fw
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI) += edgeport/down3.bin
70 71
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT) += whiteheat_loader.fw whiteheat.fw \
					   # whiteheat_loader_debug.fw
72 73
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_PDA) += keyspan_pda/keyspan_pda.fw
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_XIRCOM) += keyspan_pda/xircom_pgs.fw
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_USB_VICAM) += vicam/firmware.fw
fw-shipped-$(CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2) += cpia2/stv0672_vp4.bin
76 77 78 79 80

fw-shipped-all := $(fw-shipped-y) $(fw-shipped-m) $(fw-shipped-)

# Directories which we _might_ need to create, so we have a rule for them.
firmware-dirs := $(sort $(patsubst %,$(objtree)/$(obj)/%/,$(dir $(fw-external-y) $(fw-shipped-all))))
81 82 83 84 85 86 87

quiet_cmd_mkdir = MKDIR   $(patsubst $(objtree)/%,%,$@)
      cmd_mkdir = mkdir -p $@

quiet_cmd_ihex  = IHEX    $@
      cmd_ihex  = $(OBJCOPY) -Iihex -Obinary $< $@

88 89 90
quiet_cmd_ihex2fw  = IHEX2FW $@
      cmd_ihex2fw  = $(objtree)/$(obj)/ihex2fw $< $@

91 92 93
quiet_cmd_h16tofw  = H16TOFW $@
      cmd_h16tofw  = $(objtree)/$(obj)/ihex2fw -w $< $@

94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145
quiet_cmd_fwbin = MK_FW   $@
      cmd_fwbin = FWNAME="$(patsubst firmware/%.gen.S,%,$@)";		     \
		  FWSTR="$(subst /,_,$(subst .,_,$(subst -,_,$(patsubst	     \
				firmware/%.gen.S,%,$@))))";		     \
		  ASM_WORD=$(if $(CONFIG_64BIT),.quad,.long);		     \
		  ASM_ALIGN=$(if $(CONFIG_64BIT),3,2);			     \
		  PROGBITS=$(if $(CONFIG_ARM),%,@)progbits;		     \
		  echo "/* Generated by firmware/Makefile */"		> $@;\
		  echo "    .section .rodata"				>>$@;\
		  echo "    .p2align $${ASM_ALIGN}"			>>$@;\
		  echo "_fw_$${FWSTR}_bin:"				>>$@;\
		  echo "    .incbin \"$(2)\""				>>$@;\
		  echo "_fw_end:"					>>$@;\
		  echo "   .section .rodata.str,\"aMS\",$${PROGBITS},1"	>>$@;\
		  echo "    .p2align $${ASM_ALIGN}"			>>$@;\
		  echo "_fw_$${FWSTR}_name:"				>>$@;\
		  echo "    .string \"$$FWNAME\""			>>$@;\
		  echo "    .section .builtin_fw,\"a\",$${PROGBITS}"	>>$@;\
		  echo "    .p2align $${ASM_ALIGN}"			>>$@;\
		  echo "    $${ASM_WORD} _fw_$${FWSTR}_name"		>>$@;\
		  echo "    $${ASM_WORD} _fw_$${FWSTR}_bin"		>>$@;\
		  echo "    $${ASM_WORD} _fw_end - _fw_$${FWSTR}_bin"	>>$@;

# One of these files will change, or come into existence, whenever
# the configuration changes between 32-bit and 64-bit. The .S files
# need to change when that happens.
wordsize_deps := $(wildcard include/config/64bit.h include/config/32bit.h \
		include/config/ppc32.h include/config/ppc64.h \
		include/config/superh32.h include/config/superh64.h \
		include/config/x86_32.h include/config/x86_64.h)

# Workaround for make < 3.81, where .SECONDEXPANSION doesn't work.
# It'll end up depending on these targets, so make them a PHONY rule which
# depends on _all_ the directories in $(firmware-dirs), and it'll work out OK.
PHONY += $(objtree)/$$(%) $(objtree)/$(obj)/$$(%)
$(objtree)/$$(%) $(objtree)/$(obj)/$$(%): $(firmware-dirs)

# For the $$(dir %) trick, where we need % to be expanded first.

$(patsubst %,$(obj)/%.gen.S, $(fw-shipped-y)): %: $(wordsize_deps) \
		| $(objtree)/$$(dir %)
	$(call cmd,fwbin,$(patsubst %.gen.S,%,$@))
$(patsubst %,$(obj)/%.gen.S, $(fw-external-y)): %: $(wordsize_deps) \
		include/config/builtin/firmware/dir.h | $(objtree)/$$(dir %)
	$(call cmd,fwbin,$(fwabs)/$(patsubst $(obj)/%.gen.S,%,$@))

# The .o files depend on the binaries directly; the .S files don't.
$(patsubst %,$(obj)/%.gen.o, $(fw-shipped-y)): %.gen.o: %
$(patsubst %,$(obj)/%.gen.o, $(fw-external-y)): $(obj)/%.gen.o: $(fwdir)/%

146 147
# .ihex is used just as a simple way to hold binary files in a source tree
# where binaries are frowned upon. They are directly converted with objcopy.
148 149 150
$(obj)/%: $(obj)/%.ihex | $(objtree)/$(obj)/$$(dir %)
	$(call cmd,ihex)

151 152 153 154 155 156 157
# .HEX is also Intel HEX, but where the offset and length in each record
# is actually meaningful, because the firmware has to be loaded in a certain
# order rather than as a single binary blob. Thus, we convert them into our
# more compact binary representation of ihex records (<linux/ihex.h>)
$(obj)/%.fw: $(obj)/%.HEX $(obj)/ihex2fw | $(objtree)/$(obj)/$$(dir %)
	$(call cmd,ihex2fw)

158 159 160 161
# .H16 is our own modified form of Intel HEX, with 16-bit length for records.
$(obj)/%.fw: $(obj)/%.H16 $(obj)/ihex2fw | $(objtree)/$(obj)/$$(dir %)
	$(call cmd,h16tofw)

162 163 164
	$(call cmd,mkdir)

165 166
obj-y				 += $(patsubst %,%.gen.o, $(fw-external-y))
obj-$(CONFIG_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL) += $(patsubst %,%.gen.o, $(fw-shipped-y))
167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175

# Remove .S files and binaries created from ihex
# (during 'make clean' .config isn't included so they're all in $(fw-shipped-))
targets := $(fw-shipped-) $(patsubst $(obj)/%,%, \
				$(shell find $(obj) -name \*.gen.S 2>/dev/null))

# Without this, built-in.o won't be created when it's empty, and the
# final vmlinux link will fail.
obj-n := dummy
176 177

hostprogs-y := ihex2fw