Commit f87c7f64 authored by Brenda J. Butler's avatar Brenda J. Butler Committed by David S. Miller

tools: tc-testing: Command line parms

Separate the functionality of the command line parameters into "selection"
parameters, "action" parameters and other parameters.

"Selection" parameters are for choosing which tests on which to act.
"Action" parameters are for choosing what to do with the selected tests.
"Other" parameters are for global effect (like "help" or "verbose").

With this commit, we add the ability to name a directory as another
selection mechanism.  We can accumulate a number of tests by directory,
file, category, or even by test id, instead of being constrained to
run all tests in one collection or just one test.
Signed-off-by: default avatarBrenda J. Butler <>
Acked-by: default avatarLucas Bates <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid S. Miller <>
parent c402fb7e
......@@ -12,14 +12,18 @@ template.json for the required JSON format for test cases.
Include the 'id' field, but do not assign a value. Running tdc with the -i
option will generate a unique ID for that test case.
tdc will recursively search the 'tc' subdirectory for .json files. Any
test case files you create in these directories will automatically be included.
If you wish to store your custom test cases elsewhere, be sure to run tdc
with the -f argument and the path to your file.
tdc will recursively search the 'tc-tests' subdirectory (or the
directories named with the -D option) for .json files. Any test case
files you create in these directories will automatically be included.
If you wish to store your custom test cases elsewhere, be sure to run
tdc with the -f argument and the path to your file, or the -D argument
and the path to your directory(ies).
Be aware of required escape characters in the JSON data - particularly when
defining the match pattern. Refer to the tctests.json file for examples when
in doubt.
Be aware of required escape characters in the JSON data - particularly
when defining the match pattern. Refer to the supplied json test files
for examples when in doubt. The match pattern is written in json, and
will be used by python. So the match pattern will be a python regular
expression, but should be written using json syntax.
......@@ -69,7 +73,8 @@ SETUP/TEARDOWN ERRORS
If an error is detected during the setup/teardown process, execution of the
tests will immediately stop with an error message and the namespace in which
the tests are run will be destroyed. This is to prevent inaccurate results
in the test cases.
in the test cases. tdc will output a series of TAP results for the skipped
Repeated failures of the setup/teardown may indicate a problem with the test
case, or possibly even a bug in one of the commands that are not being tested.
......@@ -79,3 +84,17 @@ so that it doesn't halt the script for an error that doesn't matter. Turn the
individual command into a list, with the command being first, followed by all
acceptable exit codes for the command.
A pair of setup commands. The first can have exit code 0, 1 or 255, the
second must have exit code 0.
"setup": [
"$TC actions flush action gact",
"$TC actions add action reclassify index 65536"
......@@ -209,20 +209,41 @@ def set_args(parser):
Set the command line arguments for tdc.
parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', type=str,
help='The full path to the tc executable to use')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--category', type=str, nargs='?', const='+c',
help='Run tests only from the specified category, or if no category is specified, list known categories.')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', type=str,
help='Run tests from the specified file')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', type=str, nargs='?', const="++", metavar='CATEGORY',
help='List all test cases, or those only within the specified category')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='ID', dest='showID',
help='Display the test case with specified id')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--execute', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='ID',
help='Execute the single test case with specified ID')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--id', action='store_true', dest='gen_id',
help='Generate ID numbers for new test cases')
'-p', '--path', type=str,
help='The full path to the tc executable to use')
sg = parser.add_argument_group(
'selection', 'select which test cases: ' +
'files plus directories; filtered by categories plus testids')
ag = parser.add_argument_group(
'action', 'select action to perform on selected test cases')
'-D', '--directory', nargs='+', metavar='DIR',
help='Collect tests from the specified directory(ies) ' +
'(default [tc-tests])')
'-f', '--file', nargs='+', metavar='FILE',
help='Run tests from the specified file(s)')
'-c', '--category', nargs='*', metavar='CATG', default=['+c'],
help='Run tests only from the specified category/ies, ' +
'or if no category/ies is/are specified, list known categories.')
'-e', '--execute', nargs='+', metavar='ID',
help='Execute the specified test cases with specified IDs')
'-l', '--list', action='store_true',
help='List all test cases, or those only within the specified category')
'-s', '--show', action='store_true', dest='showID',
help='Display the selected test cases')
'-i', '--id', action='store_true', dest='gen_id',
help='Generate ID numbers for new test cases')
'-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0,
help='Show the commands that are being run')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--device',
help='Execute the test case in flower category')
return parser
......@@ -257,7 +278,16 @@ def check_case_id(alltests):
Check for duplicate test case IDs.
idl = get_id_list(alltests)
# print('check_case_id: idl is {}'.format(idl))
# answer = list()
# for x in idl:
# print('Looking at {}'.format(x))
# print('what the heck is idl.count(x)??? {}'.format(idl.count(x)))
# if idl.count(x) > 1:
# answer.append(x)
# print(' ... append it {}'.format(x))
return [x for x in idl if idl.count(x) > 1]
return answer
def does_id_exist(alltests, newid):
......@@ -300,28 +330,96 @@ def generate_case_ids(alltests):
json.dump(testlist, outfile, indent=4)
def filter_tests_by_id(args, testlist):
Remove tests from testlist that are not in the named id list.
If id list is empty, return empty list.
newlist = list()
if testlist and args.execute:
target_ids = args.execute
if isinstance(target_ids, list) and (len(target_ids) > 0):
newlist = list(filter(lambda x: x['id'] in target_ids, testlist))
return newlist
def filter_tests_by_category(args, testlist):
Remove tests from testlist that are not in a named category.
answer = list()
if args.category and testlist:
test_ids = list()
for catg in set(args.category):
if catg == '+c':
print('considering category {}'.format(catg))
for tc in testlist:
if catg in tc['category'] and tc['id'] not in test_ids:
return answer
def get_test_cases(args):
If a test case file is specified, retrieve tests from that file.
Otherwise, glob for all json files in subdirectories and load from
each one.
Also, if requested, filter by category, and add tests matching
certain ids.
import fnmatch
if args.file != None:
if not os.path.isfile(args.file):
print("The specified test case file " + args.file + " does not exist.")
flist = [args.file]
flist = []
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('tc-tests'):
flist = []
testdirs = ['tc-tests']
if args.file:
# at least one file was specified - remove the default directory
testdirs = []
for ff in args.file:
if not os.path.isfile(ff):
print("IGNORING file " + ff + " \n\tBECAUSE does not exist.")
testdirs =
for testdir in testdirs:
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(testdir):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.json'):
flist.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
alltests = list()
candidate = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, filename))
if candidate not in testdirs:
alltestcases = list()
for casefile in flist:
alltests = alltests + (load_from_file(casefile))
return alltests
alltestcases = alltestcases + (load_from_file(casefile))
allcatlist = get_test_categories(alltestcases)
allidlist = get_id_list(alltestcases)
testcases_by_cats = get_categorized_testlist(alltestcases, allcatlist)
idtestcases = filter_tests_by_id(args, alltestcases)
cattestcases = filter_tests_by_category(args, alltestcases)
cat_ids = [x['id'] for x in cattestcases]
if args.execute:
if args.category:
alltestcases = cattestcases + [x for x in idtestcases if x['id'] not in cat_ids]
alltestcases = idtestcases
if cat_ids:
alltestcases = cattestcases
# just accept the existing value of alltestcases,
# which has been filtered by file/directory
return allcatlist, allidlist, testcases_by_cats, alltestcases
def set_operation_mode(args):
......@@ -330,10 +428,9 @@ def set_operation_mode(args):
what the script should do for this run, and call the appropriate
alltests = get_test_cases(args)
ucat, idlist, testcases, alltests = get_test_cases(args)
if args.gen_id:
idlist = get_id_list(alltests)
if (has_blank_ids(idlist)):
alltests = generate_case_ids(alltests)
......@@ -347,42 +444,20 @@ def set_operation_mode(args):
print("Please correct them before continuing.")
ucat = get_test_categories(alltests)
if args.showID:
show_test_case_by_id(alltests, args.showID[0])
for atest in alltests:
if args.execute:
target_id = args.execute[0]
target_id = ""
if args.category:
if (args.category == '+c'):
print("Available categories:")
target_category = args.category
target_category = ""
testcases = get_categorized_testlist(alltests, ucat)
if isinstance(args.category, list) and (len(args.category) == 0):
print("Available categories:")
if args.list:
if (args.list == "++"):
if args.list:
elif(len(args.list) > 0):
if (args.list not in ucat):
print("Unknown category " + args.list)
print("Available categories:")
if (os.geteuid() != 0):
print("This script must be run with root privileges.\n")
......@@ -390,24 +465,8 @@ def set_operation_mode(args):
if (len(target_category) == 0):
if (len(target_id) > 0):
alltests = list(filter(lambda x: target_id in x['id'], alltests))
if (len(alltests) == 0):
print("Cannot find a test case with ID matching " + target_id)
catresults = test_runner(alltests, args)
print("All test results: " + "\n\n" + catresults)
elif (len(target_category) > 0):
if (target_category == "flower") and args.device == None:
print("Please specify a NIC device (-d) to run category flower")
if (target_category not in ucat):
print("Specified category is not present in this file.")
catresults = test_runner(testcases[target_category], args)
print("Category " + target_category + "\n\n" + catresults)
catresults = test_runner(alltests, args)
print('All test results: \n\n{}'.format(catresults))
......@@ -57,20 +57,11 @@ def print_sll(items):
def print_test_case(tcase):
""" Pretty-printing of a given test case. """
print('\n==============\nTest {}\t{}\n'.format(tcase['id'], tcase['name']))
for k in tcase.keys():
if (isinstance(tcase[k], list)):
print(k + ":")
print(k + ": " + tcase[k])
def show_test_case_by_id(testlist, caseID):
""" Find the specified test case to pretty-print. """
if not any(d.get('id', None) == caseID for d in testlist):
print("That ID does not exist.")
print_test_case(next((d for d in testlist if d['id'] == caseID)))
if not ((k == 'id') or (k == 'name')):
print(k + ": " + str(tcase[k]))
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