Alexander Barkov authored
Fixing the problem that an operation involving a mix of two or more GEOMETRY operands did not preserve their SRIDs. Now SRIDs are preserved by hybrid functions, subqueries, TVCs, UNIONs, VIEWs. Incompatible change: An attempt to mix two different SRIDs now raises an error. Details: - Adding a new class Type_extra_attributes. It's a generic container which can store very specific data type attributes. For now it can store one uint32 and one const pointer attribute (for GEOMETRY's SRID and for ENUM/SET TYPELIB respectively). In the future it can grow as needed. Type_extra_attributes will also be reused soon to store "const Type_zone*" pointers for the TIMESTAMP's "WITH TIME ZONE 'tz'" attribute (a timestamp data type with a fixed time zone independent from @@time_zone). The time zone attribute will be stored in exactly the same way like a TYPELIB pointer is stored by ENUM/SET. - Removing Column_definition_attributes members "interval" and "srid". Deriving Column_definition_attributes from the generic attribute container Type_extra_attributes instead. - Adding a new class Type_typelib_attributes, to store the TYPELIB of the ENUM and SET data types. Deriving Field_enum from it. Removing the member Field_enum::typelib. - Adding a new class Type_geom_attributes, to store the GEOMETRY related attributes. Deriving Field_geom from it. Removing the member Field_geom::srid. - Removing virtual methods: Field::get_typelib() Type_all_attributes::get_typelib() and Type_all_attributes::set_typelib() They were very specific to TYPELIB. Adding more generic virtual methods instead: * Field::type_extra_attributes() - to get extra attributes * Type_all_attributes::type_extra_attributes() - to get extra attributes * Type_all_attributes::type_extra_attributes_addr() - to set extra attributes - Removing Item_type_holder::enum_set_typelib. Deriving Item_type_holder from the generic attribute container Type_extra_attributes instead. This makes it possible for UNION to preserve SRID (in addition to preserving TYPELIB). - Deriving Item_hybrid_func from Type_extra_attributes. This makes it possible for hybrid functions (e.g. CASE, COALESCE, LEAST, GREATEST etc) to preserve SRID. - Deriving Item_singlerow_subselect from Type_extra_attributes and overriding methods: * Item_cache::type_extra_attributes() * subselect_single_select_engine::fix_length_and_dec() * Item_singlerow_subselect::type_extra_attributes() * Item_singlerow_subselect::type_extra_attributes_addr() This is needed to preserve SRID in subqueries and TVCs - Cleanup: fixing the data type of members * Binlog_type_info::m_enum_typelib * Binlog_type_info::m_set_typelib from "TYPELIB *" to "const TYPELIB *"