events_2.result 12.5 KB
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drop database if exists events_test;
create database events_test;
use events_test;
create event e_26 on schedule at '2017-01-01 00:00:00' disable do set @a = 5;
select db, name, body, definer, convert_tz(execute_at, 'UTC', 'SYSTEM'), on_completion from mysql.event;
db	name	body	definer	convert_tz(execute_at, 'UTC', 'SYSTEM')	on_completion
events_test	e_26	set @a = 5	root@localhost	2017-01-01 00:00:00	DROP
drop event e_26;
create event e_26 on schedule at NULL disable do set @a = 5;
ERROR HY000: Incorrect AT value: 'NULL'
create event e_26 on schedule at 'definitely not a datetime' disable do set @a = 5;
ERROR HY000: Incorrect AT value: 'definitely not a datetime'
set names utf8;
create event задачка on schedule every 123 minute starts now() ends now() + interval 1 month do select 1;
drop event задачка;
set event_scheduler=off;
ERROR HY000: Variable 'event_scheduler' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL
set global event_scheduler=3;
ERROR 42000: Variable 'event_scheduler' can't be set to the value of '3'
set global event_scheduler=disabled;
ERROR 42000: Variable 'event_scheduler' can't be set to the value of 'disabled'
"DISABLE the scheduler. Testing that it does not work when the variable is 0"
set global event_scheduler=off;
select definer, name, db from mysql.event;
definer	name	db
select get_lock("test_lock1", 20);
get_lock("test_lock1", 20)
create event закачка on schedule every 10 hour do select get_lock("test_lock1", 20);
"Should return 1 row"
select definer, name, db from mysql.event;
definer	name	db
root@localhost	закачка	events_test
"Should be only 0 process"
select /*1*/ user, host, db, command, state, info
from information_schema.processlist
where (user='event_scheduler')
order by info;
user	host	db	command	state	info
select release_lock("test_lock1");
drop event закачка;
"Should have 0 events"
select count(*) from mysql.event;
"ENABLE the scheduler and get a lock"
set global event_scheduler=on;
select get_lock("test_lock2", 20);
get_lock("test_lock2", 20)
"Create an event which tries to acquire a mutex. The event locks on the mutex"
create event закачка on schedule every 10 hour do select get_lock("test_lock2", 20);
"Should have only 2 processes: the scheduler and the locked event"
select /*2*/ user, host, db, command, state, info
from information_schema.processlist
where (info like "select get_lock%" OR user='event_scheduler')
order by info;
user	host	db	command	state	info
event_scheduler	localhost	NULL	Daemon	Waiting for next activation	NULL
root	localhost	events_test	Connect	User lock	select get_lock("test_lock2", 20)
"Release the mutex, the event worker should finish."
select release_lock("test_lock2");
drop event закачка;
set global event_scheduler=1;
select get_lock("test_lock2_1", 20);
get_lock("test_lock2_1", 20)
create event закачка21 on schedule every 10 hour do select get_lock("test_lock2_1", 20);
"Should have only 2 processes: the scheduler and the locked event"
select /*3*/ user, host, db, command, state, info
from information_schema.processlist
where (info like "select get_lock%" OR user='event_scheduler')
order by info;
user	host	db	command	state	info
event_scheduler	localhost	NULL	Daemon	Waiting for next activation	NULL
root	localhost	events_test	Connect	User lock	select get_lock("test_lock2_1", 20)
set global event_scheduler=off;
"Should have only our process now:"
select /*4*/ user, host, db, command, state, info
from information_schema.processlist
where (info like "select get_lock%" OR user='event_scheduler')
order by info;
user	host	db	command	state	info
root	localhost	events_test	Connect	User lock	select get_lock("test_lock2_1", 20)
select release_lock("test_lock2_1");
drop event закачка21;
create table t_16 (s1 int);
create trigger t_16_bi before insert on t_16 for each row create event  e_16 on schedule every 1 second do set @a=5;
ERROR HY000: Recursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is present
drop table t_16;
create event white_space
on schedule every 10 hour
select 1;
select event_schema, event_name, definer, event_definition from where event_name='white_space';
event_schema	event_name	definer	event_definition
events_test	white_space	root@localhost	select 1
drop event white_space;
create event white_space on schedule every 10 hour disable do
select 2;
select event_schema, event_name, definer, event_definition from where event_name='white_space';
event_schema	event_name	definer	event_definition
events_test	white_space	root@localhost	select 2
drop event white_space;
create event white_space on schedule every 10 hour disable do	select 3;
select event_schema, event_name, definer, event_definition from where event_name='white_space';
event_schema	event_name	definer	event_definition
events_test	white_space	root@localhost	select 3
drop event white_space;
create event e1 on schedule every 1 year do set @a = 5;
create table t1 (s1 int);
create trigger t1_ai after insert on t1 for each row show create event e1;
ERROR 0A000: Not allowed to return a result set from a trigger
drop table t1;
drop event e1;
SHOW EVENTS FROM aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;
ERROR 42000: Incorrect database name 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
ERROR 42000: Incorrect database name ''
SHOW EVENTS FROM `events\\test`;
Db	Name	Definer	Time zone	Type	Execute at	Interval value	Interval field	Starts	Ends	Status	Originator	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation


create table t1 (a int);
create event e1 on schedule every 10 hour do select 1;
lock table t1 read;
show create event e1;
Event	sql_mode	time_zone	Create Event	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
e1		SYSTEM	CREATE EVENT `e1` ON SCHEDULE EVERY 10 HOUR STARTS '#' ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE ENABLE DO select 1	utf8	utf8_general_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
select event_name from;
create event e2 on schedule every 10 hour do select 1;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was not locked with LOCK TABLES
alter event e2 disable;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was not locked with LOCK TABLES
alter event e2 rename to e3;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was not locked with LOCK TABLES
drop event e2;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was not locked with LOCK TABLES
drop event e1;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was not locked with LOCK TABLES
unlock tables;
lock table t1 write;
show create event e1;
Event	sql_mode	time_zone	Create Event	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
e1		SYSTEM	CREATE EVENT `e1` ON SCHEDULE EVERY 10 HOUR STARTS '#' ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE ENABLE DO select 1	utf8	utf8_general_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
select event_name from;
create event e2 on schedule every 10 hour do select 1;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was not locked with LOCK TABLES
alter event e2 disable;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was not locked with LOCK TABLES
alter event e2 rename to e3;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was not locked with LOCK TABLES
drop event e2;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was not locked with LOCK TABLES
drop event e1;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was not locked with LOCK TABLES
unlock tables;
lock table t1 read, mysql.event read;
show create event e1;
Event	sql_mode	time_zone	Create Event	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
e1		SYSTEM	CREATE EVENT `e1` ON SCHEDULE EVERY 10 HOUR STARTS '#' ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE ENABLE DO select 1	utf8	utf8_general_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
select event_name from;
create event e2 on schedule every 10 hour do select 1;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updated
alter event e2 disable;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updated
alter event e2 rename to e3;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updated
drop event e2;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updated
drop event e1;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updated
unlock tables;
lock table t1 write, mysql.event read;
show create event e1;
Event	sql_mode	time_zone	Create Event	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
e1		SYSTEM	CREATE EVENT `e1` ON SCHEDULE EVERY 10 HOUR STARTS '#' ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE ENABLE DO select 1	utf8	utf8_general_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
select event_name from;
create event e2 on schedule every 10 hour do select 1;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updated
alter event e2 disable;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updated
alter event e2 rename to e3;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updated
drop event e2;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updated
drop event e1;
ERROR HY000: Table 'event' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updated
unlock tables;
lock table t1 read, mysql.event write;
ERROR HY000: You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock types
lock table t1 write, mysql.event write;
ERROR HY000: You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock types
lock table mysql.event write;
show create event e1;
Event	sql_mode	time_zone	Create Event	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
e1		SYSTEM	CREATE EVENT `e1` ON SCHEDULE EVERY 10 HOUR STARTS '#' ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE ENABLE DO select 1	utf8	utf8_general_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
select event_name from;
create event e2 on schedule every 10 hour do select 1;
alter event e2 disable;
alter event e2 rename to e3;
drop event e3;
drop event e1;
unlock tables;
Make sure we have left no events 
select event_name from;

Events in sub-statements, events and prelocking

create event e1 on schedule every 10 hour do select 1;
create function f1() returns int
show create event e1;
return 1;
ERROR 0A000: Not allowed to return a result set from a function
create trigger trg before insert on t1 for each row
show create event e1;
ERROR 0A000: Not allowed to return a result set from a trigger
create function f1() returns int
select event_name from;
return 1;
ERROR 0A000: Not allowed to return a result set from a function
create trigger trg before insert on t1 for each row
select event_name from;
ERROR 0A000: Not allowed to return a result set from a trigger
create function f1() returns int
create event e2 on schedule every 10 hour do select 1;
return 1;
ERROR HY000: Recursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is present
create function f1() returns int
alter event e1 rename to e2;
return 1;
ERROR HY000: Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.
create function f1() returns int
drop event e2;
return 1;
ERROR HY000: Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.
create trigger trg before insert on t1 for each row
set new.a= f1();
create function f1() returns int
call p1();
return 0;
create procedure p1()
select event_name from;
insert into t1 (a) values (1)|
ERROR 0A000: Not allowed to return a result set from a trigger
drop procedure p1|
create procedure p1()
show create event e1; 
insert into t1 (a) values (1)|
ERROR 0A000: Not allowed to return a result set from a trigger
drop procedure p1|
create procedure p1()
create temporary table tmp select event_name from;
expected to work, since we redirect the output into a tmp table
insert into t1 (a) values (1)|
select * from tmp|
drop temporary table tmp|
drop procedure p1|
create procedure p1()
alter event e1 rename to e2;
insert into t1 (a) values (1)|
ERROR HY000: Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.
drop procedure p1|
create procedure p1()
drop event e1;
insert into t1 (a) values (1)|
ERROR HY000: Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.
drop table t1|
drop event e1|
drop database events_test;