Commit 1254a459 authored by Mark Allyn's avatar Mark Allyn Committed by Greg Kroah-Hartman

staging: sep: remove unused ioctls

Also remove associated functions, structures, and defines
Signed-off-by: default avatarMark Allyn <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarGreg Kroah-Hartman <>
parent 41e568d1
Todo's so far (from Alan Cox)
- Check whether it can be plugged into any of the kernel crypto API
interfaces - Crypto API 'glue' is still not ready to submit
- Clean up unused ioctls - Needs vendor help
- Clean up unused fields in ioctl structures - Needs vendor help
- Clean up un-needed debug prints - Started to work on this
......@@ -69,31 +69,6 @@ struct sep_device {
size_t shared_size;
void *shared_addr;
/* restricted access region (coherent alloc) */
dma_addr_t rar_bus;
size_t rar_size;
void *rar_addr;
/* Firmware regions; cache is at rar for Moorestown and
resident is at rar for Medfield */
dma_addr_t cache_bus;
size_t cache_size;
void *cache_addr;
dma_addr_t resident_bus;
size_t resident_size;
void *resident_addr;
/* sep's scratchpad */
dma_addr_t dcache_bus;
size_t dcache_size;
void *dcache_addr;
/* Only used on Medfield */
dma_addr_t extapp_bus;
size_t extapp_size;
void *extapp_addr;
/* start address of the access to the SEP registers from driver */
dma_addr_t reg_physical_addr;
dma_addr_t reg_physical_end;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -42,48 +42,6 @@
* Note that several members of these structres are only here
* for campatability with the middleware; they are not used
* by this driver.
* All user space buffer addresses are set to aligned u64
* in order to ensure compatibility with 64 bit systems
init command struct; this will go away when SCU does init
struct init_struct {
/* address that SEP can access for message */
aligned_u64 message_addr;
/* message size */
u32 message_size_in_words;
/* offset of the init message in the sep sram */
u32 sep_sram_addr;
/* -not used- resident size in bytes*/
u32 unused_resident_size_in_bytes;
/* -not used- cache size in bytes*/
u32 unused_cache_size_in_bytes;
/* -not used- ext cache current address */
aligned_u64 unused_extcache_addr;
/* -not used- ext cache size in bytes*/
u32 unused_extcache_size_in_bytes;
struct realloc_ext_struct {
/* -not used- current external cache address */
aligned_u64 unused_ext_cache_addr;
/* -not used- external cache size in bytes*/
u32 unused_ext_cache_size_in_bytes;
struct alloc_struct {
/* offset from start of shared pool area */
u32 offset;
......@@ -91,29 +49,6 @@ struct alloc_struct {
u32 num_bytes;
Note that all app addresses are cast as u32; the sep
middleware sends them as fixed 32 bit words
struct bld_syn_tab_struct {
/* address value of the data in (user space addr) */
aligned_u64 app_in_address;
/* size of data in */
u32 data_in_size;
/* address of the data out (user space addr) */
aligned_u64 app_out_address;
/* the size of the block of the operation - if needed,
every table will be modulo this parameter */
u32 block_size;
/* -not used- distinct user/kernel layout */
bool isKernelVirtualAddress;
/* command struct for getting caller id value and address */
struct caller_id_struct {
/* pid of the process */
......@@ -253,10 +188,6 @@ struct sep_lli_entry {
_IOW(SEP_IOC_MAGIC_NUMBER, 2, struct alloc_struct)
/* create sym dma lli tables */
_IOW(SEP_IOC_MAGIC_NUMBER, 5, struct bld_syn_tab_struct)
/* free dynamic data aalocated during table creation */
......@@ -265,23 +196,10 @@ struct sep_lli_entry {
/* start sep command */
/* init sep command */
_IOW(SEP_IOC_MAGIC_NUMBER, 13, struct init_struct)
/* end transaction command */
/* reallocate external app; unused structure still needed for
* compatability with middleware */
_IOW(SEP_IOC_MAGIC_NUMBER, 18, struct realloc_ext_struct)
_IOW(SEP_IOC_MAGIC_NUMBER, 20, struct rar_hndl_to_bus_struct)
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