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 * $Id: xa.h,v 12.1 2005/06/16 20:21:49 bostic Exp $
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 * Start of xa.h header
 * Define a symbol to prevent multiple inclusions of this header file
#ifndef	XA_H
#define	XA_H

 * Transaction branch identification: XID and NULLXID:
#define	XIDDATASIZE	128		/* size in bytes */
#define	MAXGTRIDSIZE	 64		/* maximum size in bytes of gtrid */
#define	MAXBQUALSIZE	 64		/* maximum size in bytes of bqual */

struct xid_t {
	long formatID;			/* format identifier */
	long gtrid_length;		/* value from 1 through 64 */
	long bqual_length;		/* value from 1 through 64 */
	char data[XIDDATASIZE];
typedef	struct xid_t XID;
 * A value of -1 in formatID means that the XID is null.

 * Declarations of routines by which RMs call TMs:
extern int ax_reg __P((int, XID *, long));
extern int ax_unreg __P((int, long));

 * XA Switch Data Structure
#define	RMNAMESZ	32		/* length of resource manager name, */
					/* including the null terminator */
#define	MAXINFOSIZE	256		/* maximum size in bytes of xa_info */
					/* strings, including the null
					terminator */
struct xa_switch_t {
	char name[RMNAMESZ];		/* name of resource manager */
	long flags;			/* resource manager specific options */
	long version;			/* must be 0 */
	int (*xa_open_entry)		/* xa_open function pointer */
	    __P((char *, int, long));
	int (*xa_close_entry)		/* xa_close function pointer */
	    __P((char *, int, long));
	int (*xa_start_entry)		/* xa_start function pointer */
	    __P((XID *, int, long));
	int (*xa_end_entry)		/* xa_end function pointer */
	    __P((XID *, int, long));
	int (*xa_rollback_entry)	/* xa_rollback function pointer */
	    __P((XID *, int, long));
	int (*xa_prepare_entry)		/* xa_prepare function pointer */
	    __P((XID *, int, long));
	int (*xa_commit_entry)		/* xa_commit function pointer */
	    __P((XID *, int, long));
	int (*xa_recover_entry)		/* xa_recover function pointer */
	    __P((XID *, long, int, long));
	int (*xa_forget_entry)		/* xa_forget function pointer */
	    __P((XID *, int, long));
	int (*xa_complete_entry)	/* xa_complete function pointer */
	    __P((int *, int *, int, long));

 * Flag definitions for the RM switch
#define	TMNOFLAGS	0x00000000L	/* no resource manager features
					selected */
#define	TMREGISTER	0x00000001L	/* resource manager dynamically
					registers */
#define	TMNOMIGRATE	0x00000002L	/* resource manager does not support
					association migration */
#define	TMUSEASYNC	0x00000004L	/* resource manager supports
					asynchronous operations */
 * Flag definitions for xa_ and ax_ routines
/* use TMNOFLAGGS, defined above, when not specifying other flags */
#define	TMASYNC		0x80000000L	/* perform routine asynchronously */
#define	TMONEPHASE	0x40000000L	/* caller is using one-phase commit
					optimisation */
#define	TMFAIL		0x20000000L	/* dissociates caller and marks
					transaction branch rollback-only */
#define	TMNOWAIT	0x10000000L	/* return if blocking condition
					exists */
#define	TMRESUME	0x08000000L	/* caller is resuming association with
					suspended transaction branch */
#define	TMSUCCESS	0x04000000L	/* dissociate caller from transaction
					branch */
#define	TMSUSPEND	0x02000000L	/* caller is suspending, not ending,
					association */
#define	TMSTARTRSCAN	0x01000000L	/* start a recovery scan */
#define	TMENDRSCAN	0x00800000L	/* end a recovery scan */
#define	TMMULTIPLE	0x00400000L	/* wait for any asynchronous
					operation */
#define	TMJOIN		0x00200000L	/* caller is joining existing
					transaction branch */
#define	TMMIGRATE	0x00100000L	/* caller intends to perform
					migration */

 * ax_() return codes (transaction manager reports to resource manager)
#define	TM_JOIN		2		/* caller is joining existing
					transaction branch */
#define	TM_RESUME	1		/* caller is resuming association with
					suspended transaction branch */
#define	TM_OK		0		/* normal execution */
#define	TMER_TMERR	-1		/* an error occurred in the transaction
					manager */
#define	TMER_INVAL	-2		/* invalid arguments were given */
#define	TMER_PROTO	-3		/* routine invoked in an improper
					context */

 * xa_() return codes (resource manager reports to transaction manager)
#define	XA_RBBASE	100		/* The inclusive lower bound of the
					rollback codes */
#define	XA_RBROLLBACK	XA_RBBASE	/* The rollback was caused by an
					unspecified reason */
#define	XA_RBCOMMFAIL	XA_RBBASE+1	/* The rollback was caused by a
					communication failure */
#define	XA_RBDEADLOCK	XA_RBBASE+2	/* A deadlock was detected */
#define	XA_RBINTEGRITY	XA_RBBASE+3	/* A condition that violates the
					integrity of the resources was
					detected */
#define	XA_RBOTHER	XA_RBBASE+4	/* The resource manager rolled back the
					transaction branch for a reason not
					on this list */
#define	XA_RBPROTO	XA_RBBASE+5	/* A protocol error occurred in the
					resource manager */
#define	XA_RBTIMEOUT	XA_RBBASE+6	/* A transaction branch took too long */
#define	XA_RBTRANSIENT	XA_RBBASE+7	/* May retry the transaction branch */
#define	XA_RBEND	XA_RBTRANSIENT	/* The inclusive upper bound of the
					rollback codes */
#define	XA_NOMIGRATE	9		/* resumption must occur where
					suspension occurred */
#define	XA_HEURHAZ	8		/* the transaction branch may have
					been heuristically completed */
#define	XA_HEURCOM	7		/* the transaction branch has been
					heuristically committed */
#define	XA_HEURRB	6		/* the transaction branch has been
					heuristically rolled back */
#define	XA_HEURMIX	5		/* the transaction branch has been
					heuristically committed and rolled
					back */
#define	XA_RETRY	4		/* routine returned with no effect and
					may be re-issued */
#define	XA_RDONLY	3		/* the transaction branch was read-only
					and has been committed */
#define	XA_OK		0		/* normal execution */
#define	XAER_ASYNC	-2		/* asynchronous operation already
					outstanding */
#define	XAER_RMERR	-3		/* a resource manager error occurred in
					 the transaction branch */
#define	XAER_NOTA	-4		/* the XID is not valid */
#define	XAER_INVAL	-5		/* invalid arguments were given */
#define	XAER_PROTO	-6		/* routine invoked in an improper
					context */
#define	XAER_RMFAIL	-7		/* resource manager unavailable */
#define	XAER_DUPID	-8		/* the XID already exists */
#define	XAER_OUTSIDE	-9		/* resource manager doing work outside
					transaction */
#endif /* ifndef XA_H */
 * End of xa.h header