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# SQL Syntax for Prepared Statements test
drop table if exists t1,t2;

create table t1
  a int primary key,
  b char(10)
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12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
insert into t1 values (1,'one');
insert into t1 values (2,'two');
insert into t1 values (3,'three');
insert into t1 values (4,'four');

# basic functionality
set @a=2;
prepare stmt1 from 'select * from t1 where a <= ?';
execute stmt1 using @a;
set @a=3;
execute stmt1 using @a;

# non-existant statement
--error 1243
deallocate prepare no_such_statement;

--error 1210
execute stmt1;

# Nesting ps commands is not allowed: 
--error 1064
prepare stmt2 from 'prepare nested_stmt from "select 1"';

--error 1064
prepare stmt2 from 'execute stmt1';

--error 1064
prepare stmt2 from 'deallocate prepare z';

# PS insert 
prepare stmt3 from 'insert into t1 values (?,?)';
set @arg1=5, @arg2='five';
execute stmt3 using @arg1, @arg2;
select * from t1 where a>3;

# PS update 
prepare stmt4 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?';
set @arg1=55, @arg2='five';
execute stmt4 using @arg1, @arg2;
select * from t1 where a>3;

# PS create/delete
prepare stmt4 from 'create table t2 (a int)';
execute stmt4;
prepare stmt4 from 'drop table t2';
execute stmt4;

# Do something that will cause error
--error 1051
execute stmt4;

# placeholders in result field names.
prepare stmt5 from 'select ? + a from t1';
set @a=1;
execute stmt5 using @a;

execute stmt5 using @no_such_var;

set @nullvar=1;
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72 73 74
set @nullvar=NULL;
execute stmt5 using @nullvar;

75 76 77
set @nullvar2=NULL;
execute stmt5 using @nullvar2;

78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88
# Check that multiple SQL statements are disabled inside PREPARE
--error 1064
prepare stmt6 from 'select 1; select2';

--error 1064
prepare stmt6 from 'insert into t1 values (5,"five"); select2';

# This shouldn't parse
--error 1064
explain prepare stmt6 from 'insert into t1 values (5,"five"); select2';

89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
create table t2
  a int

insert into t2 values (0);

# parameter is NULL
set @arg00=NULL ;
prepare stmt1 from 'select 1 FROM t2 where a=?' ;
execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;

101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116
# prepare using variables:
--error 1064
prepare stmt1 from @nosuchvar;

set @ivar= 1234;
--error 1064
prepare stmt1 from @ivar;

set @fvar= 123.4567;
--error 1064
prepare stmt1 from @fvar;

set @str1 = 'select ?';
set @str2 = convert(@str1 using ucs2);
prepare stmt1 from @str2;
execute stmt1 using @ivar;
drop table t1,t2;

119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126
# Bug #4105: Server crash on attempt to prepare a statement with character
# set introducer
PREPARE stmt1 FROM "select _utf8 'A' collate utf8_bin = ?";
set @var='A';
EXECUTE stmt1 USING @var;
127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142

# BUG#3486:  FOUND_ROWS() fails inside stored procedure [and prepared statement]
create table t1 (id int);
prepare stmt1 from "select FOUND_ROWS()";
select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * from t1;
# Expect 0
execute stmt1;
insert into t1 values (1);
select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * from t1;
# Expect 1
execute stmt1;
# Expect 0
execute stmt1;
deallocate prepare stmt1;
143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168
drop table t1;

# prepared EXPLAIN
create table t1 
  c1  tinyint, c2  smallint, c3  mediumint, c4  int,
  c5  integer, c6  bigint, c7  float, c8  double,
  c9  double precision, c10 real, c11 decimal(7, 4), c12 numeric(8, 4),
  c13 date, c14 datetime, c15 timestamp(14), c16 time,
  c17 year, c18 bit, c19 bool, c20 char,
  c21 char(10), c22 varchar(30), c23 tinyblob, c24 tinytext,
  c25 blob, c26 text, c27 mediumblob, c28 mediumtext,
  c29 longblob, c30 longtext, c31 enum('one', 'two', 'three'),
  c32 set('monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday')
) engine = MYISAM ;
create table t2 like t1;

set @stmt= ' explain SELECT (SELECT SUM(c1 + c12 + 0.0) FROM t2 where (t1.c2 - 0e-3) = t2.c2 GROUP BY t1.c15 LIMIT 1) as scalar_s, exists (select 1.0e+0 from t2 where t2.c3 * 9.0000000000 = t1.c4) as exists_s, c5 * 4 in (select c6 + 0.3e+1 from t2) as in_s, (c7 - 4, c8 - 4) in (select c9 + 4.0, c10 + 40e-1 from t2) as in_row_s FROM t1, (select c25 x, c32 y from t2) tt WHERE x * 1 = c25 ' ;
prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
execute stmt1 ;
execute stmt1 ;
explain SELECT (SELECT SUM(c1 + c12 + 0.0) FROM t2 where (t1.c2 - 0e-3) = t2.c2 GROUP BY t1.c15 LIMIT 1) as scalar_s, exists (select 1.0e+0 from t2 where t2.c3 * 9.0000000000 = t1.c4) as exists_s, c5 * 4 in (select c6 + 0.3e+1 from t2) as in_s, (c7 - 4, c8 - 4) in (select c9 + 4.0, c10 + 40e-1 from t2) as in_row_s FROM t1, (select c25 x, c32 y from t2) tt WHERE x * 1 = c25;
deallocate prepare stmt1;
drop tables t1,t2;