xtable.h 10.2 KB
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/**************** Table H Declares Source Code File (.H) ***************/
/*  Name: TABLE.H    Version 2.2                                       */
/*                                                                     */
/*  (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND          1999-2012    */
/*                                                                     */
/*  This file contains the TBX, OPJOIN and TDB class definitions.      */
#if !defined(TABLE_DEFINED)
#define      TABLE_DEFINED

/*  Include required application header files                          */
/*  block.h      is header containing Block    global declarations.    */
#include "assert.h"
#include "block.h"
#include "colblk.h"
#include "m_ctype.h"
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20 21

//pedef class  INDEXDEF  *PIXDEF;
22 23 24
typedef char         *PFIL;                // Specific to CONNECT
typedef class TDBCAT *PTDBCAT;
typedef class CATCOL *PCATCOL;
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25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107

/*  Definition of class TBX (pure virtual class for TDB and OPJOIN)    */
class DllExport TBX: public BLOCK { // Base class for OPJOIN and TDB classes.
  // Constructors
  TBX(PTBX txp);

  // Implementation
  inline  PTBX  GetOrig(void) {return To_Orig;}
  inline  TUSE  GetUse(void) {return Use;}
  inline  void  SetUse(TUSE n) {Use = n;}
  inline  PFIL  GetFilter(void) {return To_Filter;}
  inline  void  SetOrig(PTBX txp) {To_Orig = txp;}
  inline  void  SetFilter(PFIL fp) {To_Filter = fp;}
//inline  JTYPE GetJtype(void) {return Jtype;}
//inline  void  SetJtype(JTYPE jt) {Jtype = jt;}
//inline  PFIL  GetNoleft(void) {return To_Noleft;}
//inline  void  SetNoleft(PFIL fp) {To_Noleft = fp;}

  // Methods
  virtual bool IsSame(PTBX tp) {return tp == this;}
//virtual bool Include(PTBX tbxp) = 0;
//virtual bool CheckFilter(void) = 0;
  virtual int  GetTdb_No(void) = 0;   // Convenience during conversion
  virtual PTDB GetNext(void) = 0;
//virtual int  GetMaxSame(PGLOBAL) = 0;
  virtual int  Cardinality(PGLOBAL) = 0;
  virtual int  GetMaxSize(PGLOBAL) = 0;
  virtual int  GetProgMax(PGLOBAL) = 0;
  virtual int  GetProgCur(void) = 0;
  virtual int  GetBadLines(void) {return 0;}
//virtual bool IsJoin(void) = 0;
  virtual PTBX Copy(PTABS t) = 0;

//virtual void PrepareFilters(PGLOBAL g) = 0;

  // Members
  PTBX  To_Orig;      // Pointer to original if it is a copy
  PFIL  To_Filter;
//PFIL  To_Noleft;     // To filter not involved in LEFT JOIN
//JTYPE Jtype;
  TUSE  Use;
  }; // end of class TBX

/*  Definition of class TDB with all its method functions.             */
class DllExport TDB: public TBX {     // Table Descriptor Block.
  // Constructors
  TDB(PTDB tdbp);

  // Implementation
  static  void   SetTnum(int n) {Tnum = n;}
  inline  LPCSTR GetName(void) {return Name;}
  inline  PTABLE GetTable(void) {return To_Table;}
  inline  PCOL   GetColumns(void) {return Columns;}
  inline  int    GetDegree(void) {return Degree;}
  inline  MODE   GetMode(void) {return Mode;}
  inline  void   SetNext(PTDB tdbp) {Next = tdbp;}
  inline  void   SetName(LPCSTR name) {Name = name;}
  inline  void   SetTable(PTABLE tablep) {To_Table = tablep;}
  inline  void   SetColumns(PCOL colp) {Columns = colp;}
  inline  void   SetDegree(int degree) {Degree = degree;}
  inline  void   SetMode(MODE mode) {Mode = mode;}

  virtual int    GetTdb_No(void) {return Tdb_No;}
  virtual PTDB   GetNext(void) {return Next;}
  virtual PCATLG GetCat(void) {return NULL;}

  // Methods
  virtual AMT    GetAmType(void) {return TYPE_AM_ERROR;}
  virtual bool   GetBlockValues(PGLOBAL g) {return false;}
  virtual int    Cardinality(PGLOBAL g) {return (g) ? -1 : 0;}
  virtual int    RowNumber(PGLOBAL g, bool b = false);
  virtual bool   IsReadOnly(void) {return true;}
  virtual const CHARSET_INFO *data_charset() { return NULL; }
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  virtual PTDB   Duplicate(PGLOBAL g) {return NULL;}
  virtual PTDB   CopyOne(PTABS t) {return this;}
  virtual PTBX   Copy(PTABS t);
  virtual void   PrintAM(FILE *f, char *m) 
                  {fprintf(f, "%s AM(%d)\n",  m, GetAmType());}
  virtual void   Print(PGLOBAL g, FILE *f, uint n);
  virtual void   Print(PGLOBAL g, char *ps, uint z);

  // Database pure virtual routines
  virtual PCOL   ColDB(PGLOBAL g, PSZ name, int num) = 0;
  virtual void   MarkDB(PGLOBAL, PTDB) = 0;
  virtual bool   OpenDB(PGLOBAL) = 0;
  virtual int    ReadDB(PGLOBAL) = 0;
  virtual int    WriteDB(PGLOBAL) = 0;
  virtual int    DeleteDB(PGLOBAL, int) = 0;
  virtual void   CloseDB(PGLOBAL) = 0;
  virtual int    CheckWrite(PGLOBAL g) {return 0;}

  // Database routines
  bool OpenTable(PGLOBAL g, PSQL sqlp, MODE mode);
  void CloseTable(PGLOBAL g);

  // Members
  static int Tnum;     // Used to generate Tdb_no's
  const  int Tdb_No;   // GetTdb_No() is always 0 for OPJOIN
  PTDB   Next;         // Next in linearized queries
  PTABLE To_Table;     // Points to the XTAB object
  LPCSTR Name;         // Table name
  PCOL   Columns;      // Points to the first column of the table
  MODE   Mode;         // 10 Read, 30 Update, 40 Insert, 50 Delete
  int    Degree;       // Number of columns
  }; // end of class TDB

/*  This is the base class for all query tables (except decode).       */
class DllExport TDBASE : public TDB {
  friend class INDEXDEF;
  friend class XINDEX;
  friend class XINDXS;
  // Constructor

  // Implementation
  inline  int     GetKnum(void) {return Knum;}
  inline  PTABDEF GetDef(void) {return To_Def;}
  inline  PKXBASE GetKindex(void) {return To_Kindex;}
  inline  PCOL    GetSetCols(void) {return To_SetCols;}
  inline  void    SetSetCols(PCOL colp) {To_SetCols = colp;}

  // Properties
  void    SetKindex(PKXBASE kxp);
  PCOL    Key(int i) {return (To_Key_Col) ? To_Key_Col[i] : NULL;}

  // Methods
  virtual bool   IsUsingTemp(PGLOBAL g) {return false;}
  virtual PCATLG GetCat(void);
  virtual PSZ    GetPath(void);
  virtual void   PrintAM(FILE *f, char *m);
  virtual RECFM  GetFtype(void) {return RECFM_NAF;}
  virtual int    GetAffectedRows(void) {return -1;}
  virtual int    GetRecpos(void) = 0;
  virtual bool   SetRecpos(PGLOBAL g, int recpos);
  virtual bool   IsReadOnly(void) {return Read_Only;}
176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184
  virtual CHARSET_INFO *data_charset()
      If no DATA_CHARSET is specified, we assume that character
      set of the remote data is the same with CHARACTER SET 
      definition of the SQL column.
    return m_data_charset ? m_data_charset : &my_charset_bin;
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  virtual int    GetProgMax(PGLOBAL g) {return GetMaxSize(g);}
  virtual int    GetProgCur(void) {return GetRecpos();}
187 188
  virtual PSZ    GetFile(PGLOBAL g) {return "Not a file";}
  virtual int    GetRemote(void) {return 0;}
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189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212
  virtual void   SetFile(PGLOBAL g, PSZ fn) {}
  virtual void   ResetDB(void) {}
  virtual void   ResetSize(void) {MaxSize = -1;}
  virtual void   RestoreNrec(void) {}
  virtual int    ResetTableOpt(PGLOBAL g, bool dox);

  // Database routines
  virtual PCOL ColDB(PGLOBAL g, PSZ name, int num);
  virtual PCOL MakeCol(PGLOBAL, PCOLDEF, PCOL, int)
                      {assert(false); return NULL;}
  virtual PCOL InsertSpecialColumn(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp);
  virtual PCOL InsertSpcBlk(PGLOBAL g, PCOLUMN cp);
  virtual void MarkDB(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdb2);

  // Members
  PTABDEF  To_Def;            // Points to catalog description block
  PXOB    *To_Link;           // Points to column of previous relations
  PCOL    *To_Key_Col;        // Points to key columns in current file
  PKXBASE  To_Kindex;         // Points to table key index
  PCOL     To_SetCols;        // Points to updated columns
  int      MaxSize;            // Max size in number of lines
  int      Knum;              // Size of key arrays
  bool     Read_Only;         // True for read only tables
  const CHARSET_INFO *m_data_charset;
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  }; // end of class TDBASE

216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277
/*  The abstract base class declaration for the catalog tables.        */
class TDBCAT : public TDBASE {
  friend class CATCOL;
  // Constructor

  // Implementation
  virtual AMT  GetAmType(void) {return TYPE_AM_CAT;}

  // Methods
  virtual int  GetRecpos(void) {return N;}
  virtual int  GetProgCur(void) {return N;}
  virtual int  RowNumber(PGLOBAL g, bool b = false) {return N + 1;}

  // Database routines
  virtual PCOL MakeCol(PGLOBAL g, PCOLDEF cdp, PCOL cprec, int n);
  virtual int  GetMaxSize(PGLOBAL g);
  virtual bool OpenDB(PGLOBAL g);
  virtual int  ReadDB(PGLOBAL g);
  virtual int  WriteDB(PGLOBAL g);
  virtual int  DeleteDB(PGLOBAL g, int irc);
  virtual void CloseDB(PGLOBAL g);

  // Specific routines
  virtual PQRYRES GetResult(PGLOBAL g) = 0;
          bool Initialize(PGLOBAL g);
          bool InitCol(PGLOBAL g);

  // Members
  PQRYRES Qrp;           
  int     N;                  // Row number
  bool    Init;          
  }; // end of class TDBCAT

/*  Class CATCOL: ODBC info column.                                    */
class CATCOL : public COLBLK {
  friend class TDBCAT;
  // Constructors
  CATCOL(PCOLDEF cdp, PTDB tdbp, int n);

  // Implementation
  virtual int  GetAmType(void) {return TYPE_AM_ODBC;}

  // Methods
  virtual void ReadColumn(PGLOBAL g);

  CATCOL(void) {}              // Default constructor not to be used

  // Members
  PTDBCAT Tdbp;                // Points to ODBC table block
  PCOLRES Crp;                // The column data array
  int     Flag;
  }; // end of class CATCOL

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#endif  // TABLE_DEFINED