rpl_sync.test 5.03 KB
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# This test verifies the options --sync-relay-log-info and --relay-log-recovery by 
# crashing the slave in two different situations:
#  (case-1) - Corrupt the relay log with changes which were not processed by
#  the SQL Thread and crashes it.
#  (case-2) - Corrupt the master.info with wrong coordinates and crashes it.
#  Case 1:
#    1 - Stops the SQL Thread
#    2 - Inserts new records into the master.
#    3 - Corrupts the relay-log.bin* which most likely has such changes.
#    4 - Crashes the slave
#    5 - Verifies if the slave is sync with the master which means that the information
#    loss was circumvented by the recovery process.
#  Case 2:
#    1 - Stops the SQL/IO Threads
#    2 - Inserts new records into the master.
#    3 - Corrupts the master.info with wrong coordinates.
#    4 - Crashes the slave
#    5 - Verifies if the slave is sync with the master which means that the information
#    loss was circumvented by the recovery process.

#                                Configuring the environment
--echo =====Configuring the enviroment=======;
--source include/master-slave.inc
--source include/not_embedded.inc
--source include/not_valgrind.inc
--source include/have_debug.inc
--source include/have_innodb.inc

call mtr.add_suppression('Attempting backtrace');
call mtr.add_suppression("Recovery from master pos .* and file master-bin.000001");
CREATE TABLE t1(a INT, PRIMARY KEY(a)) engine=innodb;

insert into t1(a) values(1);
insert into t1(a) values(2);
insert into t1(a) values(3);

#                             Case 1: Corrupt a relay-log.bin*
--echo =====Inserting data on the master but without the SQL Thread being running=======;

connection slave;
let $MYSQLD_SLAVE_DATADIR= `select @@datadir`;
--copy_file $MYSQLD_SLAVE_DATADIR/master.info $MYSQLD_SLAVE_DATADIR/master.backup
stop slave SQL_THREAD;
source include/wait_for_slave_sql_to_stop.inc;

connection master;
insert into t1(a) values(4);
insert into t1(a) values(5);
insert into t1(a) values(6);

--echo =====Removing relay log files and crashing/recoverying the slave=======;
connection slave;
stop slave IO_THREAD;
source include/wait_for_slave_io_to_stop.inc;

let $file= query_get_value("SHOW SLAVE STATUS", Relay_Log_File, 1);
--exec echo "failure" > $MYSQLD_SLAVE_DATADIR/$file

--exec echo "restart" > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect
SET SESSION debug="d,crash_before_rotate_relaylog";
--error 2013

--source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc

--echo =====Dumping and comparing tables=======;
start slave;
source include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc;

connection master;

let $diff_table_1=master:test.t1;
let $diff_table_2=slave:test.t1;
source include/diff_tables.inc;

#                             Case 2: Corrupt a master.info
--echo =====Corrupting the master.info=======;
connection slave;
stop slave;
source include/wait_for_slave_to_stop.inc;

connection master;

insert into t1(a) values(7);
insert into t1(a) values(8);
insert into t1(a) values(9);

connection slave;
--exec cat $MYSQLD_SLAVE_DATADIR/master.backup > $MYSQLD_SLAVE_DATADIR/master.info

let MYSQLD_SLAVE_DATADIR=`select @@datadir`;

use strict;
use warnings;
my $src= "$ENV{'MYSQLD_SLAVE_DATADIR'}/master.backup";
my $dst= "$ENV{'MYSQLD_SLAVE_DATADIR'}/master.info";
open(FILE, "<", $src) or die;
my @content= <FILE>;
close FILE;
open(FILE, ">", $dst) or die;
binmode FILE;
print FILE @content;
close FILE;

--exec echo "restart" > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect
SET SESSION debug="d,crash_before_rotate_relaylog";
--error 2013

--source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc

--echo =====Dumping and comparing tables=======;
start slave;
source include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc;

connection master;

let $diff_table_1=master:test.t1;
let $diff_table_2=slave:test.t1;
source include/diff_tables.inc;

#                                      Clean up
--echo =====Clean up=======;
connection master;
drop table t1;